"Well, this big man, can we keep a low profile?"

Fang Chuan's face is sore, can you not take this matter so important, can you be like a person with a solid foundation?

You smirk like this, and it makes you faceless, okay?

"Boy, awesome!"

The ancestor Jin You stopped shouting after Fang Chuan spoke, and fell from the sky to the ground. His huge body quickly shrank to the size of Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan stood on the ruins at this time, looking up and down the ancestor Jin You.

This person is the strongest existence he has ever seen since he was reborn.

Five Ascension Realm!

Even fifty husks combined can't beat him with one hand.

But this old guy is a bit pitiful, being locked up in the underground palace, dark for thousands of years.

He smiled and said, "Big brother, before your enemy comes, can we set off?"

Fang Chuan is also helpless. Now that he releases the ancestor Jin You, he must have offended the big guys in the land of the monster race to death.

Now give him a hundred courage, it is impossible for him to penetrate this tens of thousands of kilometers of the monster race land by himself.

You must know that the big guys of the ascending realm can slap him tens of thousands of times with a slap.

And if the delay continues, maybe a strong man will directly kill the ancestor Jin You, then he will only have death.

"it is good!"

The ancestor of Jin You was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood Fang Chuan's thoughts.

He smiled and said: "Okay, I will send you out first, and then come back to take revenge. I will kill this monster land without leaving it!"

"Let's go!"

Fang Chuan shook his head, unwilling to tell him more.

Doesn't the piece of armor stay?

If you are so capable, it is impossible to be locked in an underground palace for thousands of years.

Of course, when others are bragging, especially those who are better than you bragging, it will not bring you a good experience to expose him in person.

So Fang Chuan chose not to speak.


The ancestor Jin You clearly understood Fang Chuan's thoughts, but he didn't care too much. After all, Fang Chuan was also his savior.

When he waved his hand, a pale golden light shrouded Fang Chuan's body, then turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared directly into the sky.

"He just left?"

The Demon King Jin You vomited a mouthful of blood, and then watched the ancestor Jin You and the others leave with a helpless expression on his face.


The Demon King Raksha was angry and worried at this moment.

Strictly speaking, this time it was a catastrophe caused by him.


Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to control the demon spirit and flew towards the horizon.

"What should I do if you run away?"

Jinyou Demon King had long been prepared for the Raksha Demon King to run away, and when the Raksha Demon King flew out, he quickly followed.

Boom boom boom...

At the same time, his demon energy condensed with a growth spear, and furiously blasted away at the Raksha Demon King.

A burst of green demon, with a shocking spear light, instantly enveloped the Raksha Demon King.

The Raksha Demon King roared, and also ran the demon sword, cutting out a sword full of demon power.

The two demon kings who crossed the tribulation realm and the first level launched a crazy battle in the sky.

The fluctuation of the battle has a power to destroy the world.

It was dark for a while, so that the surrounding monsters did not dare to approach.

"Are you embarrassed to fight?"

At this moment, a cold snort came from the horizon.

A towering figure appeared before them.

This is a demon **** of ascension realm.

The demon **** looked at the two great demon kings and gave a cold snort, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Demon God!"

"Demon God, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Raksha Demon King and Jinyou Demon King were shrouded by the demon god's momentum, and stopped quickly, yes, the demon **** bowed respectfully.

The two great demon kings were extremely nervous.

"I'm here just to understand the situation. Others are useless."

The demon **** sneered, then waved his hand, and said grimly: "But you all have no meaning to live."

After finishing speaking, the faces of the two demon kings changed drastically, and they flew in two directions madly at the same time.

When the demon **** spoke, they already knew that they might be in danger this time.

But instinctively made them have to escape.


Almost in the blink of an eye, two grey rays of light caught up with the two demon kings at a faster speed.

The light hit the bodies of the two demon kings, and in an instant, the two demon kings turned into powder.

The tragic cry was still echoing, but the demon **** exuded a strong spirit fluctuation.


At the next moment, the spirit bodies of the two demon kings were directly condensed. Although they were already in soul form, they were still trembling in front of the demon god.


The demon **** snorted coldly, grabbed it casually, and the two spiritual bodies were submerged in his palm.

"Is it another human who rescued the ancestor Jin You?"

The demon god's face changed: "How is it possible, and it's still so weak."

Although he was full of doubts, he didn't stay here too much, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Huh, it's finally over!"

"very scary!"

The surviving demon clan breathed a sigh of relief, and the Jinyou city was destroyed in one day, and the two demon kings died tragically.

This is a huge impact for all Yaozu.

But these can't affect Fang Chuan.

He is now rushing to the border defense of the city of war and the mountain of Dolan with the ancestor Jinyou.

"You can actually resist the mental chaos here, how can you be able to kill the Ninth-Rank monster beasts in such a weak realm, and escape under the chase and kill of the monsters of the first stage of the Tribulation Realm?"

The ancestor Jin You chatted with Fang Chuan all the way, knowing these things about Fang Chuan, he almost bit his tongue in surprise.

This is totally incredible to him!

He was lost out of the safe area back then, and in the end he was left homeless and wandered in this dangerous place.

But fortunately, he has also reached a very high level, and now he has no regrets.

But for Fang Chuan he still felt very surprised!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan looked at the surroundings going backwards at an unimaginable speed, so that it was a little fuzzy, and said with a smile: "These are basic operations, after all, I am a peerless genius!"


Old Ancestor Jin You smiled. Besides using evildoers to explain this situation, what better explanation can there be?

He thought for a while and then asked: "You are almost reaching your limit now, why go to the city of war?"

"There are still some things that have not been resolved. You could help me, but I see you will be chased and killed soon. In order to avoid being implicated by you, I still choose other people to help me!"

Fang Chuan said without hesitation, because he had already seen that the ancestor Jin You had a good temper.

"Haha!" Old Ancestor Jin You sneered: "Do you believe it or not I threw you here?"

"No." Fang Chuan shook his head.


The ancestor Jin You was speechless and did not speak to Fang Chuan for about an hour.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, his face solemn, and Fang Chuan said, "I have left the land of the monster race."

He paused, and then said: "However, a follower is also here, you go directly to the city of war and leave the rest to me!"


As soon as his voice fell, an aura of horror enveloped him.

A towering figure appeared before them.

This is the demon **** before!

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