The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3193: The King of Siam makes things difficult

"Are you back?"

Sage Wangu walked out with a trace of ambition, seeing Fang Chuan's face suddenly changed, and then asked with a sneer.

He has been here for a year, and he is also preparing for a dispute outside the territory.

He was very happy to be able to come to the Ruins of Time, because it was impossible for his master to waste the quota for him before.

He also brought in the mission of Star Douhuang, asking him to find an opportunity here to kill Fang Chuan and affect the mood of Pill King Douhuang.

However, when he came, he learned that Fang Chuan hadn't returned for a long time, and he might die outside.

He didn't send the news back immediately, but planned to practice well here, this is a sacred place for cultivation!

He has taken power again, and he has more sect contribution points than Fang Chuan, and he can have even greater gains here.

However, today he unexpectedly met Fang Chuan.

"I didn't expect you to come here?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, while talking while looking at the unhappy Sage.

Eternal Sage was the pinnacle of Rank 8 before, but now he has reached the middle and upper ranks of Rank 9, which seems to have greatly increased his strength.

However, encountering Eternal Saint here also exceeded his expectations.


Saint Eternal snorted and looked at Fang Chuan with disdain: "You can come here with **** like you, why can't I come?"

"Trash?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and shook his head. Before, Saint Eternal was powerful for him.

But now, even if the Eternal Sage reaches the 9th rank, he can only be killed by Fang Chuan.

However, as the Purple Sword King said before, casual hands are not allowed here.

He waved his hand and said, "I hope you can plant a safe area. Then, you will know who the real waste is."


Wan Gu Sheng smiled contemptuously: "You can survive outside, why can't I? I'm afraid you won't dare to go out with me then!"

"You are ready to tell me."

Fang Chuan said coldly, not intending to waste time with the eternal sage, but directly rubbed the eternal sage's shoulder and stepped into the vast hall.

The actual combat island is a group of islands, but to enter the actual combat island, you need to pass through the entrance of this hall.


Eternal Saint did not sense Fang Chuan's strength change, not to mention him, even the Purple Sword King did not notice.

Because Fang Chuan used the secret technique to converge his breath.

He coldly glanced at Fang Chuan's back as he walked into the hall, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Since Fang Chuan is still alive, he has to perform the task of Star Fighting Emperor, otherwise, he has not completed the task and left the holy land of cultivation, and he cannot bear the anger of his master.

Soon, he went to the square.

"Senior, I'm going to Battle Island."

The structure and style of the main hall were similar to the previous hall. There was also an old man inside, who was adjusting his breath cross-legged. After Fang Chuan came in, the other person looked over.

The person's eyes were sharp, and there was a hint of hostility.

Fang Chuan was stunned for a moment, but didn't care. There are rules here, and these old people are here all the year round, and the same is true of their strange tempers.

Therefore, the tone of his speech is still very humble, which is different when he speaks to the eternal saint.


The old man looked at Fang Chuan up and down, shook his head and said, "The actual combat island is closed today, ten days later."

"What?" Fang Chuan's eyes suddenly drenched, and he looked at the old man.


With disdain in his eyes, the old man looked at Fang Chuan and said: "Are you not convinced, do you want to do it? You can try it!"


The old man's aura suddenly spread, as if a terrifying meteorite straddling his head in the calm night sky.

At that moment, the whole hall shook slightly.

This old man, Five Tribulations Earth Immortal, was much stronger than the Purple Sword King.

He looked at Fang Chuan coldly, as if watching a joke and said, "Dare you?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled. It's just a Five-Tribulation Land Immortal, and the three-tier powerhouse of the Ascending Realm in Huo Ji, he dared to calculate, let alone the person in front of him.

With his background, it would not take many years to reach the Five Tribulations Earth Immortal combat power.

Of course, he can't head-on at this moment.

He looked at each other and said, "I have an enemy with Senior?"

"You deserve it too?" The old man sneered: "I'm just telling the truth. I will come in ten days. Now, go out!"


A torrent of aura suddenly enveloped Fang Chuan's body, just like a thunder and lightning hit Fang Chuan.


However, at this moment, a ray of light fell on Fang Chuan's body, and there was a violent shock.

The whole hall shook.

Fang Chuan was unharmed under the agitation of this terrifying force.

"The King of Siam, how can you compete with a disciple?"

The Purple Sword King stepped in from outside. Although he was an immortal of the Three Tribulations, his sword energy cultivation was very superb.

He walked step by step, full of confidence.

The King of Siam had only wanted to hurt Fang Chuan seriously before, so he could easily resolve it.

He walked to Fang Chuan's side, looked at Fang Chuan, and then said to King Siam: "King Dan is outside, you can trouble him, trouble his disciples, why bother?"

"Oh." Fang Chuan knew.

It turns out that this Siamese king has an enmity with his master!

The King of Siam looked colder and looked at the Purple Sword King and said, "Purple Sword King, don't worry about this. How many strokes do you think you can withstand me, ten or twenty?"

"Do you dare to do it with me?"

The Purple Sword King laughed and shook the hall. He smiled and looked at the King of Siam and said, "Do you think my master is a vegetarian?"

"You and this boy have a **** virtue, what else do you have besides relying on the master?" The King of Siam twitched his mouth suddenly, and then said coldly.

"Unfortunately, you can only rely on Star Dou Huang, he is not your master yet."

The Purple Sword King smiled disapprovingly: "And King Pill has a backing in the Ascension Realm. You can't catch up with him for the rest of your life. You can only use his disciples to vent your anger. Is this the virtue of your King of Siam?"

"Presumptuous!" The King of Siam was furious.

Purple Sword King waved his hand and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you are just serving here, don't hold the chicken feathers as the order arrow, give me a puppet of the Four Tribulations Earth Immortal level."

He looked at Fang Chuan and asked, "What level of puppet do you want?"

"I don't want it anymore." Fang Chuan thought for a while, waved his hand and said, "Thank you Purple Sword King, I remember your favor."


The Purple Sword King glanced at Fang Chuan and saw that Fang Chuan had changed his mind without persuading him. He was not Fang Chuan's master.

He smiled and said, "It's just that the road is uneven."


Fang Chuan arched his hands at the Purple Sword King, then glanced at the Siam King again, smiled, said nothing, and left the hall.

"Humph!" The King of Siam snorted coldly, obviously still in anger.

"Why, hit a nail?" Fang Chuan came out of the main hall, did not go to the hall of coercion, but returned to the square. Just after sitting down, the triumphant eternal saint came over and asked in a weird tone. .

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