The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3158: Terms negotiated

"Seven Peaks of the Combination Realm!"

Huosui retreats for three days, and Fang Chuan also retreats for three days. In three days, he has reached the pinnacle of the seventh level of the combined state.

For further breakthroughs, a certain amount of precipitation is needed.

His strength is already dozens of times more than when he came to the city of war.

"Master Huochuan..."

Seeing Fang Chuan walked out of the house, Huo Xiang hurriedly greeted him, greeted him, and arched his hands in a respectful manner.

In fact, he is also a bit bitter.

A few days ago, this Huochuan was still a fourth-rank person in front of him, but now he is already a seventh-rank!

This is only a few days!

This feeling of being quickly surpassed by others will be uncomfortable for anyone, okay!

"Huo Xiang, did Master Huosui pass on me?" Fang Chuan asked Huo Xiang calmly.

Huo Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, Master Huosui has left the customs, I want to see Master Huochuan!"


Fang Chuan nodded, then glanced at Huo Xuan next to him and said, "Will Huo Xuan go with me?"

"No need to."

Huo Xuan waved his hand and laughed: "On the day that Master Huo Xuan broke through, Master Huo Ying gave me the Holy Pill of Consciousness. I have recovered to the same level as before, and I am about to break through!"


Fang Chuan nodded, and Huosui could directly give the Holy Pill of Consciousness to Huo Xuan, and he could see that Huosui was a person with no narrow heart.

This person's talent is probably still above Huo Ji.

The future is not limited.

He smiled, and then asked, "Has the Huofeng matter resolved?"

"It has been resolved."

Huo Xuan smiled and said, "Now I am the commander of the three districts of the Southern Territory, and the handover is almost complete these days."


Fang Chuan raised his eyebrows, but this was normal. Three days ago, Huosui and Huoji worked together to oppress the King Huojing behind the city lord Huo Qu.

King Huo Jing left the scene in anger.

The city lord Huo Qu naturally did not have any power to fight with the Huosui brothers. Therefore, Huosui and Huosui wanted Huoxuan to be the president of the three southern regions, and no one could refute it.

He arched his hands: "Congratulations!"

"Thank you for this!" Huo Xuan smiled slightly.

"Then you wait for me here, I will go to see Lord Huosui, and then return to Huoxuan Mansion with you!" Fang Chuan said calmly.

"Okay." Huo Xuan nodded, after all, their superficial relationship at the moment is still brothers.

After a while, Fang Chuan and Huo Xiang came to another hall.

Now Huosui's mental power has recovered, it is no longer necessary to live in the pagoda all year round.


Seeing Huo Chuan come in, Huosui smiled and waved his hand to make Fang Chuan sit down, and then said: "You cure my chronic illness, what do you want?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said: "You only need to protect our safety, and Master Huosui has already done it."

"It's all trivial."

Huosui shook his head and said, "I don't like to owe favor to Huosui. You can tell me what you need, and I can give you whatever you can."

"What if I say I want everything in the Zhanhuo Pavilion?" Fang Chuan asked suddenly.

There are many things in the Zhanhuo Pavilion, and they are very precious, worth hundreds of millions of contributions from the Taixuan Sect.

Of course, he was just joking, and the Pavilion of War was the foundation of the Huosui family, how could it be given to him.

Huosui looked at Fang Chuan, and suddenly said, "If you can help me accomplish one thing, I can give you all the things in the War Fire Pavilion!"

"Huh?" Fang Chuan raised his brows, looked at Huosui, and after looking for a moment, he asked, "What is so valuable?"

"Take me into your world." Huosui said with a smile.

"This is impossible."

Fang Chuan shook his head and said, "I don't know your situation. Naturally, it is impossible to let you go easily. Moreover, where so many of our seniors are stationed, there must be his reason for preventing you from entering."

"It's a pity." Huosui sighed.

Fang Chuan suddenly asked, "Why do you want to go to my world?"

"Because although there is a vast land and rich resources, there are relics and historic sites everywhere, there are many national cities, and there are fairyland laws..."

Huosui sighed and said, "However, the laws here are chaotic, and we are at a disadvantage when we fly here."

"Don't say you, you are the people of Ascension Realm, and they dare not say that they can arbitrarily move.

"For most people, it is okay to live in a city of war for thousands of years. There are many evocative stories here."

"However, when a person reaches a level, is he content with the status quo?"

"Furthermore, our races often break out wars here. Although it has greatly improved our battles, but if you want to break through to a very high level, you want to break through to the eighth layer, and transform the divine consciousness into immortal consciousness, then It's extremely difficult!"

"We need a good place!"

Huosui said a lot in one breath. After speaking, he sighed and said, "However, your worries are normal."

He waved his hand and said, "I will not embarrass you."

He looked at Fang Chuan again and said, "For another condition, if you can make my brother break through to the third level of Ascension Realm, we will give you a quarter of the War and Fire Pavilion.

He smiled and said: "If you can make my brother break through to the fourth level of Ascension Realm, I will give you half of the War and Fire Pavilion!"


Fang Chuan took a sigh of relief when he heard it. This is too tricky!

However, once they have reached their level, they are naturally willing to exchange material for a breakthrough. After all, the more difficult it is to break through later.

Unless it is the evil spirit among the evil spirits, otherwise, the subsequent cultivation is getting slower and slower.

A realm card is normal for thousands of years.

Many immortals ascended to the immortal world, which one is not long live?

However, Fang Chuan couldn't wait that long!

Even if he helped Huoqi understand the way to break through the bottleneck and accelerate his breakthrough, he might not be able to wait!

This is like, Huo Ji still needs a hundred years to break through, and Fang Chuan can help him make a breakthrough in ten years.

But Fang Chuan can't wait!

He smiled and said: "I can give Master Huo Ji a chance to comprehend the Immortal Dao. I only need a quarter of the items in the Warfire Pavilion, how about?"

"Understand the immortal way?"

Huosui stood up and looked at Fang Chuan in surprise with a look of disbelief.

Comprehend Immortal Way!

It's equivalent to what ordinary monks say, a flash of light, entering a state of epiphany.

Can meet but not ask!

That is the epiphany of the immortal Dao. When they reach their realm, they can have an epiphany once, maybe the breakthrough will be tomorrow.

He looked at Fang Chuan for a full minute before asking in surprise, "Who are you?"

"The universe is so big, even if I tell you, do you know me again? If you say it, you don't say it, right?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand indifferently: "We have no conflict of interest, only mutual assistance and mutual benefit. You don't need me to know who I am, and I don't need to know your specific origins, right?"

"it is good!"

Huosui thought for a while, nodded and said, "I agree to your terms, but if he breaks through in his epiphany, or breaks through in a few days, don't regret it!"

"Never regret it!" Fang Chuan shook his head. The resources will increase with his cultivation base, and the value of Warfire Pavilion is high, but it is just a transition.

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