The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1696: Just make you apologize

Chapter 1696: Only Let You Apologize

"Mr. Fang, Prince Charles is here!" Luo Zhengliang hurriedly took a person and walked over.

Isn't this man Prince Charles?

"Mr. Fang!"

Prince Charles also looked anxious, walked over, and immediately bowed to each other: "First of all, I apologize to you."

He said again: "Secondly, I hope you don't get me wrong, we have nothing to do with Jonathan's actions."

"It doesn't matter?" Fang Chuan tickled the corner of his mouth.


Prince Charles's heart shook suddenly, a little nervous, for fear that Fang Chuan might have misunderstood him, and quickly said: "This time it was Jonathan acting without authorization. I have sent a message to my father and asked them to remove Jonathan from all positions. "

He said again: "My father Wang knows that Mr. Fang is in danger this time, and hopes that Mr. Fang can make some compensation."

He smiled and said: "Of course, we also know that Mr. Fang does not lack anything, but we will do our best to obtain Mr. Fang's forgiveness."


Fang Chuan nodded and felt Charles' sincerity. He waved his hand: "You can talk about this when the time comes. If you pay compensation, I will go to your city. I will make plans at that time."

He smiled again: "You UAE need the Crystal of the Future so much, um, I will also make some deals with you at that time."

"That's great!" Charles was overjoyed. The reason why they were so polite to Fang Chuan was that they naturally wanted the crystal of the future in his hands.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Go to one side, and then go find Jonathan together."

"Okay." Charles was very happy, but he didn't expect Fang Chuan to be so sensible and quickly stood by Fang Chuan's side.

"This is too domineering, right?"

"Very grand!"

"It's the pinnacle of life, this is the prince of the United Arab Emirates, powerful and powerful, and he can be called around."

The other police officers present saw the scene in front of them, and they all felt shocked and started talking in low voices.

Their eyes are full of envy.

At this time, a public official was brought over by Luo Zhengliang.

Flop, as soon as this person came in, he threw himself in front of Fang Chuan, knelt down, and quickly said: "Mr. Fang, I was wrong, I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

It turned out that this person was Yizhou City, an important person in the management of ordnance.

When he was in the armory, he also saw Fang Chuan.

And just now, Luo Zhengliang also told him the importance of this matter.

"Haha, now I know that I was wrong?" Fang Chuan glanced at this man, fat and big ears, obviously living a very good life.

"Mr. Fang, we caught him at the airport early last night."

Luo Zhengliang walked to Fang Chuan and smiled: "He originally wanted to escape. According to the investigation, he accepted Jonathan's 50 million US dollars in money and provided weapons without authorization."

"50 million dollars, can you do such a frantic thing?"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and waved his hand: "Moreover, do you think you can run away if you take the money? China is still the same as before?"

"Mr. Fang, I was wrong!" The fat official kowtows his head quickly, "I just hope you can treat me lightly, Mr. Fang!"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Sorry, this law belongs to the state, and I am not qualified to judge you."

"No—" The fat official said quickly: "Mr. Fang, you can definitely help me. You can save me from being in jail for several years with just one sentence!"

"To shut up!"

Luo Zhengliang kicked this person and raised his brows: "I asked you to come here to apologize to Mr. Fang, not to ask you to plead with you. Do you want to die?"

This person was kicked like this and let out a groan, and then he didn't say more. He also understood that Fang Chuan was very difficult to let go.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Alright, Captain Luo, take him down!"

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded brightly, and quickly let people take the fat man away.

Luo Zhengliang's reason for bringing people here was actually for Fang Chuan's mission, expressing that he had found out the cause and effect, and everyone was brought to justice.

Fang Chuan also understood what he meant, so he didn't say much.

He stood up: "It seems that everyone is almost ready, let's go to Jonathan, he dare to find someone to attack me, hehe."

His eyes drenched, exuding a sharp chill.

Everyone couldn't help but hit a spirit.


"It's in the presidential suite upstairs!"

Everyone got busy, and then some people went to the presidential suite upstairs.

The hotel staff were also very cooperative, and quickly took the room card from the counter, and came to Jonathan's suite with everyone.


The door was opened directly, and everyone filed in.

"Don't move!"

"Raise your hand!"

These police officers were also elite personnel in Luo Zhengliang's hands. They rushed in and immediately surrounded Jonathan and Thomas.

Jonathan frowned, apparently he didn't expect them to come so fast.

He also calculated that at the speed of the Huaxia police, I am afraid that he will be found tomorrow or this afternoon.

This time, why is it so fast?

In fact, his calculation is correct, because generally speaking, the speed of police investigations will not be so fast.

However, Luo Zhengliang was under great pressure this time, so he called many departments and stayed with him all night.

Therefore, in such a short time, Jonathan can be found.

Jonathan slowly raised his hand and glanced at Thomas on the side.

As Thomas raised his hand, he shouted in English: "I am not in the same group with him, I am also a hostage!"

"Don't move!" The police officers on the scene didn't know the specific relationship between Thomas and Jonathan, but according to intelligence, the two of them were in the same group.

Toms had no choice but to grumble.

"Jonathan, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not profound enough, so you dare to move on my head, right?"

Fang Chuan put his hands in his pockets, smiled faintly, and walked in front of Jonathan.

When Jonathan saw Fang Chuan, his anger suddenly surged, and he said loudly: "You are revenge, and I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"Don't admit it?" Fang Chuan tickled the corner of his mouth.

"I am a citizen of the United Arab Emirates, you have no right to arrest me!" Jonathan shouted again.


Prince Charles came to Jonathan and shook his head: "Don't resist. This will affect our relationship with the Chinese government, and it will also make Mr. Fang's impression of our UAE worse."


Jonathan glanced at Charles in a surprise, and then quickly said: "You can't ignore me, I do everything according to your orders. I don't know what crime I committed, you have to tell them clearly. what!"

"Enough!" Charles was a little angry. "It's too much for you to pull me in by this time."


Jonathan looked at Fang Chuan: "I am a puppet at all, Charles is very dissatisfied with you because he is fighting with you for women!"

He said again: "If you don't believe me, I will show you a text message."

"Huh?" Luo Zhengliang frowned.

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