The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7187: Fortunately?

"Is there really anyone in this world who can see through him completely? Don't say I don't have that ability. I'm afraid no one can do it. This guy is the biggest mystery in the world..." Ampei Xieying said.

The two women's emotions were tense and their hearts were hanging in the air. They retreated to the edge of the rooftop, staying as far away from the aftermath of the fierce battle as possible to avoid affecting them.

And they are always on extreme vigilance. If there is even the slightest hint of crisis, they will jump off the tall building without hesitation.

They can't bring help to Chen Liuhe, but they can never become a burden to Chen Liuhe, let alone let the enemy restrain them to blackmail Chen Liuhe.

"Elbow!" During the fierce battle, Chen Liuhe's roar came out. He kicked forward, bent his right arm into an elbow, and with terrifying momentum, he fiercely crashed into a strong man in the demigod realm.

"Bang!" With a heart-shaking muffled sound, the demigod-level expert flew upside down like a kite with its string cut off. Although he hurriedly raised his hands to resist at the critical juncture, he could not withstand the power of Chen Liuhe's elbow.

"Iron Mountain Climb!" Flying ahead of one person, Chen Liuhe turned around with a smooth and graceful movement. He changed his direction instantly and at the same time, he hit another strong person in the demigod realm with another domineering Iron Mountain Cutter.

As expected, this demi-god realm expert was also knocked out by Chen Liuhe!

No matter what level of battle he is at, Chen Liuhe's close combat skills are always so fierce and fierce, giving people an aura that is difficult to resist. Even if he is blocking two strong men in the demigod realm, he still has an absolute advantage. Advantage!

This is the terrifying thing about Chen Liuhe!

"Xuanyuan Zhan!" At the peak of his momentum, Chen Liuhe didn't bother to follow the opponent's ink, and jumped into the air. He was still in mid-air, his arms straightened together, and a super powerful light bloomed, illuminating the entire area. night sky.

The powerful light surged, roaring continuously in the night, and soon condensed into a huge sword, almost filling the night sky.

"Boom!" The huge long sword slashed down, slashing towards the two demi-god realm experts with a destructive power.

"Break it for me!"

"Get away!"

The two demigod-level experts roared angrily, with frightened and angry expressions on their faces, and their eyes widening. It was obvious that the frustration of this battle had made them truly angry!

After shouting loudly, the two of them did not hesitate, and released their own divine realms at the same time with great tacit understanding.

As time went on, this space was covered by the spread of the terrifying potential field, and when the huge sword fell, it did not cause much ripples, but was shattered on the spot by the super energy in the potential field.

"Can't you finally bear it? I thought you wouldn't be willing to show off your skills until you die."

Chen Liuhe sneered. He was in the dual realm and had no intention of panicking at all. Although the super pressure made it very difficult for him to move forward, he still had a proud posture and absolute confidence.

"Don't waste time with him. Let's use our full strength to kill him on the spot and make a quick decision!" A strong man in the demigod realm roared. The evil sect on Chen Liuhe made them feel an unprecedented threat. They did not dare to fight again. A little too much.

"This may be your final death declaration." Before Chen Liuhe's sarcastic words could finish, bursts of roaring Buddhist sounds suddenly came from the sky, like the sound of Zen, which shocked the heart.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Liuhe was enveloped by pieces of powerful and dazzling light, and the golden light condensed into a thick Buddha bell!

Buddhist golden bell for body protection!

Countless Buddhist secret texts are suspended and swimming around the golden bell.

At this moment, Chen Liuhe looked sacred and solemn, and his whole aura had improved a lot!

"Kill!" The two demi-god realm experts looked fiercely and launched an offensive together.

The scene is grand, the offensive is like thunder, and the waves are like tide!

Facing the fierce offensive, Chen Liuhe was fearless and had no intention of evading.

With a sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth, he placed his palms on his chest and quickly squeezed the weird seal!





The Buddhist mantras resounded like sounds from the sky. Every time a note appeared, the entire space shook.

Golden secret texts emerged one after another, as if bursting out of the sky, containing sacred mysteries and possessing terrifying power!

The secret technique of Buddhism, the six-character mantra, was used by Chen Liuhe in this way!

"Boom, boom, boom~~" The golden Buddhist inscriptions collided crazily in the night, shattering the tsunami-like waves.

Chen Liuhe single-handedly defeated two strong men in the demigod realm without losing the slightest bit!

At this moment, Chen Liuhe was much more fierce and domineering than last night!

This shocked Ampei Xieying and Xinghai even more.

In the battle last night, they witnessed with their own eyes that Chen Liuhe was not that strong. Obviously, Chen Liuhe still hid part of his strength last night!

This guy is so terrifying!

In the fierce battle, Chen Liuhe was incredibly brave. He fought hard with his opponent and had no intention of giving in!

On the other hand, the two Demigod Realm experts, although with the support of their domain, they recovered from the decline and somewhat suppressed Chen Liuhe.

But in their hearts, they were not at all calm, nor at all happy. Instead, they were frightened.

You know, Chen Liuhe has not been able to hold up the Divine Realm until now.

"Tai Dou Seal!" Chen Liuhe's roar once again penetrated the entire night sky and resounded in everyone's heart.

He squeezed the seal with both palms, and a huge mountain that almost filled the entire sky emerged, majestic and terrifying.

"Boom!" Chen Liuhe stretched out his arms, and the huge mountain came down with a huge roar, as powerful as a rainbow.

The pupils of the two demigod-level experts shrank, and they attacked one after another. They launched their strongest offensive and faced each other head-on with Tai Dou Yin.

The night was annihilated, the space was turbulent, and countless air currents were like waves in the sea, stirring and flying, shattering the night sky.

The building was shaking, as if it might collapse at any time.

The scene is horrific!

"You can still compete with us without a domain, but you are so strong! You must die, you can't live for a moment longer!" One of the Demigod Realm experts howled in shock and anger.

After the fierce fight, Chen Liuhe and the two demigod-level experts were both sent flying more than ten meters away.

In this case, the two sides actually fought tooth and nail!

On the other side, two strong men in the demigod realm who were also fighting fiercely were also shocked and uneasy by the fierce fighting here.

The man in black robe pestered the opponent, making the old man unable to do anything when he wanted to withdraw and rush for help several times. He planned to kill Chen Liuhe first.

"Fortunately, you have not been promoted to the demigod realm, otherwise when you understand the power of the realm, no one will be your opponent!"

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