The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7186: with full force

Chen Liuhe's roar shook the sky, and the surrounding air flow was turbulent and turning upside down. The space was tearing apart, and the air made a dense explosion of air, just like the end of the world.

Like light and shadow, Chen Liuhe rushed directly in front of the two demi-god realm experts.

"Boom!" He swept his leg out, causing the space to twist and ripple, as if it was about to collapse on the spot.

The two semi-god realm experts obviously did not expect Chen Liuhe to be so strong.

What's even more terrifying is that the power and momentum displayed by Chen Liuhe are enough to make them palpitate and frightened.

While their hearts were extremely shocked, the two demigod-level experts did not dare to raise their eyebrows. One of them raised his arms across his chest to block the attack.

The muffled sound of "Bang!" was deafening, and a horrifying scene appeared.

I saw that the strong man in the demigod realm who blocked Chen Liuhe's sweeping attack was sent flying away.

The body flew backwards for more than ten meters, leaving a deep mark in the ground!

"Boom!" Another strong man in the semi-god realm has arrived, and the sharp light pours out like a tide, swallowing Chen Liuhe instantly.

"That's it?" Chen Liuhe snorted coldly, and his body burst with light, breaking through everything in an instant.

He turned into a bright light and hit the body of this strong man in the demigod realm hard, causing the opponent to fly backwards as well!

The whole process is extremely fast and only takes a few breaths.

Chen Liuhe used this overbearing and unreasonable brutal method to knock out two strong men in the demigod realm.

This is a perfect display of strength and speed, this is a shocking manifestation of combat power!

You know, those are two strong men in the demigod realm, not just ordinary people!

This scene also made everyone around them stunned and confused. It felt too unreal.

As powerful as the last demigod-level man and the man in black robes, they had never seen such a terrifying guy like Chen Liuhe.

Why do you feel that an immortal powerhouse at the demigod level is a bit too vulnerable in front of him?

"Kill me? Just based on your skills?" Chen Liuhe stood there with a sneer, with an invincible aura about him that looked down upon everything.

This is his posture when he is at full strength, majestic and majestic!

"This..." Everyone present was down, their heads were in confusion, and they were horrified beyond words.

"How is this possible? How can you be so strong? Even if you hide your strength, you can't hide so much." The two strong demigods who were knocked away by Chen Liuhe got up from the ground.

They were not injured, but the shock in their hearts made it difficult for them to calm down.

"Can your lines be a little new? The two people I killed last night also said the same thing." Chen Liuhe sneered.

Real hunters all appear in the form of prey. When those self-righteous hunters appear, they realize that they are the prey. But at that moment, all the awakening and regret are of no use. .

Chen Liuhe has always done this, and it has always worked.

"Oh, by the way, haven't you always wanted to know the truth? I can tell you now! Those two old demigods were killed by me last night."

Chen Liuhe licked his dry lips, the smile on his lips was like a devil. At this moment, he seemed to finally show his true face.

"You are very smart and know that you are going to take action on me tonight. This proves that you have guessed some clues, but you have not guessed everything! So, I am sorry that under such circumstances, all the actions you have done are actually Very stupid." Chen Liuhe sneered.

"Chen Liuhe, you cunning and shameless villain, you actually used such a despicable method to hide the truth." A strong man in the demigod realm roared, his face full of shock, and the sharp light in his eyes kept flashing.

"Don't speak so harshly. Who can compare to you if you speak shamelessly?"

Chen Liuhe sarcastically said: "You have so many Shengu families uniting to bully me alone, but you still don't allow me to play snack games?"

"If I don't show weakness to the enemy, I'm afraid I will be crushed by you as soon as I step into North America, right?"

Chen Liuhe calmly flicked the gray layer on the hem of his bullet jacket: "I just want you all to think that I am just a useless person with some brains at best. Even if I stand up to the sky, I can't make any big waves."

"Only if you underestimate the enemy and are careless can I have the opportunity to muddy the water here, and then I can have the opportunity to feast and defeat you." The smile on Chen Liuhe's face seemed to others to be extremely hateful.

"Do you think you can succeed? You are wishful thinking! You are definitely not able to compete with the strength of our family." A strong man in the demigod realm snorted: "No matter how deep you hide, it's useless. You are not a god. , let alone God!”

"You are right, I am not a god, nor am I the **** you call me, but I have never taken them seriously!"

Chen Liuhe twisted his neck, shook his limbs, and said: "Okay, let's not waste time, let's fight quickly. It's late at night, and I want to rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Liuhe stepped forward with his right foot, and his body was ejected like a cannonball.

The speed was so fast, it was like a meteor flashing across the night.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Liuhe rushed to the surroundings of the two demi-god realm experts.

There were no fancy moves, Chen Liuhe was like a barbaric charge, sweeping away with unreasonable and domineering force.

The two demi-god realm experts no longer dared to have the slightest contempt.

They all had solemn expressions, fierce and sharp eyes, and their energy soared into the sky, like two blazing suns, shining in the dark night, and their momentum surged like a torrent, rising continuously!

"Boom boom boom~"

At the first moment of the confrontation between the two sides, the air flow was shaking violently, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly. The air was like water ripples, surging layer by layer, and the scene was eye-popping!

I have to admit that in close combat, Chen Liuhe is really fierce. He shows his arrogance with every move he makes. His punch is so powerful that it is difficult to resist!

A sweeping leg was like a powerful force, causing the pupils of the two demi-god realm experts to shrink and their expressions to change suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them fought fiercely with dozens of moves, and the two demi-god realm experts were suppressed by Chen Liuhe alone, and were defeated steadily.

With full firepower, Chen Liuhe's bravery was so frightening that both Ampei Xieying and Xinghai on the edge of the battlefield were stunned.

"This guy...isn't a human being..." Ampei Xieying exclaimed sincerely.

"You've been following him all this time, but you didn't know he was so strong?" Xinghai also said with a wonderful expression.

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