The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7189: just started

Chen Liuhe looked at the man in black robe and said slowly: "What are you waiting for? The time has come to show off the strength of your Lucifer family."

"My mission has been completed. You won't let me wait too long, right?" Chen Liuhe had no intention of taking action again.

Since the Lucifer family has entered the game with such sincerity, does Chen Liuhe have to let the strong men of the Lucifer family get the blood and lives of the Shengu family?

Once he fell into his trap, there was no way he would give him a chance to escape.

Whether it is against enemies or allies, this has always been Chen Liuhe's purpose.

Another one, the powerful demigod from the ancient Shen family, had been completely defeated and was now in extreme fear.

In such a state, the opponent's combat effectiveness will be greatly affected. The men in black robes of the Lucifer family should be able to crush the opponent!

Besides, Chen Liuhe was sitting on the sidelines, so he couldn't make any waves.

After hearing Chen Liuhe's words, the man in black robe did not hesitate and went straight towards the opponent to kill him. As soon as he struck out, it was a vicious killing move.

Half an hour later, tonight's fight that was supposed to be extremely dangerous ended with Chen Liuhe paying a very small price.

Three strong men in the demigod realm, plus a strong man who was about to enter the demigod realm, all died, and there was no intact body!

In advance, no one expected such a result.

Not to mention the several strong men from the ancient Shengu family who died on the spot, even Ampei Xieying and Xinghai didn't expect it, and even the strong demigods from the Lucifer family didn't expect it.

They knew that Chen Liuhe was very strong, but no one would have thought that Chen Liuhe would be so powerful that it was incomprehensible!

Even though they had witnessed Chen Liuhe's transformation last night, tonight's battle still brought great shock and impact to Anbei Xieying and Xinghai!

Because of the huge explosion, the entire Washington Hotel was plunged into chaos, and the surrounding streets were extremely congested.

On the street behind the hotel, no one noticed that Chen Liuhe and his party got into a black business car and left quietly, avoiding the surrounding eyes and ears.

In the business car, Holy Light Lucifer was driving, still wearing the same stiff and unsmiling expression. He did not take the initiative to ask anything about what happened tonight, and seemed not to be curious at all.

However, even without asking anything, the fact that Chen Liuhe and the others were able to escape unharmed is enough to prove a lot of things.

Looking at the chaotic scenes outside the car window, Chen Liuhe always had a faint smile on his calm face.

Tonight, the big families headed by Kang Senluo were very resourceful. Not only did they dispatch helicopters and heavy weapons, but the siege on the ground was also full of open guns and hidden sentries.

Fortunately, the official power of the United States has intervened and begun to maintain urban order. This allowed the commercial vehicle Chen Liuhe was in to leave this dangerous area smoothly.

"I have to admit that the other party's plan is very thorough. No matter how you look at it, it is a carefully planned killing situation." Chen Liuhe closed the curtains and said lightly.

"They have calculated everything, but the only thing they have missed is your strength." Xinghai said softly. Now, she couldn't calm down in her heart. The look in her eyes when she looked at Chen Liuhe also happened. Some subtle changes.

It seems that there is a little more awe...

It's hard not to feel awe for such a powerful man who is so arrogant and beyond recognition.

"Before they clearly understand this point, no matter how many arrangements and preparations they make, they are destined to pay a heavy price for their self-righteousness and stupidity." Xinghai said extremely solemnly.

"How to recognize it? Let alone people, even the God they call it is impossible to recognize the true strength of this guy. He has hidden it to an incredible extent." Ampei Xieying spoke.

Yes, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought that Chen Liuhe, a guy who showed himself to be a useless person, was already powerful enough to crush the demigod realm?

A smile bloomed on Chen Liuhe's face. He looked at these two breathtakingly beautiful women and said, "Don't use such a breathtaking tone, I will be proud."

An Pei Xieying glanced at Chen Liuhe: "Tonight their carefully planned plan failed, and several more powerful people died. This blow, even for the Shengu family, is too big to accept! "

"Next, your strength will inevitably be exposed. Even if they don't witness it with their own eyes, they can still have an idea."

Anbei Xieying said in a concentrated voice: "You still want to use this method of concealing the truth to take advantage of the situation. It is no longer possible. The Shengu family is not a fool. If you suffer the same loss twice in a row, you will not suffer a third loss again." Second-rate."

"The real crisis will come when they look at you squarely." Ampei Xieying's words made everyone fall into silence: "We all know that you are strong, but no matter how strong you are, you can compete with several great gods on your own. The Gu family’s cooperation?”

Chen Liuhe rolled his eyes and said: "Although I am a god-like man, I am not a **** yet..."

"So, what are you going to do next?" Ampei Xieying was quick in thinking and clear in mind.

"In two days, five strong men in the semi-god realm died. I can imagine that those ancient divine families will fall into madness! You can no longer hide the things you hide." Xinghai also said in a condensed voice, his expression changed. Extremely solemn.

They could imagine how serious and dangerous the next situation would be.

Chen Liuhe was able to hide his own strength and gain the upper hand repeatedly. He was able to steal the lives of five powerful demi-gods and inflict devastating blows to the ancient divine families. However, Chen Liuhe could not steal the lives in this way. The foundation of an ancient family of gods, thus causing their destruction.

Chen Liuhe didn't speak, but he didn't panic either. Obviously, he had already thought of this.

When it comes to brains, Chen Liuhe is always online, and is as powerful as his strength.

Putting his palms on his knees and tapping his fingers gently, Chen Liuhe fell into deep thought.

At this time, no one said anything, and no one dared to disturb Chen Liuhe.

Because at this moment, it seems that it is truly a matter of life and death.

To confront an ancient family of gods on your own? That's unrealistic. No matter how strong someone comes, they won't be able to do it.

This is another game that must never end. If Chen Liuhe cannot destroy the other party, he will definitely be destroyed by the other party!

Between the two sides, victory or defeat must be decided, as well as life and death!

Now it seems that the shocking act of killing five powerful demigods in a row is not the end, but the beginning of the real game!

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