Chapter 1697: Like a Crazy Dog

"Mr. Fang, you can't believe him." Charles waved his hand in a cold sweat, "I definitely did not direct him to do such a thing."


Fang Chuan nodded, then looked at Jonathan: "You take the text message out and let me see."

Charles was a little anxious, for fear that Jonathan was forging evidence and was about to speak, but Fang Chuan stretched out his hand to stop him.

Jonathan smiled, quickly put down his hand, took out the phone from his trouser pocket, and then grinned: "Well, now you all listen to me. Otherwise, all of us will die here!"

He said, opened an app and pressed a button.

Suddenly, his phone made a countdown sound of Dididi.

"Have a bomb?"

"Is this a bomb controlled via Bluetooth?"

Luo Zhengliang's complexion suddenly changed. If something happened at this time, the responsibility would be too great.

Fang Chuan is here, and Prince Charles is also here.

If these two people die, the impact will be great, self-evident.

"Don't move!"

Jonathan smiled triumphantly: "The bomb is in this room. I originally left it for you Chinese police officers."

He shook his head: "Since you found me in advance, then I have to share this bomb with you."

He smirked again and looked at Fang Chuan: "Aren’t you very proud and arrogant before? I tell you, this bomb counts down to three minutes, and if I die, you will not find it within three minutes The location of the bomb."

"Also, if I press it again, the bomb will immediately explode!"

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You people are very precious lives, right? It's a good deal to exchange your lives with my life?"

"Don't be impulsive!" Luo Zhengliang panicked.

Prince Charles also had a tight heart, and said loudly: "Jonathan, by doing this, you also put yourself into a desperate situation!"

He waved his hand: "If you give up resistance, your crime will be lighter!"

"You shut up!" Jonathan cursed, "I don't know the fuck? If you don't let me go, my life will be over!"

He suddenly took out the Desert Eagle and faced Prince Charles: "If I were to die, I would kill you in advance. Why are you more noble than me when you are born?"

Jonathan is completely crazy!

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and shook his head: "Oh, what a good gentleman's image, he turned into a mad dog in a flash."

"What are you talking about?" Jonathan was furious, and his emotions became more excited: "You too! What are you, you dare to treat me like that! I'm not that bully, Jonathan!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "A mad dog is a mad dog."

"Mr. Fang!" Luo Zhengliang was taken aback. Seeing that Fang Chuan was still stimulating Jonathan, he quickly gave Fang Chuan a gesture.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "No, let him perform."

"The bomb is fake?" Luo Zhengliang was taken aback.

"No." Fang Chuan shook his head, "It's true."

"That—" Luo Zhengliang was dizzy, which was just joking about everyone's lives.

Fang Chuan smiled indifferently and looked at Jonathan: "I just see how well you can perform. What about the bomb?"

"Then we shall die together!" Jonathan had already lost his mind, and initially only intended to threaten everyone with this bomb.

But now, he is willing to go.

With a loud roar, he slammed the button on the phone that immediately detonated the bomb.

"not good!"

"Get down!"

Luo Zhengliang and the others quickly yelled, and at the same time, they threw the nearest Charles on the ground, hoping to save Charles's life.

At the same time, the rest of the people also ran in front of Fang Chuan.


"No explosion?"

"what happened?"

Everyone couldn't help but stunned, their hearts missed a beat just now, thinking they were dead.

However, it did not explode!

"How is it possible?" Jonathan was completely stunned, and despair came to his heart.

He stared at Fang Chuan suddenly: "It's you, it's you!"


Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and waved his hand, but there was a tennis ball in his hand. The orange-green metal sphere was shining.

"It's a GT-325, a super enrichment bomb?" Charles recognized their latest super bomb developed by the United Arab Emirates at a glance.

"What kind of bomb is that?" Wang Zhengliang couldn't help being taken aback.

Charles hurriedly said: "A bomb of this size can almost blow up five or six floors of this hotel!"

"So strong?" Wang Zhengliang was taken aback and looked at Fang Chuan: "Mr. Fang, how did you get this bomb?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I just took the bomb hidden under the bath cabinet when I walked in."

It turned out that when he entered the door, he scanned the entire room and found the bomb.

Then, with a wave of his hand, without everyone paying attention, he put the bomb directly into his mustard space.

"You, you—" Jonathan was about to collapse, "I put it here early in the morning. Even if you monitor me, you can't find it!"

He shouted almost madly: "You bastard!"

As he said, he took out his phone, faced the spherical bomb, and frantically pressed the button on the phone screen, again and again.

However, this bomb was in Fang Chuan's palm, completely isolating all the signals, and would never explode.

He shook his head, flipped his hand, and the bomb disappeared.

"Wormhole medium space transportation technology!" Thomas couldn't help exclaiming.

Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Jonathan: "If this bomb hadn't been too powerful, I would have you detonate it."

He smiled: "You are done."

"go to hell!"

Jonathan roared again and again, holding the desert eagle in his hand, and slamming the trigger at Fang Chuan, a burst of gunfire.

The hearts of the people couldn't help but pick up.

Only Luo Zhengliang was not worried, because he knew Fang Chuan's ability to catch bullets.


However, just when Jonathan was about to finish all the bullets, the last bullet hit Charles directly.

He deliberately wanted to bring someone to bury with him.

"Ah--" Charles exclaimed.


Fang Chuan flickered and blocked Charles's body, his hand directly blocked the desert eagle's bullet.

Then, he moved again and came to Jonathan and grabbed Jonathan by the neck: "What else can you perform? Isn't there anymore?"

"You bastard!" Jonathan was very angry, "I curse you, curse you for life as good as death, curse you for disasters!"


Fang Chuan slapped Jonathan on the face a few times and beat Jonathan into a pig's head.

"Mr. Fang, this person can't move for now, after all, we still have to give an explanation to the United Arab Emirates." Luo Zhengliang said quickly.

"it is good."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and threw Jonathan on the ground, like a dead dog, "I support the government's decision-making."

He smiled: "Take him away."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang." Luo Zhengliang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked people to take Jonathan and Thomas away.

Although Thomas did not participate, he still has to be investigated.

After a while, only Fang Chuan and Charles were left.

"Mr. Fang, did you really let him go?" Charles was a little puzzled, because he always felt weird when he saw Fang Chuan's smile.

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