Chapter 5 Inoue Sakura

Pingchuan Junior High is not far away from Aldera Junior High. Today is the day Chi Feng reported. He transferred directly to the third year of junior high. Therefore, there is only less than ten months before he will go to U.A High School to take the exam.

According to the development of the plot in the anime, Midoriya Izuku will soon meet the occasional Matt. In fact, Chi Feng is also longing for the power of the occasional Matt. One·For·All, I am everyone. This power comes from the inheritance of each generation, and the power seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

But Chi Feng is content. He has two quirks comparable to One·For·All. For this, he does not want to interfere with Midoriya’s life. The plot may change, but he still hopes that Midoriya will get One·For·All.

After all, the protagonist of this world is Midoriya. He doesn’t seem to change the trajectory of the world because of his appearance. The most important point is that the premise of all this is for him to cover the future of Chi Feng.

As long as the young Midoriya is on the bright side, he is in the dark. Midoriya can’t deal with Villain, he can deal with it.

Although it feels like wiping his butt, Chi Feng feels that there is nothing wrong with doing so. He doesn’t want to be strangled before he grows up.

It is impossible to verify how many people in the Villain Alliance are and how powerful they are. Although he knows that, but there may be more than that.

The third grade (8) class, this is Chi Feng’s class, all the students seem to be very kind, and there is no such kind of contestant who can find faults in particular. Of course, if someone like this really bothers him, then he doesn’t mind saving him.

Male and female students in this class are relatively equal, but Chi Feng didn’t find any more attractive ones among the girls. They all seemed to be passerby faces.

After school, Chi Feng said goodbye to his classmates and prepared to go home. He was thinking about whether he should find a part-time job. After all, there are still ten months to go to Heroes High School.

It is indeed necessary. If he always eats ramen noodles with the 160,000 yen on him, it will definitely not last long.

For international students under the age of 18, the island country does not allow part-time jobs to make money, but this world is not an island country in the original sense, so Chi Feng wants to give it a try.

But what kind of job is good?

He can’t go to the Heroes office yet, he must have a Heroes license.

It seems that he can only go to the service industry. Chi Feng made up his mind and left, put his schoolbag away when he got home, and ordered a bowl of bullfrog ramen at the ramen shop where he ate last night.

After all, this time Tsuyu sauce is not there, so he can taste it.

After eating and drinking, Chi Feng looked for a job near his home, and eventually he was attracted by a convenience store. The convenience store was only fifty square meters in size, but the store manager was a girl in her twenties.

She is very smart and has no lack of charm.

Chi Feng immediately stepped in and smiled when he saw the beauty store manager, “Hello, do you want to hire people?”(Read more @

The girl turned her head to see Chi Feng standing there with a smile, and she still said honorific words. She had a great feeling in her heart and smiled: “We happen to be short of a finishing staff. Are you willing to do it?”

There is a play! There is really no age limit.

“Willing.” Chi Feng blurted out.

“My name is Inoue Ying, please give me some advice in the future.” Inoue Ying smiled like an angel, and Chi Feng’s heart felt like she was watching.

“…My name is Chi Feng, please give me some advice.” Chi Feng nodded, so that his daily expenses are guaranteed. This is his first job in this world.

Inoue Sakura is a college student. Her quirk is suitable for commercial purposes. She will be remembered after reading the accounts and the guests. Unfortunately, the U.A high school she wanted to take the entrance examination did not admit her.

This does not hinder Inoue Sakura’s hard work and fighting spirit. Although she has been the store manager for a year, she likes this store very much.

This year, Inoue Sakura is only 22 years old. Compared to most of her peers, she has to work harder and works hard every day.

At this moment, Inoue Sakura is telling Chi Feng how to place snacks and items, as well as some precautions. Chi Feng listens very carefully, but from time to time, she looks at Inoue Sakura somewhere. I have to say that a girl of this age has developed That’s great, he really can’t look away.

“Ahem…” Chi Feng looked a little red, and he subconsciously shifted his attention.

“Mr Chi Feng, what’s the matter with you?” Inoue Ying found that Chi Feng’s face was abnormal, and immediately asked caringly.

“…It’s okay, it’s just that your mouth is a little dry.” Chi Feng casually made up a reason.

Inoue Ying immediately went to help Chi Feng pour water, Chi Feng felt much better after drinking a few sips of water, at least his face didn’t blush anymore.

For this kind of cute Chi Feng classmate, Inoue Ying still liked it a little. The two quickly exchanged ideas, and they also had a good time chatting about some work matters.

In the evening, Inoue Ying looked at Chi Feng who was sorting out snacks in a daze. She once had a cute brother like this, but because of a car accident, she could never see each other again. After so many years, she has an unforgettable one in her heart.

When I saw Chi Feng today, I felt like my brother was back, so she made an exception to let Chi Feng come to work here. Although the island country did not expressly prohibit students from being able to work part-time, the boss who recruited Chi Feng privately knew that it would definitely be. Unhappy.

Inoue Ying even wondered, did she do something wrong, should she explain to Chi Feng, or let him not use it tomorrow?

“Sister Ying, is this ORIHIRO Konjac placed here?” Chi Feng asked, holding a purple bag of snacks in his hand.

“Yes, Chi Feng is really smart.” Inoue Ying smiled. She decided at this moment and decided to keep Chi Feng. No matter what the boss said about her, she would not regret it.

Convenience stores have monitors. Chi Feng can’t blatantly use air to control the quirk. In fact, quirk can be used for things that are not right for people. However, in order to hide himself, Chi Feng must be low-key.

To be honest, he is a bit weak after he has not done this kind of work in his previous life. A convenience store with a size of 50 square meters is not too big or too small.

Originally, these tasks were done by Inoue Sakura alone every day. Chi Feng discovered at this moment that Inoue Sakura’s slender hands had calluses.

Seeing this callus, Chi Feng feels distressed. Such a beautiful girl has to do the work of a man. She holds two positions and works day and night.

The islanders are actually like this. Sometimes they are forced to do it like this. They have to do it like this when they are trapped in their lives. Otherwise, more people will grab your job.

“Sister Ying, I’ll go home first, and see you tomorrow night.” At the end of get off work time, Chi Feng said goodbye to Inoue Ying. He basically finished the work here, so the rest is nothing to Inoue Ying.

“Take this to eat, sister asked you.” Inoue Ying handed the Glico biscuit in her hand to Chi Feng.

“I can’t ask for this.” Chi Feng quickly refused. The Glico biscuits cost a lot of yen. How could he be willing to ask Inoue Ying to eat this.

“If you don’t want Sister Ying, you’ll be angry.” Inoue said with an aura, looking very cute.

“Alright, alright, I will accept it.” Chi Feng took the Glico cookies and went home. Inoue Sakura watched the warmth surging in Chi Feng’s back, tears bursting out of her eyes.

He is so much like Inoue…

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