The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1695: Divide into the middle of the night

Chapter 1695

Soon, Fan Xinghe exchanged contact information with Chen Zun, and together with Fang Chuan, he left the mansion in the Republic of China.

"Master, are you really going to the headquarters of the Blood Demon Cult?" Fan Xinghe asked as he walked.

"What's the matter?" Fang Chuan looked at Fan Xinghe.

"I'm worried that Chen Zun will invite you to enter the urn. Even if he won't betray you, but the Blood Demon Cult headquarters should be as strong as a cloud."

Fan Xinghe thought for a while: "If you go, the probability of being discovered is still very high."

"There is no way."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "There are many things that I have to figure out. Moreover, I still have confidence in my abilities."

"Understood." Fan Xinghe nodded.

The two quickly left Huaishu Town.

Fan Xinghe naturally returned to Fan's family. He still had many important things to do.

Fang Chuan went straight back to the villa.

In the past few days, Fan Youmei did not return to her mansion, but stayed in Yu Xiaoxiao's villa.

The relationship between the women of them is getting better and better, and they are in love with their sisters.

Although Rui Zhixin mostly lives in school, when she is fine, she will come to the villa to gather with Fan Youmei and others.

In this way, Fang Chuan is very happy.

Moreover, their double cultivation method also proceeded very smoothly.

The four of Fan Youmei, their cultivation bases are also advancing by leaps and bounds. After all, Fang Chuan's cultivation base is so high, there is no problem in taking them to practice quickly.

During this time, Fang Chuan also taught them a lot of spells.

However, when learning spells, it depends on a person's aptitude.

Although their cultivation bases are similar, Rui Zhixin still has to be stronger in terms of perception.

Rui Zhixin has learned half of the Five Elements Art.

Others, at most, learned a series of spells.

Back at the villa, Rui Zhixin was not there, but Fan Youmei and the three were waiting for Fang Chuan's favor.

However, although they have a good relationship, they are still a little embarrassed to practice together.

It's okay to do it occasionally, but doing it every day makes them psychologically unacceptable.

As Fan Youmei said, Fang Chuan would be more arrogant and extravagant than King Zhou if he did this every day, which is not good.

Therefore, Fang Chuan changed his strategy, three people a day, divided into the middle and the night.

This arrangement didn't have much impact on their cultivation, on the contrary, it gave them more time to meditate on their own.

Therefore, Fang Chuan returned to the villa. After washing, he went to Fan Youmei's room and spent two hours practicing with Fan Youmei.

This kind of cultivation intensity is still very high, even if their cultivation base is very high, they still sweat profusely.

However, spiritual pleasure and physical pleasure are of great benefit to their cultivation.

Then in the middle of the night, Fang Chuan went to Yu Xiaoxiao's room and spent another two hours for intense training.

Later, in the second half of the night, Fang Chuan spent time with Lu Wei.

They also spent two hours.

In the whole room, there was hardly a single night, because in the process of cultivation, they could not help but make high-pitched noises.

Early the next morning, Fang Chuan had breakfast, and Fan Youmei and the others had already left.

Fang Chuan received a call from Luo Zhengliang, saying that after yesterday's investigation, he had found the person behind the scenes.

Sure enough, this time the attack was carried out by Prince Charles of the United Arab Emirates, and Jonathan joined some international mercenaries to carry out an attack.

Their purpose is to get the crystal of the future in Fang Chuan's hands.

Among the Hongmen, there are also insiders.

However, because the people from Hongmen left on the same day, they did not find this insider.

However, all this is enough.

"Well, wait, catch Jonathan, and I'll go there too." Fang Chuan finally hung up the phone and went out.

In a short while, he went directly to a temporary work site that Luo Zhengliang and the others deployed overnight, where they monitored Jonathan and others.

"Mr. Fang!"

Luo Zhengliang has been downstairs, waiting for Fang Chuan himself. He has been terrified about what happened this time, and if he really wants to blame it, there may be a big problem.

Fortunately, his previous friendship with Fang Chuan was pretty good, and he often helped Fang Chuan deal with some minor troubles, so Fang Chuan didn't seem to be too angry.

However, he did not dare to relax his vigilance.


Fang Chuan nodded and glanced at Luo Zhengliang. Obviously, he didn't sleep last night and was working all night.

He waved his hand: "Let's take a look at Jonathan and the others."

"Yes!" Luo Zhengliang nodded quickly, and then led the way, leading Fang Chuan to one of their suites in this five-star hotel.

There are a lot of people in the suite, everyone is busy, some are contacting other departments, ready to take action at any time, and some are monitoring Jonathan and their every move.

This time, they gathered the best flying dragon special police team in Yizhou City.

When Fang Chuan came into the room, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Fang Chuan didn't say much. He immediately sat on the sofa aside, but his consciousness scanned it out. Through the screen on the monitor, he quickly found the presidential suite where Jonathan was.

Jonathan was frowning at the moment. He didn't expect that his adventure this time would not only yield no gain, but also got into big trouble.

Originally, the last time he was insulted by Fang Chuan, he was very angry, so he wanted to teach Fang Chuan a lesson.

Therefore, this time, he took advantage of Hongmen’s internal staff to send them news that there was a future crystal deal, and when it was trading with Fang Chuan, he made up his mind to use the long-delayed Huaxia piece.

As long as he succeeded this time and planted the spoils on other people, he could return to his country successfully.

Moreover, there will be great rewards in the United Arab Emirates.

Now, it's all over!

"Jonathan, we may not be able to go back this time!" Thomas' eyes were red, "How can you be so impulsive?"

"Ha ha."

Jonathan sneered, "I have been in China for a long time, and my ultimate mission is to obtain the crystals of the future for you scientists!"

He suddenly raised his voice: "Didn't you keep arguing for the crystal of the future? Am I not for you?"

"Did you get it?" Thomas snorted, "Last time, if you hadn't offended Mr. Fang, we might have bought the Crystal of the Future!"

"Shut up!"

Jonathan suddenly took out a handful of desert eagles and pressed them to Thomas' chin: "Don't mention him to me, otherwise, I will kill you with one shot!"

Thomas' face changed drastically, and he raised his hand: "Don't be impulsive!"

"Forget it."

Jonathan took back the Desert Eagle, his eyes cold: "I tell you, my people are dealing with this matter, and I am also sending a request to Prince Charles, he will definitely help us!"

"I hope!" Thomas replied patiently.

"Haha." Fang Chuan couldn't help smiling after hearing Jonathan's words.

At this time, the door was opened.

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