The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1689: Missile bombing

Chapter 1689 Missile Bombing

However, they had no chance at all. After running a few steps, Fang Chuan rushed up, caught them, and stunned.

Han Li followed with a flash of figure, throwing several people who had fled to the gate to the ground.

After a while, these people were all subdued.

"Who is so courageous to even dare to covet the things of our Hong Clan, and want to die?" Han Li walked over, grabbed a person, and asked coldly.

The person was also shocked, they didn't expect that the person they faced was so terrifying!

"You..." The man was shaking all over.

"It's not over yet."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, his eyes turned to the outside, followed by an armed helicopter flying to the front of the teahouse.

Boom boom boom...

Lightweight missiles blasted from this helicopter, and at the same time, armor-piercing bullets shot over.

This is even more exaggerated than in the movie!

People like them are also lawless!

However, this level of attack poses a great threat to an expert like Han Li. If he is not careful, he will still be killed or injured.


Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, standing at the window that had been blown to pieces, reaching out and pressing, a golden light curtain suddenly formed.

Boom boom boom -

His light curtain is almost equivalent to an absolute defense. There was a violent explosion, and the explosion on the light curtain was extremely ferocious.

The light curtain was blown up and rippled continuously, causing violent shocks to Fangchuan again and again.

Fortunately, Fang Chuan did not receive much threat.

Finally, the missile on the helicopter has been empty.


At this moment, Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his figure was like an arrow, and he shot past, and he was in the helicopter in the blink of an eye.


The person in the helicopter was shocked by the sudden Fang Chuan.

However, they are also strictly trained people. They stood up, took out their daggers, and engaged Fang Chuan in close combat.

Their fighting style is very fierce and direct!

However, in front of Fang Chuan, he was still a little weaker.


Fang Chuan made continuous shots, grabbing these people's wrists and twisting them, and then, a sound like fried beans came along with these people's screams.

With a few random punches, he knocked these people to the ground, leaving them with little strength to resist.

After that, he came to the driving position in two steps.

Bang bang bang--

The pilot had already noticed the battle in the cabin, he quickly turned around, faced Fang Chuan, and pulled the trigger.

Fang Chuan casually stretched out his hand and grabbed the bullet that had been shot.


The next moment, he came to the pilot's side, grabbed the pilot's head, waved his hand, and threw the man out.

After that, he sat in the pilot's seat, drove the helicopter, and went to the roof of the nearest building.

Fortunately, he has studied all the books in the library of Yizhou University, and naturally there are many professional books about flying.

In this way, he can learn to control a helicopter without a teacher.

Otherwise, he can only shock the world and lift the helicopter to the roof of the building.

After a while, he parked the helicopter on the building.

Then, he rushed into shape and returned to the teahouse.

It's all over!

Fang Chuan clapped his hands, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "These people have paid a lot of money to grab us. It's a pity, it was wasted."

"They actually moved a helicopter in China, thinking that this is the American emperor?" Han Li felt incredible.

You know, this scene happens in any country, it is not a problem.

However, it happened in China, it was too much.

Huaxia attaches great importance to such things. Those people behind them are probably going to suffer.

"This is not our business."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You bring the jade slip, if you have these pills, you can take them too."

As he said, with a wave of his hand, rows of jade bottles appeared on the ground.

He smiled: "Let's go, call me if you have something to do."

"Okay, Mr. Fang!" Han Li nodded, and then quickly asked someone to pick up these jade bottles and put them in the password box.

He was in a nervous mood. You must know that these things in his hands are invaluable.

Nothing can be measured in the currency of the earth.

Their plan this time was obviously leaked out.

However, he has no time to think about who leaked it. He only hopes that this time he can take things back safely.

"Just now it was almost the same as a Hollywood blockbuster." Luo Yao's eyes widened, and now she still hasn't reacted.

Fang Chuan nodded: "It's really exciting!"

"In other words..." Luo Yao looked at Fang Chuan: "Xiaochuan, you are too powerful, right? So many missiles can't break the light released by you!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, then looked at Luo Yao: "Modern weapons are really powerful. If their weapons are upgraded to another level, they may pose a big threat to me."

He paused: "If I raise two levels, I might get injured."

"Then you should be more careful in the future." Luo Yao was a little worried.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Although I believe that there are many modern weapons that can hurt me in this world, not many people may come into contact with these weapons."

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, it's our ineffective monitoring!"

At this time, Luo Zhengliang ran over with a group of people, and the sound of sirens was also resounding outside. More than 20 police cars surrounded the scene.

At the same time, the traffic police and fire police also rushed to the scene immediately.

Luo Zhengliang and the others naturally saw Fang Chuan just now, knowing that this unprecedented attack might have targeted Fang Chuan.

Therefore, he was also very worried.

Fang Chuan nodded and looked at Luo Zhengliang: "You really do not monitor well. This kind of helicopter with missiles can be used by these foreigners. There is an internal problem."

He waved his hand: "I will give you one day to investigate this issue thoroughly, otherwise, I will do it myself."

"Yes!" Luo Zhengliang broke out in cold sweat, and it was the first time he saw Fang Chuan so harshly.

Moreover, who would dare to let him take the shot himself.

He hurriedly saluted each other and said seriously: "Within a day, I promise to complete the task."

Fang Chuan said again: "Give you a clue, Prince Charles of the United Arab Emirates of Yizhou University may have something to do with this matter."

It turned out that he had known just now that these people might come from the area of ​​the United Arab Emirates, so he immediately thought of Charles.

"Understand." Luo Zhengliang nodded quickly: "No matter what prince he is, if he is in our country, if he violates the law and discipline, he cannot be lenient."

"Go." Fang Chuan waved his hand.

"Yes!" Luo Zhengliang breathed a sigh of relief before turning around and hurriedly ran into the teahouse.

"Sister Luo Yao, I still have something to deal with. When the matter is finished, I will go to you and go to Europe, okay?" Fang Chuan took Luo Yao's hand and said as he walked.

"Good." Luo Yao nodded.

Subsequently, Fang Chuan sent Luo Yao back to the community.

When he came out of Luo Yao's community, he called Fan Xinghe!

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