The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3112: The core of the fairy beast

"I am no match for the rest, but I can go to the altar to see!"

After Fang Chuan burst into the Demon Dao base, he immediately arranged a high-level concealment formation before observing the situation.

In fact, he was too careful. Although he was strong, his aura was very weak. These people of the magic way were fighting, and many people simply didn't pay attention to this weak aura.

However, carefully sailing the ship for ten thousand years, he did not want to capsize in the gutter.

Soon, he touched the vicinity of the altar again, and the altar seemed to be located in the valley at this time.

Moreover, a bloody, demon aura escaped from it, and the ground was quickly eroded, and there was a tendency to transform into the land of the demon.

When Fang Chuan walked over, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, there were countless deaths and injuries in the magic way, and all the strong men were fighting. He was not as cautious as before, and the divine sense was scanned out and enveloped on this altar.


There are no people around the altar, and the outer layer of the altar is made of high-grade metal, and there is some green solution circulating inside, and then the core area is a one-person stone.

This stone is a kind of Sumeruite, Sumeru mustard, a high-grade space material, with a very mysterious effect.

Fang Chuan's heart is moved!

Not only this Sumeru stone, but also this altar is very valuable.

However, he shook his head, forget it!

At this time, if the altar was really moved, the four strong men who crossed the Tribulation Realm must immediately cease the war and come over and destroy him first.

However, he had found the core of an immortal beast near the top of the altar!

Once a demon beast breaks through the tribulation realm, it is an earth fairy beast, and its life is already immortal, and its combat power is even more important.

However, such a core, placed on the altar, what does it mean?

This guy Kui Sui actually beheaded a fairy beast one after another, this is too awesome, hasn't he been killed by other monsters?

"The altar can be omitted, but this core must be!"

Fang Chuan had already made up his mind, not for other reasons, he took the core of this tribulation fairy beast. If he exchanged for his sect's contribution, he would say nothing!

However, this is too uneconomical.

This core is used for cultivation, can provide the power of Xuanhuang, and can use its spiritual power to hone Fang Chuan's own spiritual consciousness.

At least, he can use his combat power to reach the level of rank eight or nine.

Once he has this core, he only needs to look for opportunities and resources to break through the bottleneck, and break through with peace of mind, his strength will skyrocket!

"It's done!"

He made up his mind and immediately flew to the height of a kilometer above the altar. He knew that as soon as he took the core, he would be discovered immediately.

However, this will not cause these people to be hysterical, but there are opportunities to run away.

Anyway, he took the core of this tribulation fairy beast, and stole so many corpses of the monster beast. This time he came, he had already made a lot of money.


As soon as his consciousness surged over, he immediately sensed a rebound force, which almost made him dizzy.

Here is the formation!

If it hadn't been for his strong spiritual sense and condensed spirit, he might have been shocked just now.


At the end of the powerful crossbow, but still very powerful Qingyu Demon Venerable, the one and one evil demon Dao Dixian discovered the situation here, and suddenly roared.

"Fight with me, dare to be distracted?"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign sneered. Originally he was crushed and beaten by these three people, and he was already very annoyed. At this time, this person actually gave him a chance.

How could he not catch it?

He said, and then pointed, the voice of sneer came, and a black light penetrated through it, containing supreme lethality.

"not good!"

"It's over!"

These three people were suddenly shocked, and the advantages they had previously played were suddenly disintegrated at this moment. They hurriedly went all out to explode their strength to resist the black light from the Azure Feather Demon Venerable.

For a time, energy bursts and space shakes, like the end of the world.



Even though the three of them tried their best, the person who spoke before was hit by a black glow, his chest was pierced, his heart was shattered in half, and his lungs were broken by three quarters.

He spouted blood and fell backward.


When the other two saw their rage, their bodies immediately burned with blood-colored flames, their strength soared, and the black light of Azure Feather Demon Venerable penetrated again, but they were all used by them.


The shaking sound continued, but the two of them were very painful, burning their origins in exchange for strength, and they could not completely suppress Qingyu Demon Venerable.

However, they also knew that Qingyu Demon Venerable was also at the end of the battle, now it was up to them who could have the last laugh.

"Modi, come on!"

One of them yelled at Mordi while trying his best to resist.

"Go to the altar and kill people when you see them!"

Mo Di had also been seriously injured, his combat effectiveness had dropped by more than half, and he could not last. However, he was also a ruthless person. He threw a word to his own person, immediately burned his origin, rushed forward, and surrounded and killed Qingyu Demon Venerable with his companions.


Qingyu Demon Sovereign snorted coldly. Although he had been extremely injured by Kui Sui's self-explosion before, he still felt confident that he would kill them in the face of these three people.

Especially, someone over there just caused a movement, which made this Mordie exposed and was injured by him.

Victory will come sooner or later.


On the other side, Fang Chuan had already begun to break the formation, and his handprints were printed one by one, and he continuously blasted into the formation. The formation caused ripples, waves of waves surging out, forming a force of rebound.

However, because Fang Chuan was looking for the weakest place and used the tactics of breaking the formation, he could bear it.

While breaking the formation, he was paying attention to the battle situation on Qingyu Demon Venerable's side. He didn't expect that he would steal the core of the fairy beast here and affect the battle there.

However, he didn't care. Anyway, people of the magic way are dead or alive, so what?

The only thing that made him entangled was that two fifth-ranks and three fourth-ranks rushed towards him, murderous, obviously looking for him to vent his anger.

"Go and stop them!"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign blasted the killer moves again and again, and the three of Mo Di had already gained the upper hand. He took the opportunity to order his own people.

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

Suddenly, the remaining 4th and 5th ranks rushed up quickly, but they were small in number and stopped a limited number of people.

Two fourth-ranks, but they have already rushed over.


The sound of breaking through the air became more and more urgent, but Fang Chuan also opened the formation, then waved his hand to collect the core of the immortal beast at the top of the altar.

Boom boom boom...

Following that, the fourth-rank strong blasted a few rays of light, blasting from the air, with a fierce momentum, making his brows raised and his scalp numb.


But, the next moment, silently, he disappeared in place with a big move.

Those rays of light hit the altar, making the altar vibrate like Hong Zhong and Dalü, and the sound reverberated throughout the valley without any damage.


When the two fourth-rank demon cultivators saw this, they were furious, and after feeling for a moment, they flew towards the sky.

"Oh shit!"

Fang Chuan appeared in the sky thousands of miles away, and then cursed. He sensed that the two fourth-rank demon masters were chasing after him.

He hurriedly set himself up with a hidden formation, and moved again.

However, those two people seemed to have locked in his breath or something, and they were able to continue chasing them, extremely fast.

I'm afraid it won't be long before we can catch up!

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