The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3163: Cut three and seven products


The sound of fighting continued to be heard, Fang Chuan controlled the ten-point holy sword, cutting out a thunder sword aura, vertical and horizontal, invincible.

A sword gas strangled dozens of monsters.

Hundreds of monsters died under his sword.

And he has also advanced five kilometers forward, the deeper the depth, the stronger the strength of the Yaozu, the more people attacked him.

"This person will kill!"

"Too arrogant!"

Fang Chuan continued to move forward, releasing a wave of sword energy, and slashed to the Hundred Monster Race, and then three stalwart figures blocked his way.

These three monster races have different bodies, but they are very large. It turns out that they showed their own body form.

Boom boom boom...

One face to face, without a word, they slammed into Fang Chuan, the huge monster tail penetrated like a cannonball, and a dazzling lightning bolt as thick as a hill blinked in front of him, and a trident condensed the power of heaven and earth to take him directly. Head.

Changing to other 7th-Rank realm powerhouses, facing these three 7th-Rank realm monster races, I am afraid that they would have been bombarded in an instant.

"Only five kilometers, you encountered the seventh-grade realm?"

Fang Chuan frowned and sneered. Then, a golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and the ten-square divine mirror changed its shape, blocking him.

Boom boom boom...

A more deafening sound was torn out, and the dazzling light seemed to turn into the sun in the sky.

Where Fang Chuan was, the earth instantly turned into powder.


However, in the next moment, Fang Chuan already appeared behind a nine-tailed monster race, and a sword penetrated.


The monster clan sensed the murderous intent, and suddenly looked back, the magic weapon in his hand flashed light, and a golden light penetrated his forehead.


Immediately, his huge head turned into powder, and his spirit was strangled by Da Leiyin's sword in an instant.

There was a boom.

The huge body smashed into the ground, completely dead!



The other two monsters were angry. This time they were the leaders of the monsters. They joined forces to kill Fang Chuan to increase morale!

However, as soon as they shot, one person died!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!


Even more fierce thunder and lightning, and the spirit trident came, Fang Chuan waved casually, the spirit filled, the ten directions of the holy swords were unified, and the sword energy was agitated.

In an instant, tearing the opponent's offensive.

"You die too!"

Fang Chuan sneered, reaching a few hundred meters in an instant, and the ten-square holy sword slashed out, with sword aura.


The demon race that stirred thunder and lightning was cut off in an instant, and the Da Lei Yin sword aura carried spiritual power, tearing the spirit and soul of this person.

boom! boom!

Two corpses hit the ground.

Another person died!


The remaining person, holding a trident, looked at Fang Chuan with a horrified look. He never expected Fang Chuan to be so terrifying!

The three of them have nothing to fight back!

"It turns out that killing you can have a certain spiritual blessing, but it is a pity that such blessing is not suitable for me!"

Fang Chuan stood holding a sword and shook his head. He killed two monsters in the seventh-rank realm, and he sensed subtle mental power into his mind.

This is the spiritual force, which was of great help to cultivation, but unfortunately, the spiritual force here is in great conflict with his current spiritual force.

Therefore, he can only gather this spiritual force into a ball and keep it for later use.


As he said, he raised the ten-point holy sword in his hand, and his spiritual power filled the sky and the earth.

Then, he looked at the remaining monster race and said coldly, "You want to kill, but unfortunately, there is only one dead end!"


His ten-point holy sword sparked with light, forming a wave of lethal waves, like a blade, touching the spirit of this monster race.

"Do not!"

At this time, Fang Chuan was surrounded by thousands of demon races, the weakest demon races were fourth-rank realms, half were fifth-rank realms, and there were still many sixth-rank realms.

Had it not been for Fang Chuan's confrontation with the Monster Race of the Seventh Stage Realm at this moment, they had already started.

With so many demon races working at the same time, the powerhouses in the eighth stage are probably going to die here.

This monster clan roared: "All monsters obey orders, kill!"

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the monsters besieging Fang Chuan started their hands. They broke out with an earth-shaking aura, and then attacked Fang Chuan like a torrent.

Such a torrent can easily explode a solar system.

Can make a civilization completely disappear.

"It's over!"

Huo Xuan and the others are fighting fiercely, and they, the strong, will also face some strong monsters, but they can also contain seven or eight.

As they were fighting, they suddenly sensed the surging weather on Fang Chuan's side, and their expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.

Unless they are Grade 9 or above, or even Earth Immortal level characters, I am afraid they can survive that kind of offensive!

"He's dead?" Huo Ling saw this, with joy on his face.


However, at the next moment, a golden light appeared in the area besieged by thousands of strong monsters.

Then, a wave of surging power surging out, one after another thunder and lightning sword aura, all touches this sword aura will immediately physically collapse.

In an instant, heads of demons turned into powder.

The screams came one after another.

Fang Chuan's speed surpassed everyone's cognition.


This is not just Fang Chuan's fast speed, because he used the ‘over-air’ secret technique and the power of time frozen.

Time is frozen, for Fang Chuan, time is still.

For others, his speed is at an extreme.

Although the time was frozen for only a moment, more than half of the thousands of demons had already died.

Any of these monster races placed in the Taixuan Gate was a pillar-level figure, but unfortunately, they were killed instantly!

The blood below is already surging like a river.

The blood spilled all over the sky like a rainstorm.

"You must die!"


Fang Chuan immediately killed nearly half of the strong monsters, breaking the opponent's mortal situation, and then evading all attacks.

After that, his gaze fell on the Seventh-Rank Realm Monster Race who was running for their lives.

Yuekong Secret Art is activated!

Then, a sword is like a changhong, sword aura spreads for hundreds of miles, thunder and lightning are scattered, like the domain of thunder and lightning, like the end of the world.


The 7th-Rank Realm Monster Race flew several miles away, and was directly turned into powder by Fang Chuan's sword qi, and even the soul disappeared.

"The leader is dead!"

"The three chiefs are dead!"

A tragic news came, and the morale of the monster race fell sharply, while the spirit of the **** race greatly increased.

For a time, the Protoss actually obtained an overwhelming advantage and kept pushing forward.

The meat grinder is continuing, and the dead mountains and blood are shocking.

Huh-and the next moment, Fang Chuan, who was shining brightly, has disappeared, as if he had never been to this battlefield.

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