The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1688: The enemy is too strong

Chapter 1688 the enemy is too powerful

Han Li wanted to buy some spiritual stone extraction secret techniques, but it was too expensive. If you converted 10%, you would need 100 lower-grade spirit stones.

If the extraction rate of spirit stones can only be 10%, they might as well not.

Although, their own extraction may only be about 5%.

However, they also try not to practice with spirit stones now, because it is too wasteful.

The other extraction rates are too expensive, 25%, which is 100 middle-grade spirit stones, and you can’t get them if you kill them!

He waved his hand awkwardly: "We discussed it, and we don't need it for the time being. Anyway, with Mr. Fang's Qi Gathering Pill, we can barely cultivate."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and nodded: "This is also right. After all, practicing with spirit stones - to be honest, given your economic level, it is still too extravagant."

"Ha ha."

Han Li smiled awkwardly. This is the second time since he became the elder of his Hongmen, he felt that their Hongmen was too poor.

The first time was when Fang Chuan introduced the price to him.

He quickly said, "I don't know, when can I get the goods?"

"The exercise method can be given to you immediately, and the Qi Gathering Pill will give you five hundred first, and the Qi Healing Pill will give you one hundred! There is such a small spot in stock."

Fang Chuan said lightly.

"Enough, enough!"

Han Li was overjoyed. He thought that Qi Gathering Pill and Qi Healing Pill would get even less on the spot, but he didn't expect it to be as many as 500.

How could he not be happy.

He quickly asked: "Then the payment?"

"I will pay the full amount today. I will not pit you with the Qi Gathering Pill and Qi Healing Pill. What's more, I gave you such a big discount, do you still care about such a pill?" Fang Chuan said lightly.

"no problem."

Han Li didn't pause and nodded quickly. Then, he called Qin Lie again and asked him to bring enough spirit stones.

After a while, Qin Lie walked in with a few people, like the banknote guard, cautiously and very vigilantly.

Each of them carried two boxes in his hand, only Qin Lie carried one box.

One seven!

Qin Lie quickly put the boxes side by side on the table in front of Fang Chuan, and opened them one by one.

In the first box, there are two dazzling middle-grade spirit stones.

There were ten low-grade spirit stones in the six boxes behind, but they were also breathtakingly beautiful.

For some researchers, this is a rare crystal of the future, full of high-quality energy.

They have calculated that a low-grade spirit stone is enough to keep the space station running for one year.

They even pinned the hope of the spacecraft's ability to accelerate to sub-light speed on this kind of future crystal.

They feel that as long as they get more crystals of the future, they can have a better future.

However, especially abroad, they have too many opportunities to obtain such high-purity spirit stones.


Fang Chuan swept away his spiritual knowledge and knew that the quality of these spirit stones was fair.

Although he pretends to be nothing, but two middle-grade spirit stones and 60 lower-grade spirit stones are also a great wealth for him now.

Last time, the entire Fan family was robbed, not much more than here.

That is what the Fan family has kept for hundreds of years.

With a tick at the corner of his mouth, from the mustard space, he took out twelve crystal clear jade stones about the width of three fingers.

This is the jade slip that he took the time to make after talking to Han Li last time.

The jade slip is a kind of cultivation world, used to store a large amount of information-which can store text, sound, image.

The capacity of an ordinary jade jade is generally much larger than a T hard disk.

However, despite the large capacity, some immortal-level exercises exceed the amount of information of one T.

Not to mention the holy rank and the honorable rank.

However, on earth, there are probably only a handful of people who can refine jade slips.

"This is Yujian?" Han Li was taken aback.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Otherwise, what do you think I used for you? The exercises above the prefecture level are not like the secrets practiced by the profound level or even ordinary martial artists. You can master the pictures and formulas."

He shook his head: "Earth-level exercises are not something ordinary people can learn."

As he said, he pushed the twelve jade slips to the opposite side of Han Li, "The jade slip is very simple to use. Hold it and communicate mentally. If the mental power is too weak and you can’t communicate, don’t force it, otherwise you will Become an idiot by the flow of information."

"Understand, understand!" Han Li was ecstatic, and quickly picked up twelve jade slips, and his heartbeat just missed a beat.


At this moment, suddenly, a rocket blasted over and hit the glass of the teahouse in the box they were in.

The violent explosion formed a strong shock wave, and pieces of fragments, like a torrent, rushed towards them.

"not good!"

"Someone invaded!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

Qin Lie and the others quickly yelled, but at this time, it was too late for them.

This rocket bounces off, I am afraid that only Fang Chuan and Han Li will survive, right?

"Who is so bold, even our Hongmen dare to grab it?"

Han Li raised his eyebrows, his speed was extremely fast, and he hurriedly caught Qin Lie and the others, trying to throw them behind to avoid injury.

With his strength to build a foundation, facing the rockets, at most it is only injured.

"No need to."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, put one hand around Luo Yao, and one hand pressed forward, a golden light came out.

Wow, wow——

The violent shock wave hit Fang Chuan's body protection technique, and the flames and shock wave were all resisted.

"This is too strong, right?"

"What is this ability?"

Qin Lie and others are all young people from the Hong Clan. Although they have some strength, they are nothing in comparison.

When they saw the scene before them, they were also shocked.

Han Li couldn't help but glanced at Fang Chuan. Fang Chuan now has no idea how much stronger than before.

"Don't be in a daze, the enemy is coming!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.


A group of people wearing body armor and carrying weapons of mass destruction, dangling a rope, rushed in from upstairs.

Da da da--

They were so cruel. After they came in, they didn't talk much, and they shot straight into the room, and the bullets shot out frantically.

The room suddenly turned into a mess, and was beaten to pieces everywhere.

Luo Yao was frightened by this battle. As a criminal police officer and a special police officer of the Serious Crime Department, she had never seen this battle.

The guns in these people's hands are also extremely powerful, and are comparable to ordinary bullets.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, his figure shook, and his whole body rushed out like lightning, pressing his hand forward, and the body protection technique surged out.

All the opponent's bullets hit the golden light shield, and couldn't hit Fang Chuan at all.


Fang Chuan grabbed a man by the throat and threw it to the ground. Suddenly, the man was smashed to the ground and knocked out.

After that, his figure rushed out again, and several people threw it out.

"not good!"

"The enemy is too strong!"

Those who invaded were also taken aback and turned around to run.

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