"He really is here!"

The Raksha Demon King was separated by layers of formations, and Fang Chuan had already been seen.

He gritted his teeth, his whole body was murderous, and the society was about to rush over.


The face of the Demon King Jinyou also showed doubts. Of course he knew how powerful the formation of the underground palace was.

Hearing from the Demon King Rakshasa, how could the kid break into the underground palace because of his average strength.

In fact, at this time they had not felt that the Sky Demon Cage had been affected by Fang Chuan.

Otherwise they will be even more surprised!

"What do you want to say?"

The Rakshasa Demon King could not restrain himself, rushing over to kill Fang Chuan, and when he heard the words of the Demon King Jin You, he asked the Demon King Jin You angrily.

"Listen to me, you don't know how dangerous the underground palace is!"

The Demon King Jinyou suppressed his anger and said to the Demon King Raksha: "Is the person you mentioned more powerful than us?"

"Impossible, I can kill him completely with just one move!"

The Demon King Raksha snorted and said: "He is just relying on his speed and his body skills to be mysterious!"

"Isn't that right?"

The Demon King Jin You sighed, looked at Fang Chuan in the opposite palace, and said to the Demon King Raksha: "How could he pass through that layer of formations? Could this be set by the ancestor Jin You? Trap?"

Seeing that the Demon King of Rakshasa was a little impatient, the Demon King Jin You quickly said, "Do you know the consequences of releasing the ancestor Jin You?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me!"

The Demon King Raksha had a bad expression and waved his hand suddenly, and then said coldly to the Demon King Jinyou: "Either you give me the token and I will go by myself, or you will go with me!"


While speaking, the Rakshasa Demon King’s Demon Sword was already on his shoulders, with a strong demon energy accumulated on his body, and it seemed that he could explode terrifying lethality at any time.


Demon King Jinyou gritted his teeth, and then took out a strange token, which was engraved with special inscriptions, just like the stone pillars in the ancient palace.

The **** breath it exudes also has the effect of polluting the spirit.

However, Jinyou Demon King seemed to have a special relationship with this token, and the power of mental pollution did not affect him.

When the token appeared, a blood-colored light appeared in the space, and this ray of light shrouded the two demon kings.

Then they began to walk step by step to the underground palace.

The two are powerful, but they still appear cautious in front of this formation, as if there are huge mountains pressing on their heads.

"I can only fight it!"

Although Fang Chuan was doing his utmost to fight the **** light from the Sky Demon cage, his divine consciousness was already very subtle, and with one heart and two uses, he had discovered the traces of the two great demon kings.

Sensing the two demon kings constantly approaching, his eyes drenched, and a burst of golden blood spurted out of his mouth. The blood turned into a weird rune, which penetrated into his breaking formation formula, instantly letting the breaking formation formula power. Greatly increased.

Boom boom boom...

In the process of ebb and flow, the formation of the Sky Demon cage is less and less effective for the ancestor Jin You.

But this time is far from enough, even if the ancestor Jin You makes a breakthrough, he may not be able to come out.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be brave, hiding in this place!"

At this moment, the Rakshasa Demon King and Jinyou Demon King had already arrived in the palace.

They were only tens of meters away from Fang Chuan. If Fang Chuan looked strange and didn't know what he was doing, Raksha Demon King would have killed Fang Chuan in the first place.

"not good!"

In fact, the formation knowledge of these two demon kings was almost zero, so they couldn't see that Fang Chuan was breaking the formation.

But the Demon King Jinyou found the clue through the token in his hand, and his face changed suddenly.

He hurriedly shouted: "Raksha, do it! This son is breaking the battle for the ancestor Jin You, and he cannot be successful. Once successful, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Boom boom boom...

While speaking, his demon power has turned into a terrifying spear, with layers of demon runes condensed on it.

The strength of the First Layer of the Tribulation Realm broke out completely, and the green spear instantly penetrated Fang Chuan's back.

At that moment, a series of spider web-like cracks appeared in the space.

The spear was like a long dragon, as if in the blink of an eye, Fang Chuan was about to be swallowed completely.


Almost at the same time, the Demon Sword of the Demon King of Raksha slashed out.

The terrifying demon gas turned into a giant dragon, which directly penetrated and enveloped Fang Chuan.

The two demon kings shot at the same time, even if Fang Chuan wanted to make a big move, it was impossible because the space at this moment was completely locked.

Fang Chuan had no room to fight back.

"Oh shit!"

At that moment, Fang Chuan could only grit his teeth and continue to break the formation.

There is really no way, only one fight for life and death.

He didn't expect that he would fall into the situation of a life of nine deaths time and time again.


At this critical moment, there was a deafening roar from the sky.

First of all, the sky demon cage suddenly burst, and a **** breath rushed towards all directions.

The desperate attacks of the two demon kings dissipated almost instantly.


"Not good! Bastard!"

The two Great Demon Kings screamed in horror at the same time, it was no longer the matter of killing Fang Chuan at this time.

The ancestor of Jinyou unexpectedly broke out!

I am afraid that the two of them have also fallen into a desperate situation!

They yelled and retreated quickly, rushing towards the outside of the palace as if to escape for their lives.


And almost the next moment, a pale golden light shrouded Fang Chuan's body, and the **** aura erupting from the collapse of the Sky Demon cage was completely resisted.

Then, a golden light pierced through the blood, and with waves of destructive power, the whole palace instantly cracked.

Puff puff……

With the shock of the earth, the power supply eventually turned into ashes, and the surrounding formation was completely destroyed.

"The ground moved!"

"How could this be?"

"Is the end here?"

At the same time, the entire Jinyou City was shaking violently. With the underground palace as the center, spider-web-like cracks appeared in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and they spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

All the monster races that were affected turned into powder in an instant.

The 8-Rank Nine-Rank Monster Race seemed very fragile at this moment.

Bang bang bang...

The Golden Tour Demon King and the Rakshasa Demon King were greatly impacted, but because they were prepared, they fled as quickly as possible. Although they had been severely injured, they survived after the cracking stopped.


The ancestor Jin You was deafening, and the laughter resounded from the world over tens of thousands of kilometers.

"I'm out!"

"Blood demon, Lich, you can't hold me down!"

The voice of the ancestor Jin You conveyed a very far and far away, as if to announce to the world.

And at this moment, the entire upper level of the Demon Race Land was shaken!

"He's out!"

"How could this be?" "The monster clan is going to be in chaos again!"

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