The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3194: Provocation from the eternal saint

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing Fang Chuan glanced at him, Eternal Sage didn't speak, he asked with a smile.

Fang Chuan glanced at him again, but still did not speak.

Saint Wan Gu sneered: "Can you hide your anger without speaking? Do you want to know why?"

Without waiting for Fang Chuan’s answer, he continued: “Because your master has offended too many people, it’s good for you to live here. Remember, just stay here and stay here for the rest of the time. You can hardly use any place for cultivation in the Holy Land!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan just smiled faintly, then waved his hand and said, "When you finish talking, get out."


Saint Everlasting did not expect Fang Chuan to be so arrogant, he even dared to speak wild words when he arrived in this field.

However, he didn't plan to take action either, because he must abide by the rules here, otherwise, his master would not be able to save him.

He pointed to Fang Chuan and said, "Unless you are a tortoise with a shrunken head, you'd better get out of the Holy Land immediately."

After speaking, he went to his place.


When Fang Chuan saw him leave, he sneered, really thinking he was scared? how is this possible!

He just knew that the King of Siam and the eternal sage were going together, so he didn't continue to ask to enter the actual combat island.

Because once he chooses, his strength will be spread out, how can he pit the eternal saint?

Eternal Saint doesn't know his strength now, and he will definitely hit the gun by himself.

Afterwards, he continued to practice.

The basis of the breakthrough comes from day-to-day penance. Opportunity is only a catalyst, and no breakthrough is possible without a foundation.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

"Fang Chuan, the pressure hall and actual combat island here are really easy to use. I feel that I can break through to the first stage of the tribulation realm!"

Saint Everlasting came to Fang Chuan again, and said with a grimace, this was deliberately pulling hatred.

In the past ten days, he has been in and out of the Palace of Pressure and Battle Island every day, and her combat effectiveness seems to have indeed improved.

However, what he said about breaking through to the first stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm was not as easy as he said.

Even if his foundation is reached, he may not really break through.

Of course, he did this deliberately.

Because he found that Fang Chuan had been practicing asceticism in the square for the past ten days, but in their state, the speed of asceticism would be very slow.

"So what?" Fang Chuan looked at Eternal Sage lightly, this person was really stupid looking like he had never seen the world.

In the city of war, Fang Chuan asked the strong man in the ascension realm to use mental power to create coercion and help him break through.

Compared with the palace of coercion, I don't know how luxurious it is.

As for actual combat, the previous contest between him and the beast lasted for two years, and this actual combat was not bad.

Of course, being able to use it is the best, to polish your abilities.

However, it can't be used, and it's not as uncomfortable as Eternal Sage imagined.

"It's nothing, you thought I wanted to talk to you, because here only you are my peers, so I talked to you."

Sage Wangu was holding the winning ticket, and then said: "I'm going out in two days to get some experience. Do you dare to go with me?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan responded with a sneer, and then calmly said: "First, you are older than I don't know how old, don't pretend to be tender."

"Second, you have to go out on your own. I am not interested. It is not challenging at all. However, if you die outside, you are too weak."

He waved his hand, and said: "Also, if you want to show superiority with me, I advise you to stop, I am ashamed of you because a lot of age is only this kind of combat power."


Eternal Saint suddenly became furious. Looking at Fang Chuan, he couldn't wait to slap and slap him. Lao Tzu came to pull the hatred. Why did you turn the hatred?

He took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I came to talk to you to give you a chance. If you leave King Pill and worship my master as a teacher, you will have a good time here."

He smiled and said, "How about, think about it?"

"Go away." Fang Chuan said unceremoniously.

"No guts."

Sage Eternal snorted coldly, and then returned to his position to continue cultivating. Only ten days later, he had reached the peak of the Ninth Rank.

No wonder, he swelled to this point.

"Even the eternal saints can reach this state. Wei Rufeng and Xiang Bohu above may be stronger. The geniuses of several great empires and holy places may have more geniuses for crossing the Tribulation Realm!"

Fang Chuan saw the leaps and bounds of Eternal Sage, suddenly felt that his strength seemed not enough.

His extraterritorial dispute this time is to get the first place and fight for more voice. Only then can he have the ability to control the situation in the battle between the Overlord World and the Sky Dragon Star Territory.

The more he understands the strength of the Overlord World, the more he feels that the war that will erupt at that time may far exceed his expectations.

Even, it is not impossible to destroy the Tianlong Star Territory!

At that time, the earth is in danger.

Two days later.

"You have the ability to follow me and be my follower. If it is good, I can give it to you. In fact, I also want to develop my own team. You are a genius. When the time comes, you can join me in disputes outside the territory. The condition is to obey me. command!"

Saint Everlasting came to Fang Chuan again and said with a smile to Fang Chuan.

In fact, he had this idea before, but just after Fang Chuan met Star Dou Huang in front of him, he dispelled this idea.

What I'm talking about now is just one side.

Fang Chuan received his gong, looked at the eternal sage lightly and asked, "You must find death?"


Saint Eternal's brow furrowed, and then smiled indifferently: "First of all you have to have that ability!"

He waved his hand and said, "If you don't even have the courage to fight for, the disputes outside the territory will be your grave."

"Will you follow me? It's up to you."

While he was talking, he turned and walked towards the security gate of the city wall. He had already inquired that Fang Chuan had been out without problems for three years.

Therefore, he is not worried that he will die outside.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" The Purple Sword King asked as usual when Eternal Sage arrived under the security gate.

"Yes." Wan Gu Sheng smiled and nodded, jokes, can he be weaker than Fang Chuan at the peak of the Ninth Stage?

"Okay." The Purple Sword King nodded and made a handprint, the security door flashed, and the formation opened a hole.

He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

"Thank you Purple Sword King!" After Eternal Sage said, he stepped into the safety gate.

"You want to go too?"

Fang Chuan had already come to the side of the Purple Sword King as soon as the Eternal Sage left.

In fact, he could guess what Fang Chuan was going to do.

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded.

"Go ahead."

The Purple Sword King didn't say much either, he didn't have any good feelings for Eternal Sage, but he didn't think Fang Chuan would definitely kill Eternal Sage.

But what does he care about so much?

He punched another handprint, and Fang Chuan also stepped into the safety gate, disappearing with a scream.

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