
Two hours later, Fang Chuan received his gong, and Huoqi's whole body shuddered, and most of the meridians that had been destroyed before suddenly flowed smoothly.

At that moment, Huohui's aura rose to the second level of the ascension realm.

This shows that his injury has recovered 70% to 80%.


Because Huo Ji had also tried to repair himself, he knew how difficult it was to repair his wounds from the ruins of the ancient monster race.

Because of this, he felt that Fang Chuan was really good.

"For these three days, Master Huoji, you will continue to take care of you, and I will give you one last treatment in three days."

Fang Chuan said to Huo Ji with a smile.

Huo Ji nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

"Get what you need." Fang Chuan smiled indifferently, and then said to Huosui: "Master Huosui, for these three days I retreat and practice, and I need some ordinary resources. Could you please say hello to Huosui."

"no problem."

Huosui smiled and said, "I will tell Huo Xiang, you can choose what Zhanhuo Pavilion has."

"Then say goodbye."

Fang Chuan didn't stay much this time, but moved one and left the pagoda.

"After the breakthrough of Huochuan's realm, the spells became even more mysterious. Look at his moving technique, which was already very advanced before, and now it is even more unfathomable!"

Huoji looked at where Fang Chuan had left and sighed and said to Huosui.

Huosui nodded and said: "He is indeed a mysterious source, and the potential is endless, I also found in him before..."

Soon, he told Huo Ling what he had discovered before.


Hearing this, Huo Ji was shocked, and after a while he said, "I'm afraid this person's origin is not trivial. Is it a reincarnation of a big man?"

"It should be." Huosui said seriously: "I don't think I can provoke such a person. It's best to have a good relationship with him."


Huo Ji pondered for a moment, nodded, and then said: "His Saint-level body is really enviable, it can save thousands of years of work."

"Big brother?" Huosui's expression changed, and he looked at Huo Xi and said, "You don't have other ideas, do you?"

"No." Huohui smiled and waved his hand to deny.

"Big brother, although it's a deal, he is also your lifesaver."

"Furthermore, his methods are endless. If you act rashly, you may fall into a place where you cannot be recovered!"

Huosui clearly saw that Huoxi was thinking, so he quickly persuaded him.

Huoqi smiled and said: "I know, this is my greed, but you will know later, every level of ascension is a hurdle, difficult and dangerous!"

"The way to ascend to an immortal is to sail against the current. I have survived the Ninth Layer of Crossing Tribulation for hundreds of years!"

Huosui quickly said to Huosui again.

"Yeah." Huoqi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't."

"That's good." Huosui nodded, but did not relax completely.

Fang Chuan left the pagoda and went to the Zhanhuo Pavilion with Huo Xiang to obtain some training resources.

These resources are definitely far inferior to the core of the Immortal Monster Beast, but for others, it is already a supreme treasure.

As soon as he took it, he took dozens of them, some were powerful monster cores, some were heaven and earth aura essence, and even some gems with immortal energy.

These things are of great help to his cultivation.

He intends to cultivate to the first peak of the Mahayana realm within these three days, when he will be able to have more say in the face of the Second Tribulations Earth Immortal.

"Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, this is a place of right and wrong, my goal has been achieved, and I will try to leave as soon as possible!"

Fang Chuan asked for a room, and after sitting cross-legged, he thought about something.

He is now too dazzling. Although he has solved the problem of chaotic spirit, his situation is not safe.

The combat power comparable to that of the Earth Immortal of the Second Tribulation is also top-level in the City of War, but it is still very dangerous in a place where there are strong ascendants.

Therefore, he decided to leave immediately after three days.


After that, he ran the pill fire art, the Mahayana realm cultivation technique, and began to practice, and the whole room contained the rules of flame.

time flies.


Three days later.

There was a shaking sound from the whole room, and Fang Chuan opened his eyes and smiled on his face.

After consuming all his savings, including the treasures obtained in the Warfire Pavilion, he reached the first peak of the Mahayana realm!

Now, he can barely count as the battle strength of the Second Tribulation Earth Immortal, and can fight against the weak of the Second Tribulation Earth Immortal.


He is proud of himself, and he is now full of hope, so he is still a little excited.

A move technique, he came outside the pagoda.

"Master Huoji, Master Huosui, I am here." Fang Chuan said while standing outside the door.

"Come in."

Fang Chuan heard Huoji's voice, and he moved again, entered the pagoda, and then saw Huoji alone.

Huo Ji looked at Fang Chuan and smiled: "Huosui has official duties, so I am alone today. After you heal me, I will let Huo Xiang give you things. Then, whether you go or stay, we don’t Will interfere."


Fang Chuan nodded. Although there was a vague sense of ominousness, he did not show it.

After all, Huo Ji is a three-tier powerhouse in the Ascension Realm, and if the opponent wants to calculate him, he has no choice.

It can only be said to end early and get out early.

This feeling of seeking skin with a tiger, although very exciting, is really uncomfortable, like dancing on your fingertips.

In fact, for Fang Chuan, this is much more dangerous than fighting with the Mahayana Stage Nine and Nine Tribulations!

"let's start."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, and then started the treatment, a wave of atmospheric therapy surged out, one by one handprints were printed out.

This is already a familiar road, and the two cooperate very well.

The whole room was filled with a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

Soon, two hours passed.

"about there."

Seeing that the last meridian of Huoji was about to be unblocked, and the demon atmosphere that polluted the spirit also disappeared in Huoji's mind, Fang Chuan stopped the treatment.

He breathed out: "I overestimated myself, it's a little bit close, but it's not too much, you can repair the remaining injuries yourself."


Huo Ji felt a sense, but frowned, "If you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of anything. Why don't you stay for another three days, take a rest, and help me to the end. In case it deteriorates, once you leave, I will not find it easy to find you."


The breath of Ascendant Realm suddenly filled the entire hall, and Fang Chuan was still covered by invisible pressure.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled.

He had already felt the strangeness of the fire, so he kept a hand.

He looked at Huo Ji and said, "Master Huo Ji, are you planning to go back?"

"Look at what you said."

Huo Chi smiled and said, "Nothing. I just think that in order to prevent the injury from rebounding, I hope you can stay a little longer.

"What if I don't?" Fang Chuan raised his brows and asked as he looked at Huo Xi.

Huo Ji smiled again and said: "For my injury, I can only wrong you."

Om-After finishing speaking, the surrounding air blasted out a burst of fire, and instantly under the powerful mental power of Huo, it formed a cage.

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