Chapter 4 First Meeting with Tsuyu-chan

Chi Feng rented a 20-square-meter room in Baoxu City. After finishing the room, he went out.

The scenery of the island country is very beautiful. It is the first time that Chi Feng has come to a foreign country. He has only seen the scenery here in comics and animations. I have to say that the scenery here is comparable to that of anime.

There is almost no rubbish on the street ground, the air is very clear, and the vehicles shuttle back and forth in an orderly manner, but people look a little cold and are doing their own things.

No one cares about who you are when you walk on the street, they all have their own things to do, and they are in a hurry, from nine to five.

Chi Feng came to a ramen restaurant and looked at the orange-red hue inside, he smiled and walked in.

“Brother, what can I eat?” The fat master wearing a chef hat said with a smile, but he was not idle and took out a bowl of noodles that had just been made.

“Asui Tsuyu?” Chi Feng stared blankly at the fat master handing the bowl of freshly made noodles to a girl in the corner, and that girl was Asui Tsuyu.

This frog girl who looks very kawaii, Chi Feng actually likes it very much, but this kind of like is just purely liking her character and people.

Only a girl like Yaoyorozu, Chi Feng is very fond of, from time to time he can imagine Yaoyorozu in his room…

“You called me just now?” Asui Tsuyu seemed to hear Chi Feng’s doubts and turned to look at Chi Feng.

How to explain this? Chi Feng has a headache. After all, the other party doesn’t know him at all, but that’s okay. Chi Feng looked at the boss and waved his hand and said, “Come to a bowl of bullfrog ramen…”

Before he could say a word, Chi Feng felt the cold eyes from Asui Tsuyu. Oh, I forgot this stubble. Then Chi Feng scratched his head and said to the fat master: “I don’t want the bowl just now, let’s get some beef. Ramen it.”

Although the fat master is smiling on the surface, in fact he already has MMP in his heart, and the bullfrogs have been put down for you kid, you actually told me not to!

But the business still needs to be done. The fat master smiled and cut the beef slices for Chi Feng.

Asui Tsuyu watched Chi Feng approach her with cold eyes, then pulled the chair away and sat down.

“Tsuyu sauce, it was mine just now, don’t take it to heart.” Chi Feng said with a grin.

Asui Tsuyu suddenly became a little curious about why the boy knew her, and seemed to know that she was related to frogs.

The slight anger in her heart towards this young man quickly disappeared. I don’t know what was going on. She didn’t have any malice towards this brutal and harmless young man in front of her. It seemed that the anger in her heart would disappear as long as the other party smiled.

“Why do you know my name?” Asui Tsuyu asked suspiciously. She must know who this boy is.(Read more @

Chi Feng smiled and said: “I was studying in Pingchuan Junior High School and I heard of you.”

“But I’m not from Hirakawa High School.” Asui Tsuyu said with his eyes wide open.

“Um, I have heard of you anyway.” Chi Feng felt that this girl was a bit more real.

“Do you know what school I am from?” Asui Tsuyu asked.

Chi Feng really didn’t know what kind of junior high school Asui Tsuyu was in, so he embarrassed him, but he suddenly remembered and said, “I know Tsuyu-chan will be a U.A high school student in the future!”

Asui Tsuyu’s eyes lit up suddenly, and she said with a little excitement in her cuteness: “How do you know that I’m going to U.A High School? Are you going to go too? I don’t know your name yet?”

At this time, the fat master brought beef ramen noodles, “Two of you, take it slowly.”

Chi Feng picked up his chopsticks and ate two bites. “It’s delicious.” I have to say that the ramen in the island country is really good. He wanted to eat bullfrog ramen, which tasted even better, but he can’t eat it in front of Asui Tsuyu. , Wait for next time.

“My name is Chi Feng, and I am in the third year of middle school just like you. I am going to take the UA high school exam this summer. If we are lucky, we will be classmates.” This is inevitable in UA High School.

The luck he said was that he didn’t know if he could enter the Heroes department together. If it didn’t work, he could go to Class B. If he didn’t work, he could go to other departments. Anyway, it’s right to keep a low profile.

But Chi Feng actually wants to be in the Heroes subject A class. After all, he would be very happy to be with such a group of classmates. This is much better than his own view of Hadō in the previous life.

Asui Tsuyu seems to have regarded Chi Feng as a friend and stretched out a small palm, “Then Chi Feng, let’s work hard to get admitted to U.A high school.”

“Hahaha.” Chi Feng put down his chopsticks, stretched out his hand and shook it with Asui Tsuyu, not to mention, this little hand is soft and very flexible, “Tsuyu-chan, please give me your advice.”

Asui Tsuyu also laughed. The people around him were a little bit inexplicable. The two junior high school students here had a chat so happily, and they said they were taking the U.A high school.

U.A high school is so easy to take the exam, it is really beautiful.

But at this moment in Asui Tsuyu’s heart, a warm current has already risen, and the handsome boy in front of him has given him a very good encouragement, which made her somewhat shaken heart stable.

She decided to take the U.A high school, and she must be in the Heroes subject!

The meal was very enjoyable. Chi Feng helped Tsuyu sauce to pay for the ramen. Tsuyu sauce pretended to be angry and said, “Why pay for me?”

“Because we are friends.” Chi Feng said cheerfully, not forgetting to add, “Next time you can also invite me to eat, and we are courteous.”

“Thank you, Chi Feng.” Asui Tsuyu said suddenly.

“Seeing outside, seeing outside.” Chi Feng dropped a word, turned his head and left.

“Chi Feng sauce, where do you live?” Asui Tsuyu suddenly shouted at Chi Feng’s back.

Chi Feng took a meal, thought about it all in a mess, and finally said, “See you in U.A high school!”

In the end, the young man’s back completely disappeared into the night.

Asui Tsuyu stood there for a minute, then smiled, “Okay, see you in U.A high school.”


After returning home, Chi Feng patted his chest, “Fortunately, I held back it. Although I don’t have to cultivate in this life, I have to keep my virginity. This is how I was deceived by a woman in my previous life!”

However, Chi Feng thought for a while and felt that there is no need to be so cautious. This world is fundamentally different from the previous life, and these people are very emotional, and will not do that kind of deception.

Regarding this, Chi Feng’s heart is ready to move again, but Tsuyu-chan is a type of girl, let it go, Chi Feng is afraid that he feels guilty.

If it was a girl like Kendo Itsuka, Teacher Midnight and Yaoyorozu Momo, he would not feel guilty.

“What am I thinking about.” Chi Feng patted his hot cheeks and almost got a nosebleed.

But at this moment, he is more and more looking forward to Heroes High School. This legendary school for cultivating Heroes, full of energetic classmates, come quickly!

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