The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3178: Hands-on and break

"Well, you can try it. If you succeed, I promise to let you leave the land of the monster race safely, and even **** you back to a safe area."

The ancestor Jin You said in a playful manner that he actually didn't care if Fang Chuan could rescue him. Of course it would be good to be able to save him. If not, it would be a pleasure.


Fang Chuan nodded, and then began to observe the formation near the sky demon cage.

Because of the strong spiritual pollution near the cage, his spiritual consciousness did not dare to approach at all, and could only approach slightly to perceive.

Even so, he received a great shock, a demon roared in front of him, and there was a sea of ​​corpses and blood everywhere.

This illusion makes him very uncomfortable, and he has a feeling of nausea.

But he didn't get much influence, he was fully absorbed, holding Yuan Shouichi, and his energy was highly concentrated.

Following his observations, he found that the level of the formation is very high, and it is arranged by the strong of the Ascension Realm.

This kind of formation is impossible for him to crack at all, unless there are obvious loopholes.

Of course, what he said is obvious, and it may be ignored for others, or even not discovered at all.

Because his formation skills are far from comparable to anyone in the human world.


Only his breathing remained in the entire palace, and even the ancestor Jin You did not speak at this moment, and seemed to be looking forward to it very much.

"Looking like this, this kid might be a bit capable. It's up to him if I can see the sun again!"

The ancestor Jin You's spirit is constantly fluctuating.

In fact, he has been locked up for thousands of years, and he has already lost the confidence to escape.

But it is like a drowning man. Although he is desperate, he will reach out to grab a straw when he sees a straw.

The ancestor of Jin You is now in this state of mind.

Jinyou City.

"Raksha, are you playing with me, Jinyou City has been visited by you all the time, even my palace has been searched by you, why haven't you found the person you mentioned?"

Jinyou Demon King followed behind the Raksha Demon King, his face increasingly ugly.

He has given the Raksha Demon King a long time, and he has given enough face.

Of course, this face mainly comes from ten golden pills.

But the Raksha Demon King found nothing in Jinyou City, making him suspicious.

"shut up!"

The Demon King Raksha was extremely furious at this moment, he searched for a long time, but did not find any trace of Fang Chuan.

But he did see Fang Chuan enter Jinyou City.

And he did not sense Fang Chuan leaving the city.

People can't disappear out of thin air!

"I'm going to the underground palace!"

Raksha Demon King suddenly turned around and said to Jinyou Demon King with a calm face.


Demon King Jinyou raised his voice and said with an angry expression: "Do you know what you are talking about? Can I control the underground palace?"


The Demon King Raksha snorted coldly, waved his hand, and threw out ten golden lights.


Jinyou Demon King reached out and took it, it turned out to be another ten golden pills.

He darkened his face and asked, "What do you mean? You know what's in the underground palace. If something goes wrong, you and I will die!"


The Demon King Raksha threw another ten golden pills, and then said in a cold voice: "Don't be too greedy, if you don't agree, I will kill you, and then go down!"


Demon King Jinyou is very angry, do you think you will kill me?

My Golden Demon King is at your disposal?

However, he still sighed: "The underground palace is densely formed, even if you and I go down, there is no token of the demon god, there is only a dead end, do you think that person must be below?"

"Stop talking!"

The Demon King Raksha snorted coldly, raised a long knife with a sigh, and suddenly the demon spirit was full and murderous.

He coldly looked at King Jinyou Demon and said, "Don't force me to do it!"

"Just go down and take a look, don't be foolish!"

Jinyou Demon King couldn't help sighing. He and Raksha Demon King were old rivals, but he was unwilling to fight Raksha Demon King in his own territory.

Moreover, he took thirty golden pills of the Raksha Demon King, short hands, and soft mouth.

So with a wave of his hand, he took the Demon King Raksha and flickered toward the passage of the underground palace.

In the underground palace.


Through observation and deduction, Fang Chuan spent infinite energy and finally found the flaw in the formation.

He couldn't help laughing. He raised his head and said to Old Ancestor Jin You: "It's good luck, I know that the formation of the world cannot be perfect. Finally, I found a chance to break the formation!"


The ancestor Jin You's tone was full of incredible, with a kind of questioning, but the aura inside the Sky Demon cage was fluctuating stronger and stronger.

Boom boom boom...

It seemed to feel the mood swings of the ancestor Jin You, the blood-colored lightning above the cage became more and more dense, one after another ruthless bombing of the ancestor Jin You.

The ancestor Jin You snorted, obviously this feeling was not good.

He quickly reduced his breath, and this allowed the **** lightning to calm down a lot.

"Can I still lie to you?" Fang Chuan breathed while regaining his mental strength, and at the same time said to Old Ancestor Jin You: "There is only one chance. I will try my best to break the formation outside and isolate you from the cage for a short time. , It’s up to you to come out at that time

The good fortune! "


The ancestor Jin You still had an unbelievable feeling, and quickly asked: "Can you really isolate me from the shackles of the cage for a short time?"

"Nonsense!" Fang Chuan waved his hand impatiently, and said coldly: "You'd better adjust your own state and be prepared. I feel that they are about to find me. If there is no external influence, I am 100% sure to break the formation. But if they cause me

With little impact, the consequences are quite different. "

"Then do it!" The ancestor Jin You's tone became more solemn.

He is completely restraining his emotions!


Fang Chuan had recovered most of his mental power, and then his eyes dazzled, and his hands shot out a series of breaking formations. Clouds of golden light condensed in front of him and painted various patterns.

In the end, these patterns converged into a torrent, like a giant dragon pushing Fang Chuan with both hands.

Boom, boom...

The deafening cracking sound spread, and then the breaking array tactics rushed to a corner of the array.

Following the formation of the sky demon cage, a **** light emerged, forming a shield, and instantly confronted Fang Chuan's formation breaking art.

The sky demon cage quivered frantically, the blood-colored light became more fierce, and the blood-colored dragon-colored phoenix turned into a blood-colored dragon-colored phoenix, frantically resisting.

"Can it really affect the Sky Demon cage?" Jin You ancestor was also stunned at this moment.

He had never expected this kid to have this ability before.

At this time, the restraint on him in the Sky Demon cage was obviously gradually decreasing.

But he is still waiting for the opportunity!

"too difficult!"

Fang Chuan's tactics for breaking the formation have been exerted to the extreme, but people have a feeling of powerlessness.

Of course he believes that it will eventually break!

It is only a matter of time!


At this moment, two figures full of evil spirits penetrated from a distance. Jinyou Demon King and Raksha Demon King are here!

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