"This time you let Huo Hyun and the others go to Dolan Mountain. Will it be dangerous for Huo Chuan to follow him?"

In the Old City Lord’s Mansion, Huohui sat cross-legged, floating in the air, and asked Huosui faintly not far away.

"Huochuan has a lot of secrets. We can't treat him as our own, but we need to benefit from him. Therefore, I plan to throw him into a dangerous place. Then, Huo Xuan and his army will be wiped out. Let's save him."

Huosui said with a faint smile.

Huo Xi sighed and said, "Huo Xuan is actually a talent, and Nan Yuzhu also valued him very much before."

"It's not important."

Huosui shook his head and said, "Brother, you should know that this place is actually a prison and a scam."

"The so-called **** race, the so-called monster race, and the so-called five kingdoms of the gods are all scams. Now we must break free from this cage!"

"I can see that without this Huochuan, we would not be possible!"

"You know, even if we reach the Ascension Realm, we are just qualified to touch the true meaning of this world!"

"If we can get out of this cage, let me fly!"

"In the future, we will have a real opportunity to enter the fairy world, and then we will have the opportunity to become the top part of the universe!"

Huosui spoke loudly, getting more excited as he spoke.

Huo Xi sighed, "Indeed, in this so-called Ascension Land, either the Ascension Realm or the Ants. Huochuan is also because of his special background. I even think he may be related to the creator of Ascension Land."

"How do you say?" Huosui raised his brows.

Huoqi smiled and said: "I don't know, it's probably an intuition, but this person must not die, and must not let him leave our field of vision."

"Why did the creators of the Ascended Land spend so much energy, fabricate all kinds of lies, and circulate them in this dimension, let us ascend from one to the other, let us fight here, but I didn't see any benefit to them? ?"

Huosui gritted his teeth and asked, "Moreover, who on earth can have such great energy? Where did the laws of the immortal world come from? What kind of place are we in?"

"What you said, we all want to know, the five great gods want to know, the seven demon gods also want to know, and even the five big beast kings want to know!"

Huo Ji shook his head and said: "We are Gods in front of the people in Ascending Land, but they don't know that we are just people who can be sent in the eyes of the Lord."

He sighed again: "And these gods, even the creators of Ascended Land did not see them."

He waved his hand and said: "It's far, but Huo Chuan must not die. If Huo Xuan has a chance to survive, he can also be saved by the way. A city of war is actually nothing but a plaything!"

After speaking, he sighed again and stopped talking.


Huosui responded and said nothing.

Fire Phoenix House.

"Huo Xuan is in charge of this battle. We all obeyed his instructions. I think he has great confidence in this battle."

A former leader of the Southern Region of Huoxuan Mansion said to Huofeng who was sitting in a high position with a cold face.

Today, Huofeng is one of the two deputy masters of the Northern Territory.

Huofeng nodded and said: "I know this, but they are related to my son's death. This time, I hope you can get rid of them. Don't worry, if they die, I don't believe that King Huosui will Help them get revenge."

"I know."

The leader of that district nodded and said: "The demons of the mountain of Dolan are not weak. As long as there is a problem, they will fall into extinction."

He smiled again: "By the way, my lord, I heard that there is a kind of **** in the mountain of Doran, which can make people reborn and advance by leaps and bounds. Is that true?"


Huofeng sneered and looked at the leader and said, "He is not a god, but a powerful monster, ninth rank!"

He waved his hand and said: "The demons say they dominate the orcs. In fact, they are secretly united. I have known for a long time that they are actually very afraid of our protoss, for fear of the development of our protoss!"

He said again: "So, don't think too much, a ninth-rank monster is not something you can kill, because there must be a monster with a similar strength beside him!"

"Yes." The commander nodded.

Huofeng said again: "However, you can use this monster's news to confuse them to enter. Originally, this battle was only a consumption. Generally speaking, everyone sent batches of people to die and open up the frontier! "

"If they rush forward for this benefit, and go deep into the Demon Race in the Dara Mountain, they will die if they die, and no one will be held accountable at all!"

He smiled sinisterly and said.

"Got it!" The leader nodded hurriedly.

He thought for a while, and then said, "By the way, Huofeng Deputy Master, Master Huo Feng has joined the army this time, saying that he wants to make contributions!"


Huofeng was furious and waved his hand and said, "He is not allowed to go. This time, you are going to Dolan Mountain in danger, and there is only one dead end for him to go!"

He thought for a while, and then said: "You don't need to control this, you can't control him, I will let him stay!"


The commander nodded, and then left.

Early the next morning.

Outside the South City Gate.

"We are ready to go."

Huo Xuan and Fang Chuan came here early in the morning, and everyone gathered together. There were a hundred thousand army, densely packed, and it seemed that there were still many people.

Fang Chuan and Huo Xuan each took a first-class monster, ahead of the team.

The other three leaders are beside them.

Fang Chuan nodded after hearing what Huo Xuan said, "Go, Dalan Mountain, I also want to see it."

"set off!"

Huo Xuan immediately issued an order to the fire brake next to him. The fire brake roared and everyone heard it. As soon as the snare drum rang, everyone uniformed and headed away.

Huo Cha has become Huo Hyun's starter now.

He has no idea of ​​continuing to fight with Fang Chuan and the others now, because the dust has settled and Huo Xuan's background is too deep.

As for Huo Chuan, he didn't dare to provoke him, because they all knew that Huo Xuan was able to have today because Huo Chuan had an unusual relationship with King Huosui and King Huo Ji.

To be able to pull such a large backing in such a short time, that is his ability.

Therefore, Huosha dare not say anything.

"Lord Huo Xuan, Master Huo Chuan, we won’t say much about the strength of Dara Mountain, but do you know that Dara’s Mountain has a divine object that can make people reborn in a very short period of time. breakthrough!"

As the leader of a district, Huo Ling said to Huo Xuan and Fang Chuan while walking forward.

"A fetish?" Huo Xuan glanced at Huo Ling.

Huo Ling nodded and said, "This is what I have seen from the book. It is within the second circle of the Land of Dulan!"

"Yeah." Huo Xuan nodded without speaking.

Fang Chuan also glanced at Huo Ling, and didn't say much, who is a fool again?

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