"Sure enough!"

As soon as Fang Chuan entered the stone arch, he immediately felt the feeling of space expansion, and then he was endless.

When entering the huge mountain, it turned out to be a vast ocean, and one by one suspended islands floated above the sky.

There are many sea beasts in the sea, and each sea beast exudes a powerful aura.

At first glance, there are densely packed, suspended islands with no end in sight, just like cities and countries.

"My lord, you are back!"

Several patrols who were on the way saw these five fifth-rank monster races, and immediately bowed their hands, very respectful.

Because they are all guards of the first-grade state.


The Demon Race of the fifth stage naturally has its own style, and faintly responded, and then flew towards the floating island in the sky.

Fang Chuan followed them. About two hours later, these people were flying fast. If they were placed on the earth, they would have circled the earth several times.

It's a pity that here, it has just entered the center of the floating island.

Fang Chuan swept through his spiritual sense and found that there were at least tens of thousands of floating islands, and each of them contained tens of millions of life.

It's just that this Kui Mu faction already has so many monster races. It's no wonder that Huo Xuan said that the people of the kingdom of God are thin.

The most important thing is that Fang Chuan has only passed halfway, and the other half is on the other side.

They now came to the central location of the Hanging Island, with more than a dozen islands guarding a huge island.

This is where the two powerhouses, Yu Mu and Xu Yu, live.

This is also the power center of the Kui Mu faction.

"Just a single earth can produce so many stories and deduce so much history. I wonder how many stories are happening in the place where the Kui Mu school is located?"

Fang Chuan sighed suddenly.

Indeed, where there is life, there will be battles, and where there are battles, there will be stories. There are so many demon races with wits, I am afraid there are many things.

However, he is just a passerby here, so he did not intend to really understand the story here.

In a short while, they had already entered the hanging island where the two powerhouses, Ku Mu and Xu Wei, were seated. The laws of the fairyland here were more intense.

A strong breath radiated out, making people feel energetic.

"The two demons and monsters of the Ninth Stage realm have such a big show, and there are not so many ascending realm powerhouses like Huosui, right?"

Fang Chuan walked all the way, and couldn't help sighing, although the Ninth-Rank Realm of the City of War was going well, it was far inferior to these two Nine-Rank Realms.

The most important thing is that these two factions of the Ninth Stage Realm belong to the bottom of the entire Monster Race, and there is not even a land immortal in it.

However, their power can be so great!

Fang Chuan could finally realize how uncomfortable Huo Xuan and the others were living here, if it weren't for crossing the tribulation realm, the ascension realm would be too difficult to reach.

So that the difference in the high-level strength of the kingdom of the gods, the monsters and the orcs is not too big, otherwise, there will be nothing about the kingdom of the gods.

"We want to see Master Kui Mu, and we have something important to report." One of the fifth-grade demon clan said to the people guarding outside the magnificent Kui Mu Palace.

This palace is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance.

However, Fang Chuan can also understand that although most of the demons live in human form, there are always times when they want to return to their body.

Therefore, their palace is very large, which is a matter of course.

"Master Kui Mu is in retreat and cannot see you. However, Miss Aloda is in the palace. If you have anything, you can talk to Miss Aloda."

The guard responded with a smile.

"Master Kui Mu retreats?" The face of the fifth-grade monster race changed.

"Shufeng, what's the matter, can't my father retreat?" At this moment, an enchanting voice came.

Ta ta ta...

With the sound of footsteps, a woman who was going to the extreme, leaned on her waist with one hand, smiled and looked at the demon clan named Shufeng.

"Miss Aloda!"

The five Fifth Stage Demon Races quickly bowed and saluted, and their faces were very ugly.

"What's the matter, seeing Miss Ben, do you think Miss Ben will eat you?" Aroda said with a smile.

"Do not."

Shufeng shook his head and said: "We are just asking Master Kui Mu to report the border war. Your lord is in retreat. We will come back in a few days."

"No need to."

Aloda sneered: "You are so afraid of me? That's not good. Since I'm here, I will entertain you too. I can't refuse!"


The faces of these five people changed and then sighed, and they had to follow Aloda into the magnificent palace.

There are many buildings in the palace.

They passed through the overlapping buildings and came to the hall of a domed building.


When Shufeng and others entered it, the door was immediately closed.

"Miss Aloda, we..." Shufeng was shaking all over.

Aloda looked at them with squinted eyes and smiled: "Aren't you going to file a lawsuit? I didn't expect me to come back first, right? I didn't expect my father to be in retreat, right?"

While talking, a few figures flashed out from the back of the hall, surrounding the five people.

Of these people, the weakest are the sixth-rank realm, and the strongest, like Aloda, is the powerhouse of the seventh-rank peak monster clan.

"Shu Feng, your master was killed by me, you will come to sue, you are very loyal, ha ha, if so, you will stay here forever. I like you loyal dogs the most."

As Aloda spoke, a pink throne appeared behind her. She slept directly on the throne and looked down.

Flop, flop...

The five powerful monsters quickly knelt on the ground.

"Miss Aloda, you misunderstood, we really didn't come to sue!" Shufeng said quickly.

"Do you want to send a message out?"

Aloda looked at Shufeng's other hand indifferently, and when Shufeng saw it, his whole body was shocked, because he really wanted to use the magic weapon to inform their people.

Unfortunately, it was seen through.

Aroda smiled and said, "I won't stop you, you try it, but I tell you, no one can know what happened to me."

"Huh?" Shufeng's face suddenly became ashes.

"is it?"

At this moment, Fang Chuan's voice suddenly appeared in the hall, and others stood in front of Shufeng and the others.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Aloda.

In fact, he was also investigating with his spiritual sense just now, and he really found that there was a magic weapon with a closed spirit covering the palace.

So he appeared.

"who are you?"

"Oh, Terran?"

Aloda’s people were taken aback, but Aloda recognized Fang Chuan’s identity and even knew Human Race!

All of them looked at Fang Chuan with a surprised look.

How did he get in?

And, why is it so weak?

"It's him?" However, the five fifth-grade monster races recognized Fang Chuan. Because of the previous battles, they were far apart, so they were observing the whole process!

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