The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3184: Transformation under coercion

"It's really comfortable."

Fang Chuan sensed Huosui's powerful mental power, and at the same time allowed his mental power to touch the terrible power. Suddenly, he seemed to feel horrible lightning flashes lashing in his mind.

In fact, one word, pain!

This kind of pain comes from the spiritual level and far exceeds the physical pain.

However, under pressure, that kind of mental power may be transformed at any time, but it makes him feel a little more comfortable.

What is this called?

Pain and happiness!

Boom boom boom...

Huosui's mental power continuously blasted into Fang Chuan's spirit, and Fang Chuan's whole person was like facing the thunder and lightning, carrying a mountain on his back, walking towards the top of the mountain step by step.

One can imagine the pressure, and even sometimes, there is a sign that can crush him.

However, he is still moving forward.

"This kid is really not terrible."

Huosui is actually also cautious, Fang Chuan's effect is still very big, at least he needs to heal Huosi.

If you really kill this kid, things will happen.

However, he also had to admire Fang Chuan's willpower. Under such pressure, even the previous one might not be able to bear it.

However, he endured it, and his body was constantly shining with ray of light, as if he was hovering on the edge of transformation.

"Give up?"


"It's impossible for this kind of thought to appear in my consciousness!"

"Get out!"

After about a day, Fang Chuan felt that he had reached the limit, but he was unwilling to give up.

When he had this thought, he immediately suppressed it.

His divine consciousness was constantly shining, and it became more and more crystal clear, making it more mysterious and difficult to understand.



The light of merit is absorbed from a certain dimension under the action of the ten-point Tianxin, and it is integrated into his spiritual power.

Then, his spirit changed greatly. The chaotic spirit that was suppressed by him before, unexpectedly, under the light of merit and the strong pressure of Huosui, gradually merged into his divine consciousness.


This time Fang Chuan was really comfortable, unprecedentedly comfortable. Those chaotic spirits were originally spiritual origins, but they could affect a person's spiritual will.

But at this moment, the chaotic breath disappeared and became the purest spiritual source, which anyone can use.

If an ordinary person accepts this level of spiritual origin, his soul can be instantiated and separated from the body, reaching the point where humans understand the gods in it!


Once again, in the spirit and consciousness, there was a wave of fluctuations, and then Fang Chuan's consciousness began to change.

Ripples came from his spiritual consciousness.

The mysterious light and symbols seem to be narrating the deepest origin and the deepest essence of this universe.

"Haha, the divine consciousness has broken through!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help laughing, his spirit broke through the shackles, and his physical body also began to transform, moving towards a higher level.


Huosui was also taken aback for a moment, and never expected that Fang Chuan would have such a big gain in just one day.

Is cultivation such a simple thing for this guy?

It's incredible!


Almost at the same time, he hurriedly walked away, left the area where Fang Chuan was, and then looked at Fang Chuan carefully.


Fang Chuan's body was shining with golden light, and wisps of special light merged into his blood, muscles and skin.

His mental power was constantly fluctuating, and Huosui could see a terrifying figure shrouded in Fang Chuan's body.

It was an existence that made his soul tremble.

"What is that?"

Huosui was so frightened that he hurriedly withdrew his mental power. What he saw was the visualization projection of King Pill Xianzun, Fang Chuan's soul breath.

At this moment, Fang Chuan's divine consciousness broke through from the source, and the aura of Pill King Xianzun gradually radiated.

Pill King Xianzun's life aura is a first-class existence in the immortal world. Huosui, the first-tier monk of the ascending realm, can naturally feel the terrifying soul pressure.

He finally understood that the background of the person in front of him probably came from this.

"What kind of existence does he exist?"

Huosui's whole body was trembling. This was the most terrifying existence he had ever seen, completely breaking his cognition.

Just a moment of recollection, you can tremble all over, as if it was a **** who was so majestic that there was no offense.

He looked at Fang Chuan who was constantly shining and trying on the edge of breakthrough, his eyes showed even more curiosity.

However, by this time, he already knew that Fang Chuan could not be offended. Once offended, no one knew what kind of power he had behind him.

You know, the horrible aura he felt just now, if it really exists, one look would be enough to kill him hundreds of times!

"It's a little bit too close, not bad pressure, bad energy!"

This time Fang Chuan was preparing to break through the first stage of the Mahayana realm, and directly stepped from the combined realm to the Mahayana realm, forming a qualitative change.

However, the information he had stored before was not enough.

He had already used a lot of the core of the Immortal Demon Beast in One Tribulation before, and now he needed more energy than the energy contained in the core of the Immortal Demon Beast in One Tribulation!

His face suddenly became ugly, and he ignored this terrible question.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Whoosh whoosh...

Jianmu frantically absorbed the energy from the unknown and mysterious dimension, supplementing his dantian, but still had a taste of drop in the bucket.

The light of merit is constantly pouring into his mind like a waterfall under the action of the ten-square heavenly heart, making him a dazzling golden wheel, which looks like an ancient Buddha.

At this moment, the core of the immortal monster beast flew out of the mustard seed space, hovering above his head, and the energy turned into silver particles, continuously blending into his body.

However, the core of the monster is constantly shrinking.

Once the core is completely absorbed by him and the energy successor is weak, his breakthrough this time will fail.

Once he fails, his bottleneck will only be stronger than before, and he has to step into the half-step Mahayana state and then transition.

This is too slow!

The chance is hard-won, once you miss it, one move is behind, and many things may be different afterwards.


Huosui also felt Fang Chuan's special situation and frowned.

At this moment, Fang Chuan's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at Huosui and said seriously, "Master Huosui, I need a lot of energy!"

This time, the energy needed to break through is the core of the two immortal monsters.

It may even be three!

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