The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3185: Mahayana First Heavy!

"A lot of energy..."

Huosui couldn't help but smile. He naturally saw that Fang Chuan had used the core of the Immortal Monster Beast in Yijie Di.

This is equivalent to a catastrophe!

Don't look at him having spent so long in the Nine Tribulations Land Immortal, but there are not many strongmen crossing the Tribulation Realm in the City of War, and it can even be said to be very precious.

Its preciousness is no less than that of Dou Huang in Taixuanmen.

This does not mean that there will be nine tribulations here, there will be many eight tribulations, seven tribulations and so on.

In fact, there are only twelve powerhouses in the city of war.

Among them, Yiji Dixian accounted for more than half, and there were no people in several realms.

It is conceivable how rare the immortal is.

For Fang Chuan to break through a realm, it would take so many calamities to the core of the fairy beast, which was actually very expensive.

"Use this one first!"

However, Huosui did not hesitate at this time, because Fang Chuan had investment value in his opinion.


As he said, with a wave of his big hand, the cores of the fairy beasts flew towards Fang Chuan one by one.

"Thank you!"

Fang Chuan was overjoyed, the core of this one-by-one fairy beast was slightly inferior in quality to the previous one, but the quantity was also a lot.

Hh hh...

With the cores of these immortal beasts, he immediately slapped the handprints of Profound Ao, making him absorb the cores of the beasts faster.

After an hour.


The energy in the core of the one-by-one fairy monster beast was exhausted by him, and with a soft sound, it turned into powder.

Following that, the cores of the immortal monster beasts that Huosui had given immediately replenished, and then quickly absorbed them.

The momentum of his breakthrough is actually huge, and the sky is already covered with dark clouds, like black clouds pressing down on the city, which is not much more than the scene of Huosui breaking through the ascending realm that day.

Of course, the true influence is naturally far behind.

"It's going to break again!"

Huo-hyun was coming from Huo-hyun's mansion at this moment, and then he sensed the terrifying aura from the river above the sky.

He couldn't help sighing, although he was not surprised, but he always felt that his impression of Fang Chuan, besides a breakthrough, was a breakthrough!

This guy, after two years of not seeing him, his strength has jumped and I don't know how many times.

This time, another breakthrough!

Do you want to get mixed up?

"Asshole, asshole!"

At the same time, there was Huo Kuo who had the same thoughts as him. Huo Kuo was very angry, looking at Fang Chuan in the sky, almost vomiting blood.

Obviously Huosui is his grandfather, why does he always feel that he picked it up, and this Huochuan is his own?

I didn't see Grandpa helping him to break through, but it was the second time Grandpa helped Huochuan!

He originally thought that Fang Chuan hadn't come back in the past two years, and he must have died in Yaozu's territory, but he was back!

Come back, come back, the strength has broken through to this level, making him completely incomparable, okay?

This is not the point!

The point is, another breakthrough!



Huosui's mental power enveloped the entire City Lord's Mansion, and Huosui's reaction was clear to his heart, but he could only sigh, alright!

If you are more uplifting, can I not help you?

But, who made you so useless?

"It consumes too much to break through the Mahayana realm. Fortunately, Huosui will help me this time. Otherwise, if I break through rashly and are not prepared enough, it will be over!"

Fang Chuan had already turned the pill fire art to its limit, the surrounding pill fire had already shown purple gold, and the sky had formed a sea of ​​fire.

The cracks in the space were faintly burnt out by the flames.

He is actually not easy at the moment, because according to his calculations, I am afraid that the core of this second tribulation fairy beast is used up, and he is not enough to break through.

He felt that he was now a bottomless pit, and all his energy was used to transform his body, his dantian!

time flies……

Another half day passed!

The core of the Immortal Demon Beast of Yijie Di contains a huge amount of energy. If it is replaced by an ordinary Ninth-Rank powerhouse, it will not be able to use it up for one year.

Absorbed at one time, can hold three or four ninth-rank strong people to burst.

However, Fang Chuan's endless absorption, the key is that in half a day, this monster core will be exhausted.

"Oh my God……"

Half a day is very long for ordinary people, but for Huosui and others who have been in retreat for decades or hundreds of years, it is just a flash.

Moreover, he has been protecting Fang Chuan.

At this time, he also discovered that Fang Chuan had absorbed almost 90% of the monster's core energy, and the aura of transformation and breakthrough became more and more solemn.


It has not yet reached the final stage.

In other words, this guy may need one...

The core of the Immortal Demon Beast in Yijidi is not Chinese cabbage, it is a treasure, and it is precious to the powerhouses of the first level of ascension!

Even if you are a ninth-rank cultivator who breaks through the first stage of crossing the tribulation realm, you can still be crushed to death!

"Master Huosui..."

Fang Chuan also smiled at this time, looking at Huosui, doing two things with one heart, the core of the monster beast is still being absorbed, so that its size is shrinking rapidly.

Before he finished speaking, Huosui understood.

"It's the last one. There are not many stocks of this treasure Warfire Pavilion!"

Huosui didn't say much, and before he finished speaking, he still gave Fang Chuan a Tier 1 fairy beast core.

"Thank you!"

Fang Chuan was overjoyed and hurriedly guided this precious core with mental power, floating around him for use.


Not long afterwards, the second monster's core energy was exhausted and turned into powder, and Fang Chuan's spirit guided him and began to absorb the third monster's core.

The energy spilled on him like a silver glow, and the restless factors in his body became more intense.

Transformed to the edge.

A breakthrough is also imperative!

"Can't support you!"

Huosui, who is usually calm and calm, couldn't help but cursed secretly, looking at the monster core that was shrinking again, he hurt!

Although, he promised Fang Chuan and healed Huoji, he sent the entire Zhanhuo Pavilion to Fang Chuan.

However, I didn't mention these two cores!

I hope this guy has a little left!

Huosui had some prayers.


The facts let him down.

After half a day.

"The time comes, the time and the place are right, the realm of Mahayana, break!"

After a soft cracking sound, the monster core turned into powder due to exhaustion of energy and dissipated in the wind.

At the same time, Fang Chuan uttered an angry roar pointing to the sky.


Following that, a series of obscure waves surged out of his body, forming a special aura between heaven and earth.

The golden light keeps shrinking and expanding, as if some terrible life is brewing.

Then there was a boom!

His aura climbed frantically, breaking through the limit, his physical body began to transform, reaching a half-step holy level, and then there was a deafening sound of cracking between heaven and earth.

He broke!

From the combined state, finally reached the first level of the Mahayana state!

Life is changing!

Divine consciousness is changing!

Dantian is changing!

Infuriating is also changing!

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