The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3113: Three birds with one stone?

"This bastard, why can he run so fast and his breath is so strange?"

Following Fang Chuan, the fourth-rank Demon Dao powerhouse who was constantly flying, cursed, and flew quickly toward Fang Chuan's position.

They actually caught Fang Chuan's breath, and then through some of the magical techniques and calculations, they were able to constantly lock him in.

However, they are also very annoying. Fang Chuan's speed is so fast that they can't catch up at all for a while.

Moreover, if this person's breath is present or not, if they are in the process of calculating for a long time, it will be very uncomfortable.

This is like running with a heavy load, but it's actually quite tiring.

"Well, someone is ahead!"

Fang Chuan actually didn't know where he was anymore. After moving for a while, he felt that the people behind were getting closer and he felt a little anxious.

Then, he suddenly sensed that there were a few righteous men in front of him, one of them was about Grade 3, there were two of Grade 2 and another of Grade 1.

This lineup is no longer weak anywhere. He doesn't know the identity of these people. However, there are so many people, maybe there is some way to suppress the bottom of the box, to bring these people from the magic way, maybe people think they are here. There are too many people to be unwilling to expose.


Therefore, in the next moment, he moved directly behind these people.

"Everyone..." Fang Chuan yelled, swish, the eyes of several people suddenly turned around, and at the same time, they showed shock.

They are shocked, OK!

The four of them obviously hid their breath and hid among the mountains and forests in order to wait for Fang Chuan!

They are going to have a surprise attack!

Why do you suddenly appear behind us?

The four people recognized Fang Chuan at a glance, and then their brains were messed up.

The man headed was the third-rank core disciple before the Taixuan Sect. He quickly reacted and said, "Daoist, what's the matter?"


Fang Chuan originally felt a little bit embarrassed before, and he wanted to take advantage of these people. He planned to turn around and run away to lead the way if he couldn't scare away those magic ways.

If you scare away these two powerful magic roads, he will give these people benefits, at least, the immortal pill can be given.

Now, he actually sensed a trace of murderous aura from these people he had never met before.

The person in front of him, his eyes clearly looked like why you are here, and then he pretended not to recognize him.

The acting is not good, boy!

Fang Chuan immediately understood that these people might have something to do with Sage Wangu. Sage Wangu is crazy, asking so many people to block him!

How big is the hatred, how small is the heart to kill him so desperately?

He shook his head secretly, but there was a smile on his face: "Everyone is polite, it's like this. I killed a fifth-grade monster beast in Baishouling, and then I was chased and killed by a few people from the magic way. Your help, after all, everyone is in the right way. For the magic way, everyone is punishable, right?"


Xin Yong, the third-rank core disciple, was immediately stunned. You killed a fifth-rank monster to make me play?

What is the concept of Level 5 Monster Beast?

Go crazy!

He waved his hand and said: "Friends, this joke is not funny, there are any strong magicians, I don't feel at all!"

While he was talking, he wondered if he should slap this guy to death, he was so weak anyway.

However, he was not sure where the Long Jingyu and others who were with Fang Chuan were. If they were seen by these people, he would kill King Dan Douhuang's direct disciple, and King Dan Douhuang would kill him in minutes.


He was thinking, and with a bang, he saw Fang Chuan wave his hand and a behemoth hit the ground.

It was the corpse of a fifth-grade monster beast that was shaken to death by the hands of the seventh-grade pinnacle demon*.

The turbulent breath, even if it was a corpse, made the scalp numb of the people present!

"This this……"

Xin Yong looked at Fang Chuan and Nima with a **** look, and said that killing the fifth-rank monster was really killing the fifth-rank monster!

These five-rank monsters are treasures all over their bodies, worth tens of thousands of sects' contributions!

Moreover, it looks like it was not long before he died!

He swallowed a mouthful of water, stretched out his greedy heart, looked at Fang Chuan and asked, "Really, you really killed it?"

"Actually, I saw a cheap, two fifth-grade monsters fighting wildly. I was guarding by the side, waiting for them to tell the result, rushed out to make a knife, and ran away after picking up the body.

Fang Chuan is not talking nonsense, but his speech speed has also increased a lot. The two 4th Grade Magic Dao masters are about to arrive!

He hurriedly said: "However, as soon as I picked up the corpse, a few other magic masters came and said that the corpse belonged to them. There is no way, I can only run away!"

He paused, thought about it, and then said, "Well, I can't run away from them. I will give you the corpse. Will you stop them with me?"

"Huh?" Xin Yong looked dumbfounded, and still didn't recover from the breath of the fifth-grade monster beast's corpse. After hearing Fang Chuan's words, he was taken aback, and then asked: "How strong are they?"

"It's not very strong, right." Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "Adding up, there should be no problem."

Xin Yong immediately glanced at his companions, if it is really not strong, they can try to vote.

They promised the eternal sage to kill Fang Chuan only for resources. For the sake of the future, with the corpse of this fifth-grade monster beast, they can exchange a large amount of resources.

Moreover, if there is really a strong magician who is caught by them and brought back to the sect, it will also be a big sect contribution.

Then he killed Fang Chuan, this little trash fish, and grabbed his space magic weapon. The magic weapon that can hold such a large monster beast corpse must be very valuable.

Why not do three things with one stone?

Moreover, Fang Chuan, an inner disciple who can run away from his demon, how strong can he be?

In an instant, they thought a lot, and after making eye contact, there was a spiritual voice to discuss it, and then they decided to vote.

"it is good!"

"This fellow Taoist, you should step back first. It is our mission to kill the people of the demon way!"

Xin Yong said to Fang Chuan with a righteous expression, and then took a step forward, isolating Fang Chuan from the fifth-grade monster corpse.

He was afraid that he would wait for a moment when the powerhouse of the magic path came, this guy took advantage of the chaos to collect the body, and then continued to run.

They don't have such a large space magic weapon. I am afraid that by then they will have to disassemble the corpse and divide it into several magic weapons.

"it is good!"

When Fang Chuan saw them doing this, it didn't really matter. Anyway, the body he threw out was the weakest and least valuable collected this time.

As for whether they will kill the monster beast, it is not his consideration.

After all, the two fourth-rank Demon Dao powerhouses, even if they were injured in the explosion before, are not weak, they hope that these people have some hole cards.

It's best to lose both ends, and then, let him kill everyone.

"Boy, don't you run away?"

"Boy, die!"

As soon as the discussion was over, two powerful auras passed, and then, two powerful magicians in black robes stood in the air, looking at the five people below with a cold look.


"Two fourth grades?"

At this moment, the expressions of the four of Xin Yong were ugly to the extreme. Is that what you said is not very strong?

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