Chapter 1694 Open Your Mouth!

Everyone looked at He Lin, who was beaten into a headless corpse by Fang Chuan. They couldn't help but frightened.

Although, they hated He Lin very much.

However, the palm of the hand made them feel the same.

"Mr. Fang——"

Chen Zun said quickly: "It seems that Mr. Fang is looking for someone through our Blood Demon Sect! Mr. Fang, as long as you let me go, I can help you find someone."

He doesn't want to die!

It was hard for him to cultivate to his current level, and he was not too old, and he was a person of great potential.

Fang Chuan glanced at him: "Are you looking for someone for me?"

"Yes!" Chen Zun hurriedly said: "Our Blood Demon Sect is also connected to the above, and in recent years, I heard that there are indeed some powerful people. People from above come to our Blood Demon Sect and pass through our Blood Demon Sect. , Get something."

He said again: "Mr. Fang, the headquarters will call me soon. When I go to the headquarters, I will have the opportunity to help you inquire."

"Go to headquarters?"

Fang Chuan raised his brows. From He Lin's memory, he already knew that the headquarters of the Blood Demon Sect was mysterious, and not many people knew.

Moreover, those of them who subordinate the rudder cannot go to the headquarters casually.

He Lin never visited the headquarters, but Chen Zun did. However, He Lin also learned that even if Chen Zun had gone, he did not know where the headquarters was.

"How do you make me believe you?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched.

"I have a kind of Gu here. I got it when I killed a Southern Frontier force. I originally planned to use it to control other people."

He said, pointing to his room with difficulty: "It's in my room! This kind of Gu is a kind of gold-winged Gu from southern Xinjiang, the king of Gu."

"I heard that as long as a person is controlled by this Gu, not only will life and death be uncontrollable, but it will also be very painful."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "I just want to live. It is not easy for me to cultivate all the way. I don't want to die, I also want to reach the limit, and I want to live a few hundred years!"

He quickly pleaded: "Mr. Fang, I beg you, you use this golden wing gu to control me, I will definitely not betray you."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan raised his brows, his spiritual sense had discovered that in the room Chen Zun pointed to, there was indeed a black gourd containing a gold-winged Gu worm.

And this Golden Wing Gu worm contained extremely strong power, and even such a small worm had the powerful strength of nine layers of Qi refining.

Its toxicity is also very alarming, and it has a very powerful mental power.

This kind of gold-winged Gu can be regarded as the best among gold-winged Gu.

Indeed, using this Gu worm to control Chen Zun is no problem. Even if he Chen Zun has any back then he is not afraid.

Because, he has a way to increase the resistance of this Gu worm and enhance the ability of this Gu worm.

He smiled: "This is a good idea."


With a stroke of his hand, the black gourd in the room pierced through and fell into his hands.

He unplugged the gourd plug, and suddenly, with a buzzing sound, the Golden Wing Gu worm flew out at an extremely fast speed.


It followed and flew to the sky.

It already has a certain spirituality and wants to be free.


Fang Chuan's divine sense blasted past, and the gold-winged Gu worm was impacted and let out a harsh scream, then fell into Fang Chuan's hands.

Following that, Fang Chuan's consciousness moved, but he directly tamed the Golden Wing Gu worm through animal taming technique.

This Gu worm, attached to Fang Chuan's hand, no longer had the hostility and fear he had before, as if he were very intimate with Fang Chuan.

This was really magical, and Fang Chuan overcame the Gu worm in just an instant.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, a puff of true energy covered the golden-winged Gu worm, and then carved into a spirit gathering formation.

He was using this Golden Wing Gu insect as a magic weapon to refine!

And the Golden Wing Gu worm does have this condition, because its body is very hard and can withstand a certain amount of pill fire refinement.

Beep Beep Beep...

About twenty minutes later, the Golden Wing Gu worm became more golden, and there was a hint of aura attached to his body.

"Open your mouth!" Fang Chuan ordered.

"it is good!"

At this time, Chen Zun was full of ups and downs, because he didn't know what Fang Chuan had done for so long.

He does have a back hand, and there is a certain probability that he can take out the Golden Wing Gu worm without being affected by Fang Chuan.

But now, he was a little scared.

However, he was more worried about being beaten to death by Fang Chuan, so he could only bite the bullet and swallow the Golden Wing Gu.

Gu Gu-

As soon as he swallowed it, there was a fire in his stomach!


After a burst of colic, Chen Zun could hardly bear it and let out a violent cry. About five or six minutes later, he stopped.

Fang Chuan looked at everything in front of him faintly, then waved his hand: "How?"

"It hurts." Chen Zun's voice was a little hoarse.

Fang Chuan said again: "I guess you must have a solution to this Golden Wing Gu worm."

"Absolutely not." Chen Zun shook his head quickly.

Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "It doesn't matter whether there is or not, because I have strengthened this golden wing gu insect!"

"If you want to try it, but it will definitely cause you more pain."

He smiled again: "I can give you a chance to try."

"No." Chen Zun's heart jumped, he knew what Fang Chuan had spent so long just doing, and what he was definitely doing.

Unexpectedly, he was able to strengthen the Golden Wing Gu worm.

He suddenly understood that he seemed to have no retreat.

However, this is also the scope of his tolerance, because he doesn't want to die. If the Golden Wing Gu can control him, he can rely on Fang Chuan.

As an evil cultivator, morality and loyalty can be ignored.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "We don't need to say more. When I get the call, I will immediately go to the headquarters to help you inquire."

He asked again: "You must at least give me certain information about this person."

"No need to."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and shook his head: "If you get the summon, please contact me immediately and I will send Fan Xinghe to visit you often."

He smiled faintly: "I will go to the headquarters of the Blood Demon Cult with you. I also want to see what the headquarters of the Blood Demon Cult is like."

"You go too?" Chen Zun raised his brow.

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded.

"All right then." Chen Zun nodded helplessly.

Fang Chuan looked at other people again, and smiled: "If you take refuge in me, if it is spread out, you should be very clear about the consequences, right?"

"I understand." Chen Zun nodded quickly, but there was a trace of murder in his eyes.

Obviously, he was planning to kill people.

He hurriedly said: "My people will never say anything, please rest assured, Mr. Fang."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan had a panoramic view of Chen Zun's expression. Of course he knew that this person was already planning to kill his own men.

However, this is also normal.

Fang Chuan wouldn't stop either, because if Chen Zun didn't kill these evildoers, he would kill them too.

He waved his hand: "Then I will leave. By the way, don't do anything to ordinary people, otherwise, no matter what, you will die."

"Understand." Chen Zun nodded.

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