"It seems that you really want to keep me!"

Fang Chuan frowned when he looked at this cage, because this cage was indeed not something he could resist.

Moreover, the function of this cage is similar to the Sky Demon cage, once he is enveloped in it, it is extremely difficult to break free.

At this time, Huo Ji took the lead in the attack, a bit of a sneak attack, so he had no chance to escape.


Almost instantly, he was enveloped in a prison, with strands of powerful spirit attached to it.

Fang Chuan wanted to escape, it was already impossible, the mental blockade not only made him unable to use the movement technique to escape.

Moreover, under the effect of mental power, he will be constantly affected by mental power, with a threatening taste.

"If you don't agree to me now, you will feel more and more uncomfortable in this cage, and you will have hallucinations in three days."

Huo Ji has recovered 90% of his strength. Although he has not fully recovered, he is still very confident when facing Fang Chuan.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan just smiled. In fact, he was already prepared, so he had more than one back player.

Without him, Huoji could not heal the last injury. Before this, Huoji could not really hurt him.

Moreover, if he did not make a mistake, Huohui would soon suffer.

"You can still laugh. It's nothing more than thinking that Huosui will come to rescue you. Unfortunately, you are wrong. This time I arranged Huosui to the city of Huosui. It will take at least ten days for him to come back. When he comes back, You are completely enslaved by me."

Huo Ji sneered and said confidently.


Fang Chuan shook his head and said, "I originally wanted to establish some friendship with you. It should be more convenient to come back later, but you didn't cherish it."

"You continue to pretend."

Huo Ji smiled disdainfully and said: "You are on our territory, and your strength is weak, what can you do to me?"

He said again: "I admit that you have potential, and you may be a strong man reincarnated, but unfortunately, do you know that there is a spell in the world called Transferring Flowers and Trees!"

The corner of his mouth twitched: "As long as I absorb all the spirit and luck of your previous life, you will be finished, and I can continue your previous life."

"You are in a hurry."

Fang Chuan sneered: "I could show you the way, so that you will not make detours in your future practice. At least it can save you thousands of years of work. Unfortunately, you are plotting my secret, and my secret is that you can plot. Is it?"

"Then just wait and see."

Huo Ji smiled faintly: "My mental cage will let you know what pain is. When you know the pain, you will beg me. At that time, you have to heal me and you have to take your Give me luck, haha..."

Huo Ji burst into a burst of laughter, shaking the whole room, his face was full of confidence.

Fang Chuan shook his head.

In fact, he didn't find it strange that Huo Ji did this. He knew before that he was seeking skin with a tiger.

He is a weak person who has only one limit of crossing the Tribulation Realm, and dealing with the strong person of the Ascension Realm is a terrible thing.


He didn't think he was losing.

"If Huosui is here, maybe it can save your life. You can't look back now, do you understand?"

Fang Chuan almost trembled with a smile, as if he had seen the bright future of the fire, he couldn't help sighing.

This is about greed!

Huo Jisi didn't take it seriously, and staring coldly at Fang Chuan who was very calm, a kind of anger that could not be suppressed suddenly appeared in his heart.

Because this human being as weak as an ant, he had a chance to win in front of him, and looked very determined.

He felt that he had been greatly provoked.

He looked at Fang Chuan angrily and said, "Do you think that I can't make you kneel, or make you succumb?"

"You continue to die, I don't care." Fang Chuan shook his head looking at the somewhat crazy Huo.

"it is good!"

Huo Ji suddenly yelled hysterically, then made a handprint, and the mental fluctuation suddenly surged out.


The blazing flame in the air suddenly appeared and spread to the mental cage at a very fast speed.

With a scream, the spirit cage was enveloped by the flames released by the fire, and the entire hall was constantly raising the temperature, and a kind of destruction was heard.

The situation in the mental prison was even worse, with flames spitting out continuously, rushing towards Fang Chuan.

That kind of destructive flame power makes people feel hard to resist.


Fang Chuan smiled, shook his head and said, "You have a demon in your heart because of your kindness and revenge, and you want to hide it desperately, right?"


Huo Ji shouted: "In this world, the weak and the strong eat the strong. To be strong, I can do whatever it takes. I can't wait endlessly. I need strength!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head disdainfully and said: "The world is right for the weak and the strong to eat, but unfortunately, not everyone has to violate their conscience and do evil, let alone revenge for grace!"


Huo Ji was very angry, looking at Fang Chuan fiercely, his heart frantic.

What qualifications do you have to preach to me?

Who do you think you are?

I am for survival, for tomorrow, do you understand?

He was already a little crazy at this time, in fact, as Fang Chuan said, he was already a little bit demon.

"It's a pity that a strong ascendant can't get out of the greedy demons!"

At this moment, another voice suddenly appeared in the room, and then, a huge body appeared.

It was the old man Jin You who was released from the underground palace by Fang Chuan before.


The moment Jin You ancestor appeared, Huo Ji's face was so pale that he almost knelt directly on the ground.

The momentum released by the ancestor Jin You was too brutal.

Huohui looked at the ancestor Jin You in surprise and asked: "Such an adult, I have missed a long way to welcome you. Please forgive me. What can I do for you?"

"Ha ha."

The ancestor Jin You looked at Huo Chi with interest and smiled: "You already know what I'm doing here, why do you even ask?"


Huo Ji took a few steps back and sat down on a chair, his whole body trembling.

He did not expect that Fang Chuan would still have such a person to rescue.

"Forget it."

Old Ancestor Jin You shook his head and waved his hand: "I won't tell you more, it's a waste of time."


As he said, with a wave of his hand, the mental cage around Fang Chuan was destroyed and turned into powder, disappearing.

The temperature in the entire hall also returned to normal.

Bang—Fang Chuan fell to the ground, condescending in a victorious posture, looking at the Huohui sitting on the chair!

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