The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3190: Bloated too much

"You, how can you..."

Huo Ji was crushed as if paralyzed by the invisible aura of the ancestor Jin You, sitting on a chair, looking at Fang Chuan with horrified eyes.

He couldn't believe how such a weak and weak ant who was tortured by him would get in touch with the five-level powerhouse of the Ascension Realm.

For him, the five-tier powerhouses in the ascension realm are all unattainable.

One hurdle at the same level, in front of the ancestor Jin You, he was too weak to be easily killed by the ancestor Jin You.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan looked at Huo Xi indifferently and said, "You know that I am very lucky, and to oppose me is to die. Don't you know that?"

He shook his head again, and said as if everything was under control: "I just wanted to deal with you well and get what you need. Unfortunately, you didn't give me a chance."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Huo Ji's ugly and desperate expression, and looked back at the ancestor Jin You.

He smiled and said, "Ancestor, thank you very much, this time I owe you."

"Ha ha."

Old Ancestor Jin You waved his hand and said, "You risked death to save me, and I saved you casually. I took you away from the land of the monster race before, but now I save you once, and the offset is almost equal.


Fang Chuan looked at Jin You ancestor and said seriously: "If you do, you will lose a favor that is worth more than you think."


The ancestor Jin You suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "You are very confident of yourself. I am also looking forward to the unimaginable favors. I hope you will give me this opportunity."

"Good." Fang Chuan nodded.

The ancestor Jin You was stunned at this moment, looked at Fang Chuan, didn't you hear it, am I joking?

You kid, are you bloated?

However, he waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about this, you can prove it to me in the future, how to deal with this kid?"


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and Huo Ji was somehow an old monster for thousands of years. Are you a kid?

Are you too bloated?

However, if you have a big fist, everything you say is right. He waved his hand and said: "It just took a little time to take the lead. It's just a garbage that was one step larger than me in the ascension realm. I didn't care about it at first, but since he has already done it to me, it is offensive to me. Majesty, kill it

. "


The ancestor Jin You looked at Fang Chuan with a weird look, saying that this kid's swelling was a bit underestimating him, how is this swelling!

This is simply bursting into the sky with self-confidence!

Time advantage?

In that case, me too?

"Don't, don't..."

Huo Ji had a mental breakdown at the moment, and he almost fainted with Venus breath after hearing Fang Chuan's words.

However, there is a real existence here that can kill him with one move.

It seemed that Fang Chuan could do it with just one sentence.


Fang Chuan disapproved of Huo's shouting, he was just a monk in the ascended realm in a city of war, and he was not a human being.

It has nothing to do with him. If you die, you die.

He waved his hand and said: "Ancestor, give you a chance to kill, don't thank me."

As he spoke, he walked straight out of the hall.


The chair under the Huohui seat was shattered by the power of his fear at this time, and he sat on the ground.

He looked desperate and looked at the ancestor Jin You in a daze. He regretted it to the extreme. He had known this a long time ago, why should he offend this person?

Is that kid really the son of luck?

"Front, senior..."

Huo Ji exhausted his last courage and looked at the ancestor Jin You and said: "I am willing to take my life with all my switches..."

"What are you worthy of my attention?"

Old Ancestor Jin You sneered and asked disdainfully, and then said: "As for that kid, I think he can fly to the sky arrogantly, I am afraid I will look down on your things too!"


After he finished speaking, he casually raised his hand, and a golden magic sword emerged from the horrible pressure.

This magic sword is entirely constructed by his spiritual power, with radiant light, and mysterious symbols engraved in it.

This is a very advanced means of using mental power.

"Do not--"

When this devastating magic sword appeared in front of Huo Ji, Huo Ji felt desperate, as if he saw himself being swept away by this sword light, and he immediately turned into powder.

A magic sword of this level is already regarded as the magic weapon of Jin You ancestor.

He used endless treasures of heaven and earth, nurtured through his own spiritual power, and formed the most suitable magic weapon in the world.

Has reached the holy level!

Therefore, Huo Ji didn't need to be attacked by this magic sword at all, he only needed to be swept away by the sword light, and he would melt into powder.

Just the moment this magic sword appeared, Huo Ji's mental power showed a sign of collapse.

too strong!

The gap is too big!


At this moment, Huosui's anxious voice sounded in this hall, and then, with a thud, a ray of light penetrated.

Huosuihuo appeared in the hall eagerly.


Fang Chuan turned his head and glanced at Huosui, stopped his left foot about to step out of the hall, and turned to look at Huosui anxiously.

"Huh?" Jin You ancestor also stopped at this time.

However, his magic sword was swallowing sword light at this moment, making everyone present to the extreme.

"Huosui, save me!" Huosui was overjoyed and almost cried. If Huosui came one step later, he completely disappeared!

"Brother, you disappoint me."

Huo Sui glanced at Huo Ji coldly, then turned his head back to the ancestor Jin You and said, "Senior, my brother was born with greed for a while, please forgive me."


The ancestor Jin You heard this, and said disdainfully: "He was born with greed for a while, so he can escape the blame?"


Huosui looked embarrassed. This is true and the truth is the same. In fact, he also understands, but he said so because he wanted the other party to spare his brother.

This is just a form of speech.

At this time, the ancestor of Jin You waved his hand and said: "It has nothing to do with me if I can kill him."

He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "Don't waste time. I killed the demon **** before. The demon clan is looking for me all over the world. If you can kill me, please give me a word."


Huosui suddenly raised his brows, and never expected that an ascending realm powerhouse would let Fang Chuan call the shots!

This person is too mysterious!

He hurriedly said, "Mr. Huochuan, we got along well before. Please see that I helped you break through the relationship twice and spare my brother once."


Fang Chuan listened to Huosui's words, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Huosui and said, "Actually, his death has little effect. I just think this ant is a bit annoying."

He paused, thought for a while, and then said: "Well, let me store all the magic weapons on your body, and I will leave you the things in the War and Fire Pavilion."

"What?" Huo Ji frowned. Fang Chuan said coldly: "You are not qualified to bargain."

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