The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3110: Fight, collect leaks!

"Many strong people!"

Fang Chuan was cautious along the way, cold sweat was already flowing out of his back, there was no way, there were a lot of people in this huge space!

He glanced at it roughly. There were about a thousand strong people in the Mahayana realm, mainly in the periphery, doing some chores, and some were practicing.

Then there are at least one hundred of the half-step tribulation realm powerhouses from the first to the third, and there are more than 20 at the fourth level, plus the previous eight!

Moreover, there are four powerhouses who cross the Tribulation Realm.

This is already equivalent to a streamlined school. The high-end combat power is much worse than the Taixuanmen, but at least it can cause a big crisis to the Taixuanmen!

Fang Chuan can be sure that as soon as he goes out, he will definitely be beaten up instantly.

He is floating gently in the air now, moving little by little at a very slow speed, otherwise, even if there is a hidden formation, it will be very dangerous.

However, he has come to the altar.

The huge altar, like a monster, stands between the heavens and the earth. It is just an altar, which is as big as the Forbidden City on the earth.

High, I am afraid it can be thousands of meters!

When people arrive in this place, they are as small as ants!

Moreover, Fang Chuan has also seen that the materials used to build the altar are rare in the world. If you must say it, it is the material of the exquisite fairy artifact level.

The whole altar can be regarded as a huge exquisite fairy!

Fang Chuan finally understood why this Taoist master said that it took him five hundred years to build such an altar.

With such a big altar, he had to be careful not to be discovered by the righteous people, relying on him as a demon monk who crossed the tribulation realm. It was really very difficult to build it in secret.

But, he did it!

That's awesome!

"But, how long do I have to wait next?"

"They should sacrifice the monster beasts after they have processed them, but once the sacrifice is made, the monster beasts are gone!"

"These magic ways are actually very poor. All the resources are used as soon as they are obtained. There is no inventory at all. Except for this altar, which is a little more valuable, the other magic ways are magic weapons."

Fang Chuan thought for a while and sighed. It was really tangled. This time, even though he found a big problem, he also got into a dilemma.

"Wei Sui, I heard that you are going to worship the ancestors?"

Just as Fang Chuan was constantly sighing, suddenly there was a roar from the sky. I'm afraid the sound made the entire space tremble.

Then, in this space, cracks appeared.


"very scary!"

Those strong men who crossed the Tribulation Realm in half a step showed a different color, and the people in the Mahayana Realm squatted directly on the ground.

An immense momentum passed through this space crack.

"Qingyu, you are presumptuous!"

A roar came at the same time, and then a terrifying figure enveloped the entire space, and the cracks in the space that had just been opened began to fuse.

Following that, Fang Chuan saw a man wearing a black robe, with long black hair and carrying a long stick full of skeletons, standing proudly on the dome of space.

"The three of you keep the altar well, you can't afford to lose!"

Kui Sui confessed, and immediately disappeared in this space. The mighty devilish energy of crossing the Tribulation Realm had a profound impact on people.

Many people took a long time before exhaling heavily.

"The Three Tribulations Earth Immortal, similar to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, is considered a strong generation, but unfortunately, it seems to be a bit short in the Overlord World!"

Fang Chuan quickly judged that this Kui Sui is not very strong, but it is indeed not easy to be able to build a base here and make such a large altar under the condition of the prosperity of the righteous way!

Calculated in this way, the one guarding near this altar is at best the Second Tribulation Earth Immortal, and it is very likely that the Second Tribulation Earth Immortal!


Even so, the gap between Yijie Dixian and Ninth-Rank Half-Step Crossing Tribulation Realm is a world of difference, and the number can no longer narrow the gap.

One hundred ninth ranks would also be killed by the Immortal One Tribulation in seconds, but the killing time was fast.

Therefore, Fang Chuan didn't dare to act lightly at this moment. Don't let these One Tribulation Earth Immortals or Two Tribulation Earth Immortals take action, other half-step crossing Tribulation Realm powerhouses would be enough to kill him.

However, there was already joy on his face.

Since this powerful man named Qingyu dares to provoke Wei Sui, it means that he has enough confidence. If he can't kill Wei Sui in seconds, then he must not be fighting alone!

"Capture the altar!"

"Wei Sui, don't leave one!"

Sure enough, Fang Chuan was thinking, cracks began to appear in the space, and scary figures rushed out of the cracks.

The first thing that rushed out was the overwhelming 9th-Rank half-step. As soon as they came out, the 9th-Rank powerhouse on Wei Sui's side greeted him.

The two suddenly fought wildly, and the surrounding area was immediately beaten up, and huge energy escaped, forming an independent battle zone, so that other people did not dare to approach.


At the beginning of the battle of the 9th rank, the 8th and 7th ranks also rushed out, and the number seemed to be more than that of Weisui.

Boom boom boom...

People on both sides fought wildly.

The battle below Rank 8 also started quickly.

When the opponent came, there was no Mahayana powerhouse below Grade 1, but one Grade 1 was enough to contain most of the Mahayana powerhouses.

There are crazy battles everywhere!

Within a single thought of life and death, death soon appeared, and the whole space was filled with murderous aura and blood.


Fang Chuan just guessed this way, but he didn't expect that the people on the side of Kui Sui would be dispatched in a blink of an eye.

Only the three great earth immortals near the altar did not move, because their task was to guard the altar.

They dare not leave without a last resort.

"There should be variables!"

Fang Chuan looked at the fierce battles around him. There was plenty of space for them to perform. They flew over and flew over. Various spells and tactics were displayed, fighting for life and death, and the devil’s fell one by one, but it did not affect Fang. Chuan.

Fang Chuan wanted to move a stool and get some melon seeds and peanuts to watch the fun.

However, he was not so boring. Taking advantage of the battle here, he was also bolder. After carefully leaving the altar, he immediately flew to the surrounding monsters.

"Fortunately, I got the resources before and expanded my mustard space, otherwise, these corpses would not be able to fit them!"

Fang Chuan came to the vicinity of these monster beasts before, and the magic ways responsible for dealing with the monster beasts had already gone to fight, and he just took the opportunity to collect them.

Hh hh...

In a few moments, he made handprints one by one, processed these monster beasts a bit, made them smaller, and then installed them in the mustard space.

His mustard space has expanded to an unimaginable level, and of course it has also consumed a lot of his mustard space.

In addition, he used secret techniques to deal with these monsters, and then he could barely put it down, but his mustard space was full.

Fortunately, he has some other space magic weapons, although they are not big, it is still possible to install some essence.

"Ki Sui, you are not my opponent, your three men are equally dying!"

At this moment, Fang Chuan just took the monster beast happily, and suddenly a huge shock rang in his ears and heard the roar of the Azure Feather Demon Venerable.

Boom boom boom...

Then there was a terrifying explosion, and after that, he saw Kui Sui's figure, like an arrow, piercing through the barrier of space and falling to the ground. Following that, the figure of Qingyu Demon Venerable floated in the space.

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