"I'll check my memory for you?"

Huo Ling's face became very ugly, because no one wanted to show his memory to others, everyone has a secret!

"Not willing?"

Fang Chuan sneered: "You don't have to check your memory, it's okay. After you die, your soul will give me the answer."


Huo Ling's whole body shrank, this guy is too cruel!

The soul is not let go, he is truly dead, and there is no chance at all!

He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "If you do this, you will be breaking the rules, and Master Huosui will not be able to keep you!"

"What do you think?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, not paying attention.

Huosui is so overbearing, what is it to kill a mere Rank 6 person?

"I am a close friend of Lord Santos, if you do so, Lord Santos and Lord Huosui will have an irreversible conflict!"

Huo Ling continued.

In fact, the position of Huo Ling is no longer low in the city of war. He is really dead, and it will indeed have a certain impact.

It is a pity that Fang Chuan knows that, let alone your sixth rank, you are a sixth-tier land immortal, in the eyes of Huosui and the others, it is nothing but rubbish.

He shook his head and said: "You think of yourself too importantly, and I don't bother to argue with you. I tell you with facts that you are actually a person who is at the mercy of others. Of course, you can't see this fact."

As he said, his eyes slammed, and with a thud, a golden long sword condensed by spiritual power suddenly appeared in front of Huo Ling.

The terrifying spirit aura inspired the laws of heaven and earth, making Huo Ling feel desperate.

He also understood that Fang Chuan wanted to kill him only in a flash.

"Do not!"

He hurriedly yelled: "Don't kill me, I will let you investigate, and, from then on, I will follow you headed by Huo Hyun!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

This person is really not stupid, he knows that as long as his secret is known, he must not be pleased by Huofeng.

Therefore, he immediately looked for a new backer.

Fang Chuan's strength is already strong, and there are powerful people like King Huosui and King Huoji behind them, and their background is also extraordinary.

Therefore, following Fang Chuan and them, there must be no big problems.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "That's what's going to happen later. It depends on your performance. If your performance is okay, it doesn't matter if you are charged!"

"Thank you, Master Huochuan!" Huo Ling said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and immediately, his mental power was enveloped in Huo Ling's body, Huo Ling did not resist, and took the initiative to present his memories.

A quarter of an hour later.


Fang Chuan withdrew his mental power, snorted coldly, and said murderously: "The other party turned out to be a ninth-level monster, and there is a ninth-level strong man who supports each other!"

"Master Huochuan, this is not my final say..." Huo Ling shuddered, fearing that this guy would get angry and kill himself, so he quickly explained to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan sneered again: "Huofeng is impatient with his life. When I go back, the first thing is to kill him!"

"Yes, yes!" Huo Ling nodded. He didn't think Fang Chuan had this strength before, but now he has to admit that this guy is really strong.

"You will be with Huo Xuan tomorrow. Something happened to him. You will definitely die. If I come back, Huo Xuan will definitely be the deputy master. You will be in your advantage if you follow him at that time!"

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said.

Huo Ling nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

Afterwards, he reacted and asked, "Master Huochuan, you really want to take risks, but..."

"Do they have the horror of Master Huosui?" Fang Chuan asked with a faint smile.

"Uh..." Huo Ling suddenly felt that she was speechless, and she made a good point. Since you want to die, then go die.

When you die, Huo-hyun will be over, and I won’t have a big problem when that happens.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said seriously: "Master Huochuan is careful, looking forward to Master Huochuan's safe return!"


Fang Chuan nodded, ignoring whether Huo Ling was sincere, anyway, no matter how you look at it, this guy is not a good person.

Fang Chuan naturally didn't care about it.


He moved and left Huoling's camp, and Huoling broke away from the spiritual suppression and broke free from the ground, with a lingering heart.

"Have you decided?"

Early the next morning, when the sun was in the sky and the sky was red, Huo Xuan asked Fang Chuan as he walked out of the camp.

Fang Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, although there is not much information, but I also know some, I should have no problem protecting myself."

"it is good."

Huo Xuan smiled and didn't persuade him any more, because he also knew that Fang Chuan was not the kind of person who could persuade him.

He waved his hand and said to Huosha: "Send the order, let's go!"


Huosha hurriedly gave orders, and soon, the army of 100,000 people was mobilized, neatly gathered, and formed a shocking trend.

"Fight for the kingdom of God, fight for yourself!"

After Huoxuan's exciting mobilization, he waved his hand and gave the order to attack, and then the frontier defense opened the gate of the formation.

Everyone rushed out of the gate of the formation method at a very fast speed, and came outside the city wall of thousands of miles, and a suffocating demonic energy rushed.

"Protoss appears, kill!"

"Kill without mercy!"

For a moment, the monster mountains on the opposite side roared, and after that, thousands of colorful rays of light blasted towards Fang Chuan and the others.

Boom boom boom...

There was a violent turbulence between the heaven and the earth.


Huo Xuan was also passionate at this moment, raised the big knife in his hand, then waved his hand, leading the way, and rushed out.

Huosha and others as well as Huo Ling also followed.

The remaining 100,000 soldiers formed their own formations, and then charged and killed the monster race.

The battle has begun!

Then, life after life began to be harvested, and the demons and gods were constantly falling.

However, the single combat power of the Protoss is indeed not weak, and, with the original formation and powerful magic weapons, it is almost one to ten.

Each protoss team is like a sharp knife, piercing directly through it, and the demon race needs more than ten times the force to resist!

The battlefield is only that big, with a large number of monsters, but it is impossible to come all at once.

This is also the reason why the Protoss only sent one hundred thousand soldiers, one hundred thousand soldiers is enough!

"Ah, why is Huo Xuan's force so strong, one to thirty!"

"Their formation is different from ours!"

"Their combat effectiveness has increased several times!"

The battle had just begun, and some commander-level figures discovered the situation and hurriedly exclaimed.

The fighting power of Huo Xuan's warriors far surpassed them. They were like meat grinders, wherever they passed, the monster clan fell madly.


Huo Xuan listened and turned a deaf ear, with a roar, he also broke out a terrifying force, fighting with the opponent's strong.

How can Fang Chuan's formation not be strong?

"This is war!"

Fang Chuan looked at the **** battlefield, looked at the pile of corpses like a mountain, smiled, and then started to kill the enemy!

Although the Kingdom of Gods became the Protoss, they were essentially human. Yaozu is a foreign race after all!

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