The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3186: Mahayana Realm Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation!

Boom, boom...

At the moment Fang Chuan broke through the realm, the entire sky was torn apart, and lightning bolts pierced through the cloud like a dragon and snake.

All the weight of heaven and earth seemed to be suppressed, and the majestic momentum made everyone feel unable to breathe.

Heavenly Tribulation!

Fang Chuan's Mahayana Realm Heavenly Tribulation!

It's so huge and terrifying!

As if a peerless power full of destruction aura brewing in the mighty cloud of calamity, it would explode a fatal blow at any time.

"His catastrophe is so strong!"

Huosui sensed this and frowned. This was obviously beyond his imagination, and this kind of aura could make ordinary Yiji Dixian feel desperate!

However, this is only Fang Chuan's Mahayana realm catastrophe!

"This person is too strong!" Huo Wei felt a sense of powerlessness after seeing Fang Chuan's breakthrough, although at the moment of brewing in the heavens, he had a slight expectation that Fang Chuan would be killed by the heavens.


In the moment after this feeling was born, he realized that with Fang Chuan's abnormal existence, he shouldn't be bombarded by the catastrophe!

At this time, there was a great lack in his heart, facing Fang Chuan, he had lost his previous spirit.

"so amazing!"

At this time, Huo Xuan also raised his neck to look at Fang Chuan above the sky, and he couldn't help sighing. He admired to the extreme.

Fang Chuan caused such a huge momentum when he came back!

Moreover, it always gives people a feeling that he can successfully break through.

"Mahayana Realm Heavenly Tribulation, hehe, it's much stronger than my last life. Perhaps, this life is for me to experience and let me break through Immortal Venerable!"

Fang Chuan has taken control of the power after the breakthrough. This is the essential change brought about by the transition of the life level.

Just as the Ninth-Rank powerhouse broke through to the first stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm, an even greater leap.

Facing such a terrifying calamity, he became more confident that the shackles of the previous life would inevitably be broken in this life.

"bring it on!"

Fang Chuan let out a roar, and then, to everyone's astonishment, a strong pill fire burned on his body, dragging its tail like a comet, and rushing into the robbery cloud!


"Is he crazy?"

"Aren't you rushing into Jieyun to die?"

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene showed an expression of shock that could not be added. This person is crazy!

Either, it's too scary!

Of course, most people know that Fang Chuan must belong to the latter.

"What kind of existence is he!"

As a so-called human immortal, Huosui, a strong man in the ascending realm where his body has been transformed into a heavenly immortal, is even more curious at this time.

Even, a kind of awe in my heart.

Especially after he felt the terrifying aura contained in Fang Chuan's soul, he was in awe.

Boom boom boom...

And at the next moment, they saw Fang Chuan had already rushed into Jie Yun, Jie Yun seemed to be provoked, and burst out a strong counterattack.

The thunder and lightning oscillated, and the lightning was dazzling, like a thunder and lightning tearing through the world, as thick as a bucket, constantly splitting towards Fang Chuan.

At that moment, Fang Chuan looked so small under the thick thunder and lightning.


He laughed, with thunder and lightning in his fist, exhaled and blasted out with punches, as if rain hit Bansho.

In an instant, he could strike more than a hundred punches, each of which contained a powerful attack from the Immortal One Tribulation, and each one fought against the thunder and Tribulation that the Heavenly Dao descended on.

The deafening roar not only makes people's ears feel uncomfortable, but also seems to hit the hearts of these people.


Whether it was Huosui, a well-informed powerful man, or Huosuo, a second-generation young man who had no learning and skill, they were completely shocked.

I have never seen a person able to cross the catastrophe like this!

You know, Huosui also traveled from Yijie Dixian all the way to Nine Tribulations, and then broke through to the First Level of Ascension Realm!

Therefore, the people in the City Lord's Mansion have seen many scenes of crossing the tribulation, and sometimes, the momentum of those tribulations is greater than this.

However, they have never been so shocked.

"What a strong thunder tribulation, the nine-nine thunder tribulation of the Mahayana realm, haha, the nine-nine thunder tribulation is for peerless geniuses!"

"What I didn't overdo in my last life was the Six Nine Thunder Tribulation, I have been shocked as a heavenly man, haha!"

At this moment, there were cracks in Fang Chuan's whole body. Under the thunder and lightning of Heavenly Tribulation, his half-step Saint Grade body could not resist.

Originally, he was able to recover soon after a crack appeared, but this contained the majestic thunder and lightning of the world, but it weakened his recovery ability.

But he was still laughing!

In the frenzied fight, he has passed eight, nine, seventy-two thunders and lightning, and the power of each thunder and lightning must be increased by a few points.

Now, he felt that every remaining thunder tribulation could kill him.

But he is not afraid!


Fang Chuan was absorbing the energy absorbed by Jianmu while fusing the light of merit absorbed by Shifang Tianxin. At the same time, he did not need to perform atmospheric therapy at the same cost.

He keeps himself at a peak anytime, anywhere.


The 73rd thunder and lightning of the Nine Nine Thunder Tribulation blasted down, and then suddenly blasted in front of Fang Chuan.

Boom boom boom...

In the face of such a terrifying thunder and lightning, Fang Chuan directly hit hundreds of punches, and the sky was full of thunder and lightning.

Amid the roar, Fang Chuan's powerful body was full of cracks, but it was recovering at a relatively fast speed.

And every time he recovers, his physical body must be stronger, because he is constantly absorbing the power of the heavens and the power of the heavens and the earth.

This is as if forging a magic weapon, forging his physical body.

The saint-level physical body must be immaculate and perfect, as long as there is a trace of impurities, it is not considered a saint-level.

And towards the end, every time a trace of impurities is removed, the difficulty will increase several times.

This is like taking a test alone. If he is only ten minutes away from the full score, then it will be extremely difficult for him not to improve his score again.

Baili Road is half and ninety.


Fang Chuan roared once again, punching out frantically, and in the blink of an eye, he insisted on eight lightning strikes.

He has reached the limit!

The last one, the last one of the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation in the Mahayana realm, can be said to inevitably reach the peak limit of the One Tribulation Earth Immortal.

For ordinary Mahayana realm powerhouses, this is a complete disaster.

Of course, for ordinary Mahayana realm powerhouses, it is impossible to be qualified to withstand the nine-nine thunder tribulation.

This kind of thunder is prepared for the supreme evil evildoer.

"Come on, it's the last blow. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. Damn, don't be too mad next time!"

Fang Chuan had already reached his limit at this moment. Facing the 81st attack of the last and most terrifying Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, he was not sure of going through it.

In fact, he didn't expect that what he was going to endure was nine thunderstorms!


However, the only chance he can survive thunder calamity without dying is to become a holy body and enter the holy level!


While thinking about it, the final blow of the Nine Nine Thunder Tribulation came!

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