The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3111: Kui Sui blew himself up!

"Qingyu, don't go too far, my altar has cost me five hundred years of hard work, don't push me into a hurry!"

Kui Sui roared, rushed to the sky, and continued to fight wildly with Qingyu Demon Venerable, bombarding wildly with punches.

However, the strength of Qingyu Demon Venerable was obviously above him, and he shot out a defensive light at will, resisting all attacks.

The entire sky was almost cracked, but the Azure Feather Demon Venerable was not damaged at all.

"Kuan Sui, you are nothing more than an ant in my eyes. You want to change the world, but unfortunately without this qualification, if I don't do it, others will do it too!"

"What you can't do, I can do it, and I can do it well. If you invest in me, you have a chance to fulfill your ideals!"

"But if you are stubborn, there is only one dead end!"

As the Qingyu Demon Sovereign spoke, he took a number of palm shadows. The palm shadows covered the sky and shattered Wei Sui’s attack. Wei Sui’s face changed drastically. Mozun’s attack.

However, Qing Yu Demon Venerable's attacks continued continuously, and Kui Sui blocked a dozen times, and then Qing Yu Demon Venerable's huge palm had already hit him.


With a terrifying sound, Kui Sui let out a scream, and then the whole person was blasted into the ground, the earth cracked, the shock ripples spread, and some of the first-grade, Mahayana realm 9th-layer powerful men who were fighting around suddenly turned into ashes.

Few people present could resist the aftermath of the battle between these two men.

"Tao Master!"

"Do we need to take action?"

The three powerhouses around the altar made a sound at this time, and they all could see that Kui Sui was already at the end of the battle.

"Do not!"

Kui Sui roared: "You continue your business, I will not die, no one can stop me, and no one can **** my results!"

He roared, rushed into the sky again, and once again fought against the Azure Feather Demon Venerable, striking the sky.

However, cracks have appeared on his body, and every attack made the cracks in his body widen.

"Insult yourself!"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign snorted coldly, still slapped out with one palm, each palm contained terrifying shocking power, and Wei Sui's power could not break through his defense circle.

He has no interest in talking to Wei Sui anymore, because Kui Sui has already used the source to fight him.

However, due to the absolute strength gap, Kui Sui couldn't hurt him at all.


Wei Sui blasted a dozen punches in a row, and suddenly, with a roar, his whole body suddenly rushed towards Qingyu Demon Venerable.


Qingyu Demon Venerable frowned, sensing the dangerous aura from Wei Sui's body, and hurriedly slapped his handprints.

Suddenly, a wave of ripples formed in the space, and then the force of the space solidified, and the space seemed to form an iron plate.


Kui Sui rushed out more than ten meters, and suddenly his figure slowed down, the power of the surrounding space made a sound of being crushed, as if the glass was broken.

However, he continued.

There was a black light in his hand, and the dangerous aura came from this black light.

"Are you crazy?" Qingyu Demon Venerable roared, and after that, he backed away quickly!


However, as he retreated, the whole world was left with the sound of explosions and the light from the explosion.

The light filled the entire space, and the cracks in the space became more and more terrifying. Finally, when the power of the explosion reached its extreme, the entire space was shattered.

Space storm formed!

The outside world also reappeared in everyone's vision!

The buildings in the space suddenly fell from the sky, and the huge altar slammed into a huge valley with a bang, and the valley suddenly sank hundreds of meters down.


The screams continued, and the strong in the battle, those who were closer, had no chance to scream, and they turned into ashes.

Those who were far apart were also greatly implicated at that moment.


Fang Chuan was also ashamed, and his body was full of blood. This was because he had discovered it in time before and quickly moved away.

Otherwise, in this big bang, his powerful physical body cannot withstand such terrible damage!

This explosion caused heavy casualties!

"Cough cough cough..."

When the explosion ended, Qing Feather Demon Sovereign coughed and appeared in the thick smoke, his face was blue with blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, he also retreated quickly, but he was originally the target of Kui Sui, so he received the biggest impact.

His clothes were also broken a lot, his scalp was messy, and his breath weakened, but he actually survived!

Wei Sui This is a kind of origin explosion that comes from the magic way. With this explosion, Wei Sui also turned into ashes.

There are not many people left.

The eight or nine ranks were all dead at this moment because they were the closest.

The others were only a few of the fourth and fifth ranks, and the rest were dead.

"Ki Sui is really a **** lunatic!"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign cursed, his body flashed, and his previous decent appearance was restored, his face was not good.

He didn't expect that Kui Sui gave up the chance to survive and exploded directly to the source. He never thought about running away or being reborn after death.

The origin has exploded, and Kui Sui seems to have never been in this world.

"Qingyu Demon Lord, if you kill our Taoist master, you will definitely die!"

"Qingyu, you are also seriously injured. Are you the opponent of the three of us?"

"Qingyu, take your life!"

At this moment, three figures flew near the altar, and they immediately stopped Qingyu Demon Venerable, his face was very ugly, full of hatred towards Qingyu Demon Venerable.

"The three of you are not related to Wei Sui by blood. He is dead. You are free. I won't force you to stay. Let's go. Don't force me!"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign snorted coldly, then waved his hand and said.

"You don't understand. If it weren't for the Taoist master, the three of us would have died long ago. Since we died once, do we still care about this bad life?"

One of the Tribulation Realm Demon Dao snorted coldly, and then waved his hand, with a black long sword in his hand.

But this long sword contains evil and powerful power.

"You want to die?"

Qingyu Demon Sovereign is angry, he is a four-tier powerhouse of the Tribulation Realm, and these three people are just one-tier!

Although he was injured by the explosion of Wei Sui at the triple peak of the Tribulation Realm just now, isn't it the opponent of these three people?

Don't be so impatient to find death!

He is angry!

Then, he also had an additional token in his hand, and after that, he sealed the seal, and a roar came from the token.


Then, a lion that was five meters high roared and formed in the air, exuding a terrifying rhythm.


Qingyu Demon Venerable did not wait any longer. Now that he had reached this point, he could only kill the enemy and then seize the altar.

Boom boom boom...

After that, the four of them fought together, and the intensity was not worse than before.

Although Qingyu Demon Venerable was powerful, he was already seriously injured, and the other three were in full condition, fighting wildly against Qing Yu Demon Venerable!


Fang Chuan was watching vigorously, and suddenly heard the words from Di listen in the world of Dantian, Di listen was about to swallow the wild lion summoned by Qingyu Demon Venerable!

That lion was in a state of soul, but Di Ting said that if he swallowed it, he could raise a level. "Wait for the opportunity!" Fang Chuan frowned and shook his head. He couldn't participate in this level of battle!

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