The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3195: Sage’s calculations?


The Purple Sword King looked at the place Fang Chuan had left and sighed. He naturally knew what had happened these days.

Fang Chuan wanted to fight back, and he didn't know who the final winner was.


In any case, it is a loss for Taixuanmen.

However, he couldn't stop this kind of thing, and he couldn't stop it.

On the other hand, of any generation of high-level sects, who has not come out of fighting and killing, fighting for power and gain?

"You still came."

After Eternal Sage came out of the security gate, he stood outside and waited for less than a minute, and saw Fang Chuan follow him out, with a smile on his face, and said to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan looked at him and said calmly: "This has nothing to do with you."


Sage Wangu smiled and said, "The contradiction between us mainly comes from the contradiction between respected master and respected master."

As he said, he looked at Fang Chuan, who was expressionless, and said, "Now that we are in a dangerous place, can we temporarily let go of these contradictions? After all, we are brothers in the same discipline."

"Look at that time." Fang Chuan said lightly.

"Come with me. Before I came, my master told me a place, which is a treasure place for cultivation, and the law of the fairy world is very suitable for us to break through."

Eternal Saint smiled and said: "You and I need it, so let's go together, you accept my favor, at least the disputes outside the territory will not be hostile to me."

He said as he walked towards the big river ahead.

In fact, the moment he turned around, his smile disappeared. If it weren't for too close to the safe area, he would just do it.

After a while, they crossed the river safely and entered the forest that Fangchuan had entered before.

However, afterwards, the place where Eternal Sanctuary went was completely opposite to the land of Huo Lie Country and Yao Clan.

The speed of their flight is actually not fast, because there are so many monsters here, and the powerful Ninth-Rank monsters can occasionally be encountered.

However, the aura of the peak of the Ninth Stage Eternal Sage made many monsters daunted.

The immortal monster beasts that could really threaten him are actually rare, just like the city of war.

There are many strong people who cross the tribulation realm in half a step, but there are only a handful of strong people who cross the tribulation realm.

The farther behind the pyramid phenomenon, the more obvious the characteristics.

Boom boom boom...

After half a day, they flew to a vast expanse of mountains, full of mystery.

The mountains here, at a glance, are all towering into the clouds.

From the sky, it is also daunting.

"When you enter the mountains that reverse the Yin and Yang, you almost arrive at your destination. There are actually many ruins and treasures in the ruins of this time. These things are everyone's chance and do not belong to any power.

Saint Everlasting stopped on the sky beyond the mountain and turned back to Fang Chuan who said nothing.

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded. He had already probed the mountain with his spiritual sense just now, only feeling that the laws inside were complicated and full of danger.

However, Sage Wangu seemed to be able to break through as soon as he entered, and he did not choose to pierce it, because he also understood that Sage Wangu thinks it is better to kill people!

Eternal Sage wanted to kill him, and Eternal Sage was unwilling to leave a handle, when he was killed directly by King Dan Douhuang, it was so hard.


He doesn't care, anyway Saint Eternal is not his opponent.

"Let's go."

Eternal Sage wanted to say something but stopped. In fact, as an ambitious person, he wanted to bring Fang Chuan under his command.

However, he could also see that Fang Chuan didn't kill him at all, so he couldn't violate the will of Xingchen Douhuang because of Fang Chuan.

What's more, if you don't use it for yourself, then destroy it.

With that, he turned into a ray of light and rushed directly into the mountains.

Fang Chuan followed closely, and the mountains flew back from behind them. While flying, he experienced the scenery of this foreign country, like a fairyland.

In his previous life, he walked many places and saw many mountains, but every mountain has its own characteristics.

Watching carefully, you can appreciate the difference in the laws of heaven and earth.

Traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books is the foundation of Tao!


About an hour later, I don't know how many mountains they flew over ten times the size of Mount Everest and fell into a grand canyon.

This canyon can almost exceed an area of ​​China.

The terrain is complex, but the scenery is pleasant. The towering old trees here are at least several hundred meters in diameter. People here are as small as ants.


In any case, humans are still one of the most spiritual and most suitable races in the universe.

They fell into a forest in this gorge, and came under a waterfall that was turbulent and a hundred times the width of the Yellow River.

The impact of the waterfall here is like thunder and deafening.

A wild mountain river gathers under the waterfall.

"Just after this waterfall."

Saint Everlasting stopped, stood on a huge rock on a cliff next to him, and said as he looked at the big waterfall almost flush with the field of vision.

"Then you go in."

Fang Chuan said lightly, he knew that this place was extremely dangerous, with the aura of monsters crossing the Tribulation Realm, as well as traps naturally formed by the heavens and the earth.

Among the waterfalls, there may be even more terrifying existence.

of course--

The laws of the immortal world here are indeed different from those outside. When he arrives here, he feels that the true energy in his body has to be more active.

If you practice here for a long time, you may really achieve faster breakthroughs.

"You may not know that this mysterious waterfall has a characteristic, that is, the lower the level, the weaker the defense."

Eternal Sage looked at Fang Chuan and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, your realm has not been high, and your combat power is far beyond your realm, so it is most suitable for you to enter it and explore."

"Me?" Fang Chuan raised his brows.

Sage Wangu laughed and said: "Actually, according to the news of my master, the first one to enter it will get the most benefits. If I hadn't reached the Ninth-Rank peak because of my realm, I would not give you this opportunity.

He waved his hand and said, "Junior Brother, you can figure it out. Our environment is dangerous now. I think you'd better make up your mind quickly."


Fang Chuan thought for a while, then glanced at Eternal Sage, then nodded, he smiled and said, "In that case, I'll take a look first."


As he said, a pale golden body protection light emerged from his body.

If the eternal sage wants to tell lies, there must be a large part of the truth in it, otherwise, it will be easy to be seen through.

Therefore, he felt that there might be a real chance behind this big waterfall, and perhaps it was just as the Holy Spirit said.

However, he wouldn't be so stupid that he really rushed in.


After running the body guard Zhen Qi, he turned into a golden light, which penetrated to the mysterious waterfall.


Suddenly, at the moment Fang Chuan approached, the big waterfall stirred up a burst of gorgeous ripples, and then turned into a huge palm, grabbing Fang Chuan suddenly.

The breath is terrible!

The danger came.

"Hey, die!"

At the same time, Eternal Sage also exploded with a splendid sword aura, and after that, the sword aura penetrated Fang Chuan's back.

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