"I wanted to wait for the opportunity slowly, but I didn't expect to create an opportunity for me so quickly."

Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Aloda and the others, with a confident smile on his face, his eyes swept across everyone.

He smiled and said, "Aloda? Are you Kui Mu's daughter?"

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Aloda's eyes were dazzling, and she waved her hand and said, "Take this human, hum, Shufeng, you guys actually collude with each other, haha!"


Several of Aroda's men smiled, and then shot Fang Chuan.

Boom boom boom...

These people suddenly aroused a number of demons, turned into fists, and smashed them at Fang Chuan fiercely.

"too weak."

Fang Chuan shook his head.

These people are still good, the strongest people have the pinnacle of the seventh stage, but unfortunately, in front of Fang Chuan, they are still not good.

With a wave of his hand, a shield in front of a ten-point divine mirror appeared. Suddenly, there was a roar, but it was easily resisted.


He smiled and waved his hand, and a big thunder sound swordsmanship slashed away, shockingly.


Suddenly, the head of a Sixth Stage Demon Race flew into the sky, and at the same time, he screamed and his soul died.



Everyone was shocked and looked at Fang Chuan with horrified eyes.

His move far exceeded the strength of the 7th-Rank peak powerhouses such as Aloda, and it made people palpitate.

Even Shufeng and the others secretly swallowed a sip of water. They had just watched Fang Chuan kill from a distance, but at this moment, they felt Fang Chuan's random wave, the feeling of a sixth-level strong person like a grass.


"court death!"

Fang Chuan suppressed these people with one move, but soon these people yelled, and the two 7th-Rank realm experts joined forces.


The two demon auras merged into a fist and hit Fang Chuan, shattering the surrounding space.

No one backed away.

"Ha ha."

Everyone was afraid of a move, but Fang Chuan laughed.

He smiled and reached out a little.


A big collapse spell pierced through the fingers, and then, the gray breath blasted on the huge fist.

A soft sound.

The fist dissipated.


However, the Great Collapse Technique did not reduce its castration, and it slammed on the forehead of a seventh-grade monster race, bang, the monster race flew ten meters away and hit the ground.


Physical destruction.


No dead body.


Everyone sucked in another breath, and the scene was extremely quiet, and they all looked at Fang Chuan with fear.

Fang Chuan's move showed greatness and was an irresistible strength.

Even, they didn't dare to move easily, for fear of causing a murder.


Aloda looked at Fang Chuan and asked, "Who are you, what do you want, and what do you want?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, seeing that he was shocked by these people, waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, I need to be a beast."

"Master Xu?"

Aloda’s face changed, and Shen Ning said: "This is impossible, the ninth-ranked master, and there are several confidants of the beasts, they are all seventh- and eighth-ranks, even if we help you, it is impossible to kill Their!"

"There are seventh-rank and eighth-rank beasts?" Fang Chuan raised his brows.


Aroda hurriedly said: "Although the beasts are rare, Master Xu has reached the ninth rank, and it is normal to find some of the same race."

She said again: "Furthermore, the beast beast is of great benefit to your human race and **** race, but it has no effect on our monster race, so it is good for them to survive here."

"How much is it?" Fang Chuan was delighted, the big one can't be killed, the small one can't be killed, let's talk about the promotion of cultivation base.

"Seventh-Rank two ends, eighth-Rank one end, but they generally don't leave the Suburb Palace, nor do they have much contact with us."

Aroda clearly understood Fang Chuan's thoughts, and suddenly she smiled and said, "Actually, we have many treasures here. If you need them, I can give them to you, not necessarily beasts."

She gently pulled her long skirt again, and she looked so charming.

She smiled and said, "Even I can give it to you."

There was a strange look on the faces of the rest.

Fang Chuan said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, or draw a beast out of it, or you all die!"

"You!" Aloda suddenly looked uncomfortable.

However, Fang Chuan's murderous aura caused everyone present to shake.

Shufeng said suddenly: "I can bring out a seven-rank beast. I have seen him once, and he seems to like our silver frost pill very much."

"Silver Frost Pill?" Aloda raised his brows.

Shufeng nodded and said, "I also found it accidentally."

"What is Yinshuang Dan?" Fang Chuan suddenly looked at Shufeng and asked.

"This is it."

Shufeng took out a silver pill, filled with a special fragrance, Fang Chuan's consciousness swept away, and he understood.

This is a kind of pill for the demons to cultivate spiritual consciousness. It is not of high grade. It contains a medicine with a special fragrance.

He looked at Shufeng and asked, "Where are the other beasts?"

"I haven't seen any other beasts." Shufeng replied awkwardly.

"How many silver frost pills do you have?" Fang Chuan asked in a deep voice, sweeping his eyes across the crowd.

"I have five!"

"I have eight!"

"I do not have……"

Many people answered, and then quickly took out the Silver Frost Pill, a total of 22 pieces, which fell into Fang Chuan's hands.

However, Aloda did not.

It turned out that Silver Frost Pill was a precious thing for ordinary monsters, but it was different for the second generation like Aloda.

They don't use Silver Frost Pill at all.

"In that case, seal you up first. If someone wants to run, or someone comes to find you, I will know the consequences for the first time, hehe..."

Fang Chuan said, with a wave of his hand, a series of sealing techniques were played out, and almost everyone present was sealed under the light.

Except Shufeng!

The powerful sealing force made Aloda and others unable to move, and they were even more shocked when faced with Fang Chuan's powerful sealing method.

This kind of sealing power makes them have no resistance and can only let them eat mermaid meat!

"You, follow me, take me to where the beast is!" Fang Chuan said calmly.


Shufeng looked at the people sealed by Fang Chuan, and sighed. Now that he has reached this point, he has no choice.

What's more, if there was no Fang Chuan, they would have been killed by Aloda.


Fang Chuan put a high-level concealment formation on them, and then in the blink of an eye, he took Shufeng and left the hall.

"That's it, this is the Palace of Xu Yan, Master Xu is in it, it is very likely to be found."

Although Shufeng was very surprised by Fang Chuan's free and undiscovered means, he still reminded him hastily after arriving at the Xuyan Palace.

The Xuan Palace is divided into inside and outside, the outer layer is the ordinary monster guard, and the inner layer is where the four-headed beast lives.

"Which end are you talking about?"

Fang Chuan ignored Shufeng's words, but looked at the outer periphery of the inner layer, there were two weird-looking spherical monsters that looked like jelly.

These two monsters are not strong in breath, but they are not small in size. "The left side." Shufeng said with a sigh. He never dreamed that he would betray the Kui Mu faction.

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