The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1698: Thirty? Too greedy!

Chapter 1698 Thirty? Too greedy!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan glanced at Charles, then smiled faintly: "I'll tell you straight, he won't live for half a month."

"Huh?" Charles was taken aback.

"Why? Any comments?" Fang Chuan looked indifferent.

"Do not!"

Charles waved his hand quickly, "This **** wants to kill me, I can't wait for him to die. It's just that I am a little surprised by Mr. Fang's ability."

He smiled again: "Mr. Fang, on behalf of my father, I invite you to visit Dicheng as a guest. We will treat Mr. Fang as your most distinguished guest at that time."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Is it the crystal of the future in my hand? I can understand your thoughts."

"Haha." Charles gave a dry laugh.

Fang Chuan turned around and said as he walked: "Don't worry, I will deal with you for the crystal of the future. You have some good equipment from the United Arab Emirates."

While he was talking, the previous GT-325 spherical bomb suddenly appeared in his hand, and he started playing with it.

Charles saw this scene, his heart tensed, he quickly moved a little away from Fang Chuan, and smiled: "Mr. Fang, this bomb is very dangerous."


Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "I will try it if I have the opportunity to see if it has the power as you said."

He smiled, threw the spherical bomb in his hand and dropped it into his hand, then flipped his hand and entered his mustard space.

He then waved his hand: "If it is so powerful, this kind of bomb, give me a few hundred."


Charles almost vomited blood. Just now he saw Fang Chuan playing with the bomb and his scalp was numb.

He hurriedly said: "Mr. Fang, this kind of bomb is very expensive to manufacture, and our military does not have much, and it cannot be manufactured in large quantities.

He said again: "However, if Mr. Fang needs it, I will definitely let my father prepare more for Mr. Fang."


Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "That's good."

With that, he left the hotel with Charles.

Charles naturally went back to school directly, while Fang Chuan returned to the villa and practiced for a while.

It didn't take long for Fan Xinghe to call and tell him that people from Xun's family had come to the door and asked about the progress.

Of course, they still don't know about the death of Xun Huo and Xun Yan.

"Well, you just drag it like this and tell them that they haven't had a chance to start." Fang Chuan said lightly, "Anyway, you have given them your inheritance, and they may not believe that you even did it with me. indefinite."


Fan Xinghe nodded, "However, the power of the Xun family is also complicated, I think it's better to be careful."

"Yes, got it."

Fang Chuan hung up the phone, but fell into deep thought. Indeed, the power of the Xun family is very strong, and for the time being, he cannot resist it alone.

Xun Huo was punched to death by him, and then he would face the terrible revenge of the Xun family.

However, he already had a plan in his heart.

Moreover, when he breaks through to the second layer of foundation construction, his strength will greatly increase. At that time, the Xun Family Patriarch will naturally not be his opponent.

Those masters of Xun's family, he can easily defeat them.

However, it is very difficult for him to break through now.

He wants to make a breakthrough, he has to work harder than others, and he needs more resources.

The spirit stone in his hand is almost not enough.

Fortunately, he can still practice double cultivation with so many women with fairly good aptitude, which will also help his cultivation to a certain extent.

However, the most important thing is that it is best to get some natural treasures, and then let him touch the barrier of cultivation.

Finally, he broke through through certain means.

Otherwise, the base-building dual-layer cultivation base barrier, although it is not as strong as the breakthrough to the base-building period compared to the refining period.

However, it is also stronger than the previous cultivation barriers.

"First, help Luo Yao to go to Europe. After the matter is resolved, I will stop by and take a look at the Sunset Organization. If there is a chance, we will also destroy the Sunset Organization."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "After all this is done, I will step up time to break through the realm."

He was just a thought, and in an instant, he understood the way he was going next.

The next day, he picked up Luo Yao first, and discussed with her whether to bring Zhu Yun.

Luo Yao naturally wanted to be alone with Fang Chuan, but Fang Chuan obviously had his own plan, and he could not monopolize him.

Moreover, she also learned that Zhu Jun knows Europe very well and is an important member of a very powerful Chinese killer organization in Europe.

She also knew Zhu Yun's life experience, and she actually had a feeling of sympathy.

So, together, they came to the villa where Sang Ling and Zhu Yun lived.

"Did Zhu Yun teach Sang Ling here before?" Luo Yao looked around and smiled: "The environment here is really good!"

Fang Chuan hurriedly said: "Because Sang Ling and the others only came back from abroad, and there was nowhere, I just bought a house."

He said again: "Sister Luo Yao, don't worry, when my manor is repaired, each of you will have a big house."

"Without you in the house, no matter how big the house is, it will be futile." Luo Yao sighed.

These days, she and Fang Chuan have become extremely close.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am also prepared. I will build a house with at least thirty large bedrooms."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "When the time comes, you can live wherever you want to live."

"Thirty?" Luo Yao raised her brows: "Are you too greedy?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan scratched his head: "This is also just in case."


Luo Yao gave him a white look, "I don't have any problem with you looking for other wives, but the only requirement is that you can't be too much worse than me."

She said this, but not to show how beautiful she is, nor for the so-called arrogance.

She also wanted to divide Fang Chuan a little bit less, so she would.

She also understands that in this world, there are not many women who are prettier than her, or that are as beautiful as her.

Moreover, the world is so big, if Fang Chuan wants to meet, the probability will be much smaller.

In this way, the number of wives Fang Chuan finds will be much less.

"Don't worry." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "I have been with you for a long time, can I still see a woman who is much worse than you?"

"Humph." Luo Yao snorted and waved: "Let's go, let's meet Zhu Yun, I think she should be a great beauty."

Fang Chuan nodded: "Of course, very beautiful."

Luo Yao felt a little awkward when Fang Chuan praised other women, but he had to fill in the pits he had dug.

With that said, she took Fang Chuan and walked towards the door of the villa.


Fang Chuan raised his brows, his eyes drenched, "Who?"

"Who?" At the same time, there was a cold shout of Zhu Yun from the room.

Then, the door opened, and Zhu Yun appeared murderously at the door, standing in the courtyard, and looking forward suddenly.

Her eyes were full of murderous intent!

Fang Chuan was already moving. In the blink of an eye, he reached a corner of the villa's courtyard and slammed it over!

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