The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3114: I can't beat...

"It turned out to be a group of people who wanted to lead us over, haha!"

These two fourth-rank demon masters sneered, their eyes full of contempt, but they were just a few small characters, and the only thing that could be seen was the third-rank.

In their view, these five people belong to one group.

Another strong magician sneered: "Then let them not run away, kill them all!"

As he said, the surging murderous aura spread out and immediately enveloped everyone in it. At the same time, the five people were completely locked.


Xin Yong glared at Fang Chuan fiercely. This guy was too much and attracted such two powerful men over!

He was still thinking about throwing Fang Chuan out and running away by himself, but now the other party has completely locked them down, plus the fifth-grade monster beast corpse on the ground is always hooking his soul!

Now it's hard to ride a tiger!

"Friends of Taoism, don't be afraid of them. They are just paper tigers. They are not injured lightly. Otherwise, how could I run so far under their hands?"

Fang Chuan said quickly when he saw this.

Xin Yong and the others looked at him and didn't say anything. Isn't the fourth-rank injured by him?

The gap between third and fourth ranks is not a chasm, but for a common fourth rank, there is no problem at all when hitting two or three third ranks.

The opponent has two fourth ranks, and they are Xin Yong a third rank.

how to spell?


Just when Xin Yong and the others gave Fang Chuan a blank eye, the two demon masters started their hands. They each condensed a black long sword and slashed at Xin Yong and the others.

They saw that Xin Yong was the strongest, so their primary goal was to kill Xin Yong and then kill the other two second-tier players.

As for Fang Chuan and the Yipin, they haven't paid too much attention to it.



Xin Yong roared, condensing a spear with shining stars, fighting all his strength, and greeted him.

The other two second-Rank pinnacle powerhouses also used their ultimate move to kill another fourth-Rank Demon Dao powerhouse!


The difference in rank made them extremely uncomfortable. Xin Yong was a little better. He was in the middle and upper ranks of the third rank and fought with a wounded demon powerhouse. Although the strength of the counter shock made him extremely uncomfortable, he could barely persist.

But the two second-tier powerhouses were in pain. The two of them kept bombarding each other, the other party kept fighting back, and the strength kept shaking, causing them to receive a great shock.

Every time a counter-shock, they almost spit blood.

"Hurry up and help Qianming them, kill that and come and cooperate with me to kill this, otherwise, we will all die here!"

Xin Yong tried his best to fight against this fourth-rank strong, while roaring again and again, let Fang Chuan and the others do it.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was beaten back abruptly by the opponent's black mang, and black soft armor emerged on his body, which turned out to be a fairy-level magic weapon and resisted the opponent's black mang's attack.


After that, Xin Yong waved his hand, and there was an extra fairy weapon class long sword in his hand, and the sword light that swayed out was even more dazzling and sharp.

Suddenly, his combat effectiveness greatly increased, but he was able to fight against this fourth-grade demon master.

The Demon Dao powerhouse had a hard time to tell. Originally, his strength was far above this person. However, he had injured his internal organs before, and he was a poor ghost, not comparable to Xin Yong's core disciple of the Taixuan Sect.

Therefore, he was a bit suppressed!

However, he knew that the fourth rank is the fourth rank, as long as he is given time and opportunity, this person will undoubtedly die!

Moreover, after his companions killed the remaining small trash fish, they joined hands with him to instantly kill this righteous person!


The four-rank strongman of Demon Dao roared again and again, and he shot out a black glow, with a vague red flame burning on his body, and he actually fought against Xin Yong.

"Do it!"

Xin Yong's fight was fierce, but Qian Ming's side was in pain. It didn't take long for them to fight each other and they were already injured.

If they hadn't also had fairy weapons for self-defense and fairy weapons, I'm afraid they would have been killed in a single encounter!

Together, the two have been able to hold on for so long in front of a Rank 4 powerhouse, it is already very lucky, and they can blow for a year when they return.

However, Fang Chuan also understood at this time that he could not let this Fourth-Rank powerhouse kill Qianming and the others, otherwise, if the two Fourth-Rank teamed up, Xin Yong would die.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, he said to the remaining 1st-rank powerhouse that this 1st-rank core disciple was equivalent to the strength of Zhang Dingsheng before.

In fact, it is already very strong!

However, it is not enough in this scene.

He shouted, and this person immediately took out an immortal weapon class long sword, ran the sword aura, and killed it.

"It's another exquisite fairy..."

Fang Chuan was speechless for a while, these people are too rich, Taixuanmen are too rich, are the exquisite fairy artifacts so worthless?

You should know that lower-grade fairy tools can only be owned by some powerful people in the Tianlong Star Territory, while middle-grade fairy tools and high-grade fairy tools can only be owned by a few high-ranking people.

As for the exquisite fairy artifacts, it can be said that there are very few, and the number of times I can see them is not much.

But these people seem to be standard equipment!

In other words, maybe these people like the eternal saints are using holy magic weapons?

While thinking about it, he took out the Ten Fang Sacred Sword. Now the Ten Fang Sacred Sword is of very high rank, and it has a sense of merit, which has a great suppression on the demons.

Hh hh...

As he said, he flew over Qianming and the others, and a series of great thundery sound sword auras merged with the light of merit, slashing towards the powerful demon.


This magical powerhouse sensed the power of thunder and the light of merit in this sword aura, and a trace of jealousy grew in his heart. At the same time, he quickly swung out black lights to resist.


The counterattack of the fourth-rank strong is indeed powerful. Although the power of thunder and the light of merit can suppress the demon clan and the demon way, he can also use very little power to crush Fang Chuan’s attack, and there is a black light running through Arrived in front of Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan roared, his thoughts moved, and the Shifang Divine Mirror turned into a golden light, blocking him with a violent shock.

He stepped back more than ten meters abruptly, but he also resisted the black light of the strong magician.

"This guy, so many good things?"

Not only Gan Ming and others, but even Xin Yong who was fighting on the side changed his face. In fact, they all thought Fang Chuan was dead for the blow just now.

However, not only did he not die, he also contained some of the opponent's attacks, allowing Qian Ming and the others to take advantage of it to beat the magical powerhouse with a few sword auras.


The demon master who fought with Fang Chuan and the others snorted angrily, his body was full of black light, and he suddenly shook.


A wave of ripples swelled out, and the huge force immediately shook Qian Ming and others back, and then, with a wink in his eyes, he penetrated in front of Fang Chuan.

He seemed to feel that Fang Chuan was the biggest threat.


He roared, and the black light was condensed on his palm, and then it was about to penetrate Fang Chuan's chest.


There was another bang, and his palm containing a certain kill hit the air, and Fang Chuan disappeared without warning.

"I am here!"

At the next moment, Fang Chuan appeared behind Qian Ming and the others, and compared a **** to the strong magician.


Qian Ming and the others are also blinded. This guy has a weak breath, okay, how do you feel that fighting a fourth-rank strong is just like playing, you can't fight, but you are a good hand at molesting...

But then, their faces turned green!


The demon master roared again and again, and then the thugs grabbed it, condensed a black spear, and pierced at them suddenly.

"I fuck!"


Qian Ming and the others didn't have Fang Chuan's method of movement, their complexions changed suddenly, and they ran away while urging their defensive weapons!

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