Chapter 3 Ingonim

For Chi Feng, who is like an otaku, studying quirk at home is a very meaningful thing. So far, he has been familiar with the basic use of mine quirk and air manipulation.

Opening his right hand, blue electric currents crackled in the air. Chi Feng thought, the blue electric current instantly hit the glass on the sink five meters away.

Not surprisingly, the glass was smashed by the blue current, and the pieces fell towards the ground. Chi Feng waved his left hand, an invisible force appeared, and the glass floated up and flew towards the trash can.

Looking at the hands with two different powers, Chi Feng smiled slightly, “It’s time to apply to study in an island country.”

There are a lot of powerful people in the island country. At present, the major forces are still in a relatively stable period. After the silt incident arrives, a new era will open the curtain.

Chi Feng doesn’t have to worry about not being able to speak Japanese in the island country. When he came to this world, the former owner of this body was proficient in eight languages, and he was a top student in learning. These talents were naturally inherited by him who came here. Up.

There is an organization in China that specializes in supporting families with difficulties, especially those with top academic performances like Chi Feng. They are happy to help.

A trip to an island country is nothing more than a visa issue. Because of studying abroad, the visa time has been extended. The local department reminded Chi Feng that after going there, he can only support himself. After all, even if it is supported, it is impossible to spend every month. To be borne by them.

Chi Feng patted his chest at the time, and promised that everything would be on his own after going there.

I went through the formalities of studying abroad smoothly. After all, this world is different from his world. Some seemingly complicated things are not called complicated here.

After checking the time, he set off on October 15, which means that Chi Feng will set foot on the island in a week to see the world of the so-called Heroes.

Chi Feng is looking forward to this very much. Is there something that cannot be changed in the anime that he can change?

Midoriya is the protagonist in this world, but he also has Chi Feng. As for who is strong and weak, it is not known, after all, he has not played against One·For·All.

A week later.

Chi Feng packed his bags and was already on the plane to the island country. These days he has saved a lot of money, basically from those who have quirks, all converted into Japanese currency, a full 160,000. A lot of yen is equivalent to 10,000 yuan.

This money is enough for Chi Feng, and of course he has come to Heroes’ main field. He can’t get money from any gangsters unscrupulously, so he can only keep a low profile.

Chi Feng, who just got off the plane, was about to take a taxi to Pingchuan High School, but he remembered the explosion on the left.(Read more @


“Go away! I’m going to kill this guy!” A roar came from the explosion. After the black smoke cleared, Chi Feng saw a man with huge arms standing on the ground and shivering. In front of the male.

“Does the quirk use violence indiscriminately?” Chi Feng touched his forehead. He had just got off the plane and encountered such a thing before he even left the airport.

The island country is indeed a Heroes land, even with such a high crime rate.

Compared to China, Chi Feng stayed for more than a month, and he had never heard of a crime like this at the airport. As a result, he encountered him when he came here.

“Don’t kill me, I will give you all my money and all of it.” The greasy middle-aged man fell on the ground and said tremblingly, his eyes full of fear.

This man with huge arms is obviously a strength quirk, but he can only enlarge his arms, allowing his arms to exert strength beyond ordinary people.

“I did everything according to what you said, but what about you? I want to leave here behind my back, you, unforgivable!” The man with his arms strengthened said more and more anger, and he raised his right hand and was about to fall.

As a human being, Chi Feng doesn’t like to be nosy at ordinary times, but he can’t do anything he doesn’t want to take care of by this rescue system.

At this moment, he was accumulating strength secretly, approaching the violent man, wanting to make a hit.

Just as Chi Feng was more than ten meters away from the man, the moment his feet were ready to exert force, a silver figure quickly passed him, kicking the muscular man with his arms away.

“Catch the criminal!” The man in silver armor waved his hand, then stretched out his right hand to the man who fell on the ground, “Are you okay?”

“Uuuuu~ thank you so much, Ingnim.” The middle-aged man burst into tears and fell on the silver armored man for an instant.

The muscular man with arms had been controlled by the police, and some people in the airport were attracted. When they saw Ingnim, they cheered: “Heroes! Ingnim! Heroes! Ingnim! ”

“It’s actually Ingnem.” Someone in the crowd of onlookers who had just arrived exclaimed in surprise.

Ingenim, real name: Ida Tenharu’s famous Turbo Heroes, a large Heroes office with 65 employees in Tokyo. It’s Ida Tenya’s brother.

Chi Feng muttered silently. He didn’t expect to meet the professional Heroes Ingnim here. I have to say that the professional Heroes is awesome and knocked out the muscular man with his arms.

Although Chi Feng wanted to do it before, he was not sure that he could defeat the enemy with a single move. After all, his Thor’s second quirk was only LV1. He believed that he could repel the opponent, but he was unlikely to stun with one move. Up.

“Please keep order and leave here. We will bring the criminals back and bring them to justice.” Ingnim said righteously while evacuating the crowd.

When the crowd was almost evacuated, Ingenim escorted the criminal into the police car. Before leaving, he glanced at Chi Feng, who was standing next to the vending machine. He was a little surprised and no longer restrained the muscular man with his arms. At that time, he felt that this young man seemed to be going to make a move.

But now it seems that this young man is very ordinary, he can’t feel what the other party’s quirk is.

Most people would not be nosy even if they had a quirk, let alone stop criminals, and this young man seemed to be different.

After closing the car door, with the sound of a police siren, Ingnim left.

Chi Feng dropped a few coins into the beverage vending machine, and then dropped a bottle of Japanese orange beverage, drinking while walking towards the outside.

After exiting the airport, there seemed to be discussions among the people about the previous Ingnim incident. It seemed that the people here admired the Heroes very much, and it seemed that as long as the Heroes appeared, there was nothing that could not be solved.

The people in this country seem to be particularly open-minded. They are not frightened by criminal violence, nor frightened by the darkness. In the era of Heroes, the darkness seems not worth mentioning.

Only Chi Feng knows that the world is about to begin to change, and darkness is about to come…

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