The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3164: Infiltrate the Yaozu territory

"What about others?"

"You won't be beaten up, will you?"

The time just now was too short for many people to understand, and then Fang Chuan disappeared, leaving these people confused.

"Don't be distracted, kill the enemy!"

Huo Xuan roared and continued the battle just now!

His body is already full of scars, but he has already killed several strong people of the same rank, and now he is even more powerful!

Fang Chuan beheaded thousands of demon clan powerhouses, and killed three leader-level demon clan.

However, for this huge ground meat battlefield, the impact is not as great as expected.

What's more, the purpose of launching this kind of war is to scour the sands in big waves and to screen out those who are lucky and powerful.

Therefore, the war continues.

"That person is gone!"

"The leader is dead, we will report it immediately, and that person must also report it!"

The demon clan who followed the battlefield screamed. In fact, the three seventh-rank realm demon clan just now were only the leaders of the wave of demon clan army just now, and there were many troops behind.

However, Fang Chuan’s disappeared intelligence must be reported!

For a time, Fang Chuan caused a lot of waves.



"Ha ha."

The next moment, Fang Chuan appeared outside the ground meat battlefield, in a valley a thousand kilometers away. This valley was very hidden, with all kinds of strange flowers and plants, and some weak monsters.

However, all the monster beasts were crawling on the ground, and were overwhelmed by the momentum and mental pressure from the battlefield over there.

Fang Chuan had already put on a high-level hidden formation.

He left the battlefield. In fact, he had already made a lot of contributions to Huo Xuan and the others. Next, he wanted to look for the so-called divine object.

Ninth-Rank beast!

Suburb beast is a special kind of monster beast with a sparse ethnic group. It is difficult to grow to the 9th rank.

However, the beast's heart and beast core are extremely contemptuous to monks. They can reinvent the human body, increase the spirit, increase the true energy, and break through the realm. It is a rare treasure in the world.

Fang Chuan is already determined to win.

Although the opponent is a 9th grade, he also believes that he has a chance.


In the next moment, his breath also began to change, and in his spirit and soul, there was a trace of the aura of a monster in the seventh stage that he had killed before.

Then, his appearance also changed.

The ten-square holy sword in his hand, under his control, turned into a trident.

"Xuyan Beast is in a cave 100,000 miles away to the southeast. He is independent of the Monster Race, the Beast Race, and is independent of another Monster Race called Kui Mu."

"The monster race is not united, there are also struggles!"

"Yi Mu and Xu Yu faction did not participate in this strangulation. However, this monster clan called Zhen Muyu has a little friendship with Kui Mu faction."

Fang Chuan had already completely searched the soul of this monster when he killed the last monster Hazel.

Therefore, he knew all the information of this Hazel Muyu, and he was very sure about pretending to be a monster race.

"Just do it for yourself, it would be great to help you!"

Fang Chuan floated into the air, looked at the battlefield where the front line stretched for hundreds of miles, and shook his head. In fact, these people were not related to him, and he didn't care about life or death.

Of course, it is best for Huo Hyun to survive!


He then flew quickly to the southeast.

Along the way, he could also see that the territory occupied by the Yaozu and the Kingdom of God was completely different, with a little more wildness.

However, he discovered from Zhenmuyu's memory that most of these monster races were born and raised, but, their infinite ancestors and above, do not seem to be natives of the Ascended Land.

They are also soaring.

There is a mess here, each working independently, fighting constantly, and even high-level officials are engaged in terrible wars of the nature of agreement in order to obtain more powerful people.

The killing continues!

Blood flows into a river!

With millions of lives, in exchange for the appearance of some strong men.

And, can it be said that all these are the rules that exist in the Ascension Land, or is there some controllers in the Ascension Land?

The law of the immortal world here is rich, but it is different from the law of heaven and earth where the earth is.

This is so strange that even his Immortal Venerable II can't figure it out.

"The universe is too big, even if I have seen many, many worlds, and even other so-called universes, how big is the real universe?"

"Does he include parallel universes?"

"No one knows this at all, Xianzun doesn't know, even if it is a step forward, does the immortal emperor who don't know whether it exists?"

"Above the Immortal Emperor, is there a strong life level? Who knows?"

Fang Chuan flew and moved while thinking, feeling that he was getting smaller and smaller. Of course, he had already thought about this issue in his previous life.

There is no answer to this question.

It's like ordinary people on earth thinking whether there are other lives in the universe.

Just thinking is useless.

Inferences often go astray.

The only way is to go out and take a look in person to understand that there are so many magical places in this universe.

Tianlong Star Region, Overlord Continent, Time Ruins...

There is also a celestial passage site...

Each of these places has surpassed the imagination of all the earth, and the life here has also surpassed the earth.


As Fang Chuan thought about it, he had crossed 100,000 miles and saw a huge mountain floating in the sky.

This mountain is ten times larger than the Emei Mountain range of the earth.

However, Fang Chuan knew that the space contained in it might be comparable to an earth.

This is the Kui Mu faction, the formation is dazzling, and it exudes a message that strangers should not enter.


Fang Chuan was about to approach when suddenly five rays of light flew from far away and flew towards the mountain of Kui Mu faction.


Fang Chuan swept away his spiritual knowledge and found that the five rays of light were five fifth-rank realm monster races flying magic weapons.


He thought for a while, a big move, moved to the front of one of the fifth-grade monster clan, and then shrank in size, extinct the aura, and turned into a stone-like existence.

His vitality disappeared completely at this moment.

"This time the ten major monster races have all gone into battle. The battle is fierce, and the death of the seventh-grade monster has already occurred!"

"I don't understand why we must screen the strong like this!"

"This is the rule of the Ascended Land. No one can survive in this Ascended Land."

The five demons flew while chatting, and soon flew to the Dashan Gate of the Kui Mu faction.

This is a huge stone arch with an evil light shining on it.

A huge eyeball-shaped magic weapon was above the stone arch. When the five monster races came under the stone arch, the magic weapon radiated rays of light covering them.


Then, the magic weapon was slightly shocked and his eyes closed. Subsequently, the five of them entered the stone arch!

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