"It's border guard!"

The army ran for tens of thousands of miles and came to a border defense wall that had been built for 100,000 miles. Under Huo Xuan's order, everyone stopped.

Then, a team of people came out of the border defense and greeted them enthusiastically.

"General Huo Xuan, finally waiting for you!"

A general at the head, arched his hands at Huo Xuan and others, and said, "The force of the monster race has been assembled!"

Then, his eyes solemnly said: "This time the strength of the monster race is boundless, I'm afraid there are millions and ten million!"


Huo Xuan raised his brows, but he didn't show fear.

He waved his hand and said: "Let's go up to the city wall for thousands of miles first, under Huo Ling, you arrange other soldiers to camp, and the rest will follow me!"


The crowd quickly took their orders, and then Huo Ling led people under the city wall. The 100,000 people seemed to be mighty, occupying a lot of territory.

However, for this vast land, it is actually not too big.

This is also a rare safe place for the Protoss.

Once you leave the line of defense, there are endless monsters and monsters.

Huo Xuan and others followed the general directly onto the city wall. Outside the city wall, about a hundred li, there were already densely packed and boundless monster races.

The soaring demonic air makes the scalp numb.

"It's close to tens of millions, and the disparity in military strength is too great!" A commander named Huo Jing frowned and said.

"We only brought one hundred thousand troops this time. I am afraid that these one hundred thousand will be lost here!" Another leader named Huo Tong also sighed.

"However, after this time, there will be some 4th and 5th rank strong people. The reason why this place can become a border defense is because of its particularity."

The frontier defense general sighed and said, "There are a lot of heroes gathered here, the infinite laws of heaven and earth, and all kinds of opportunities!"

He looked at Huo Hyun and others again: "My lords, your breakthrough is in this place. We are not strong enough, and we can only use this method. If everyone does not have enough destiny to survive, live so What's the point for a long time?"

What he said was a bit iron and blood.

However, this is also because he has watched too many deaths, and his heart is like a rock, and he is not shaken by it.

Huo Xuan nodded and said, "I may fall, but there is also a chance. As for the soldiers, they also understand that as long as they don't die, anyone has a chance to become a strong one!"

He said to the other side: "I also participated in a battle like this back then. Five hundred thousand soldiers survived. I was one of them."

"That's it."

Fang Chuan raised his brows and couldn't help sighing that it was really too difficult for these people to break through, and the price paid was too great.

He smiled and said, "I hope more people can survive this time."


Huo Xuan nodded, then looked at the frontier defense general and said, "I don't want to delay it. I will cultivate for a day and fight tomorrow morning!"

"Good!" The border guard nodded hurriedly.

Huo Tong and Huo Jing stopped talking, and then they also responded. Huo Xuan was the first commander and they had to obey orders.

"Huo Ling has a problem."

Fang Chuan, Huo Hyun and others also returned to the barracks below, and the others returned to their own teams.

Fang Chuan is in the main camp.

Huo Xuan looked at Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan said.

"He has a problem, but he will never be aimless." Fang Chuan smiled and said: "They must be using a dangerous thing to lure us."

"Do you want to try?" Huo Xuan raised his brows, but this was what he expected. Fang Chuan had dared to move even Master Huosui's breakthrough, let alone other dangers.

"Yes, go and take a look. I am dead and will not die. If the war starts tomorrow, I will go straight into the enemy's depths." Fang Chuan said calmly.

Now, with the seventh peak of his Integral Realm, it is easy to kill the 7th Stage powerhouse.

He also saw that the battle this time was a small fight, in order to temper some strong people out, therefore, there will not be too many strong people on the battlefield.

He can definitely break through to the depths.

Huo Xuan nodded and said, "I know you will definitely not give up, because you are a lunatic! But, you don't have any information, how do you go?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "This is naturally simple, Huo Ling dares to say it, and naturally knows the other party's news."

"Are you not afraid that what he said is false?" Huo Xuan raised his brow.

"will not."

Fang Chuan said calmly: "Between life and death, he will definitely make the right choice. Does he think we are stupid?"

He shook his head and said: "He won't think we are stupid, he thinks it is a conspiracy, we will definitely be fooled!"

He sneered: "However, he doesn't know. I can move him casually without having to bear the consequences."

"Don't kill him, after all, you still need him tomorrow." Huo Xuan said in silence for Huo Ling.

"I will."

Fang Chuan nodded, got up and waved, the high-ranking hidden formation once again set on his body, and in an instant, he disappeared.

"Hey." Huo Xuan sighed. Fang Chuan's methods were very strong. He didn't know where Fang Chuan was at this time. He left, or stayed here.

However, he knew that Huo Ling must be able to bear it.

Isn't this stupid?

Why do you have to fight Fang Chuan, do you really think Fang Chuan is his Huo Hyun's younger brother?

Really think people will follow the rules?

Of course, as long as Huo Ling is not dead, he can be on the battlefield tomorrow, and he doesn't want to care about other things.

"They should be here."

Huo Ling sat alone in his camp, smiling faintly, as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

He believed that Huo-hyun would not take risks, but Huo-hyun’s younger brother would definitely take risks.

Huofeng Deputy Master said that this person is bold and dare to do anything in order to break through the realm.

Therefore, he concluded that the Huochuan would definitely come.


He was thinking, suddenly a strong wind came, and with this torrential mental pressure, with a bang, the Huo Ling was directly pressed into the ground.

"Huh?" Huo Ling was shocked, struggling to get out of the ground, but the terrifying pressure made him unable to move.


Then Fang Chuan walked out of the hidden formation.

The moment he appeared, he had already made a handprint, and the entire camp was wrapped in a hidden formation under the envelope of spiritual power.

It is impossible to affect the outside here.

"It's you!" Huo Ling's face changed continuously.

He looked at Fang Chuan, suddenly a little scared. He knew Fang Chuan would come, but he didn't know that he dared to do it directly.

Moreover, suppress him instantly!

"I need information, but I didn't intend to let you say, you will check your memory, otherwise, you will die."

Fang Chuan said with a smile, but his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

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