The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3159: Battle of Doran

"That's it. When my brother comes back, you can try it. You are really a miracle person!"

Huosui smiled at Fang Chuan and said, and waved his hand: "After you are in the city of war, as long as you have my token, almost no one will embarrass you!"


A ray of light gushed from his body.

As soon as Fang Chuan stretched out his hand, there was an extra sign in his hand, not gold or wood. The carvings of these strange symbols were obviously signs of the Huosui family.

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan nodded, and then asked, "I wonder where your Fiery Congress won't go to war with other countries or monsters?"

"Do you want to try it?"

Huosui raised his brows. He was such a person before, very aggressive, and even took risks in order to achieve his goals.

Fang Chuan was obviously such a person, and Fang Chuan had already demonstrated this when he broke through.

However, if such a person does not die, they are generally stronger.

Of course, if you die, it's another matter.

"A lot of fighting is also of great help to me." Fang Chuan nodded, he wants to break through, not just retreat.

In fact, he does not need to stay in retreat for too long.

A lot of external stimuli may be able to make him break through in advance.

"Recently, there will be a small-scale battle between my city of war and the demon clan of Dara Mountain outside the city. You can go and take a look. I can let Huo Xuan lead the troops."

Huosui said calmly.

"Thank you very much, then."

Fang Chuan smiled and agreed, and then said goodbye to Huosui. Huosui is not here now, and he doesn't need to do anything for them.

His goal has been achieved, he can leave the Old City Lord's Mansion freely, and now everyone outside knows that he has a very good relationship with King Huosui and King Huosui.

Including the city lord Huo Li, if the city lord Huo Li finds trouble with Fang Chuan at this time, he will not give face to the brothers Huosui and Huoji.

Therefore, there are not many people who really dare to offend Fang Chuan in the entire city of war.

"Are we going to go to war with the demon clan of Dolan Mountain?"

Huo Xuan couldn't help but stunned when he heard the news that Fang Chuan had brought back. In fact, their so-called Protoss had always been at a disadvantage, and they generally suffered a lot from fighting against the Monster Race.

However, war is inevitable.

Because no matter which race, it will consume the resources of this world. If they don't fight against the Yaozu, the Yaozu will also fight with them.

Every time you fight, it consumes the opponent's strength. In this way, the demon clan will also have a rest, and will not come out to cause chaos.

Of course, the main thing is to win. For example, if they die tens of thousands of strong, Yaozu die 100,000, this is called a win.

If you die almost, you lose.

It's a bit like an exchange, weeding out the weak, but there is no alternative.

Too many creatures and limited resources.

It's not that Huo-hyun doesn't like fighting, it's just that he just participated in the past and didn't really lead soldiers to fight.

Speaking suddenly this time, he was a little surprised.

"do not worry."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "I will give you some formations to greatly increase your strength. When you win this battle, you will not only accumulate merits, but you may also make breakthroughs in this battle."


Huo Xuan could not help being overjoyed when he heard it. Fang Chuan knew before he had cultivated his formation. If Fang Chuan's help, he might really win.

Without waiting for them to speak more, the messenger of the city lord Huo Li arrived and gave them an order to attack the monster race in the mountains of Dulan.

"Commanded by Huoxuan, this time you will command the four regions of the Southern Territory, and the remaining three regions will be your deputies. A total of 100,000 troops will win incomparably!"

The messenger looked at Huo Xuan lukewarmly and said, Huo Gang was his friend, and Huo Gang died because of Huo Xuan's younger brother, which they all knew.

However, this is the above matter, and he can't control it.

However, he wouldn't give Huo Hyun a good face to them either.

Huo Xuan nodded, took the manuscript from the city lord with both hands, and then said: "This battle will win!"

"Sure victory!"

The messenger also nodded, confessed a few words, and left in a hurry.

After the messenger left, Huo Xuan looked at Fang Chuan and said, "After Huosui-sama is promoted, the impact has become unprecedented!"

He paused, and then said: "This time is my chance, but it is also possible to be pitted. I will prepare for it. Come with me!"


Fang Chuan smiled, looked at Huo Xuan's solemn expression, and nodded. He has no attachment to the City of War, just as a place of training.

However, he also understands what Huo Hyun thinks and feels here, just like he is on the earth.

Huo-hyun was afraid of failure, so he went with Huo-hyun. Anyway, his relationship with Huo-hyun was good, and he might not really be able to cooperate in the future.

So, I went with Huo Hyun.

After the manuscript of the city lord Huo Li came down, Huo Xuan became the president of the four districts of the Southern Territory. Under the Nan Yu Master and the Deputy Master, he was the greatest.

He gave an order and the other three leaders also arrived at Huoxuan Mansion.

"Leader Huo Xuan, this time we must play our Southern Territory momentum. We will do what you say!"

"Yes, Huo Xuan is the general, and we all obey your orders!"

After the other three leaders came, they immediately expressed their thoughts, and they actually understood that Huo Xuan would definitely rise faster than them.

Because behind Huoxuan are two kings, Huosui and Huoji.

Everyone outside now regards Huo Xuan as a direct line of King Huo Sui and King Huo Ji. Even the people like Nan Yuzhu dare not say anything when they see Huo Xuan.

"We are all for our Protoss!"

Huo Xuan looked solemnly, and said: "Everyone can support, that is the best. We will win this battle!"

He waved his hand and said, "Next, let's discuss the opponent's strength, strength, and some things to pay attention to!"


Everyone nodded hurriedly, and then a confidant of Huo Xuan turned into a sand table and some information about the monster race in the Dolan Mountain.

Several of them discussed.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dark.

"Okay!" Huo Xuan was also very satisfied with the previous discussion. All the deployments have been deployed. The people present are all the powerhouses of the fifth and sixth products. The brain is not known how much more powerful than the supercomputer of the earth. I don’t need other people to help me remember


After saying it, I will never forget it when I die.

However, Huo Xuan didn't mention Fang Chuan's formation first this time, he was regarded as a killer.

Everyone is to kill the enemy, but whoever performs better also represents a lot of things.

Fang Chuan's formation is naturally only for his own people.

He waved his hand: "This is the end for today. Tomorrow, we will gather outside the city. Everyone, go back and prepare!"

"Yes!" Everyone hurriedly got up and nodded, they all responded, and then left Huo Xuan and the others.

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