Chapter 1690 Blood Demon Cult Lair

After Fang Chuan contacted Fan Xinghe, he parked his car on a remote road nearby.

Not long after, Fan Xinghe was extremely fast, stepping several tens of meters, and soon came to Fang Chuan's car.

"the host."

Fan Xinghe was very polite to Fang Chuan, bowed, and then said: "I have found the place where He Lin's forces are behind."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded, "Where?"

"In a Huaishu Town near Yizhou City."

Fan Xinghe quickly said: "This is an ancient town with a small population. They are in the Cai mansion outside the ancient town, which is a Republican mansion."


Fang Chuan nodded, and he could probably sense the location of He Lin, but it was not bad for Fan Xinghe to speak so carefully.

He waved: "Get in the car."

"Yes!" Fan Xinghe respected Chuan Yue and quickly got on the co-pilot.


Fang Chuan slammed the throttle and raised the Porsche 918 to a speed of nearly two hundred in one second, racing wildly on the road.

Such a fast speed can only be controlled by someone like him.

After a while, they left the Fifth Ring Road and got on the highway. After walking for about ten minutes, they got off the highway and got on a national highway.

Finally, they came to this ancient locust tree town.

Huaishu Town is an ancient town, but it is not very famous. However, the buildings in the town are very well preserved, and most of them are from the Republic of China period.

There is also a tower in the town, but it was built in the Ming Dynasty and remains today.

Fang Chuan and the others arrived here, it was already evening, and the sky was a bit dark.

The whole Huaishu Town looked a little deserted.

There are many locust trees in Huaishu Town, but I don’t know why. In this June season, the streets are full of locust leaves.

From time to time a gust of wind blew, and there was some chill.

June is already a bit hotter.

Here, there is obviously something weird.

They got out of the car and walked into the ancient town. Sometimes they could see a few people, but they looked hurriedly cleaning up the shop.

It was only six or seven in the evening, and the people in the town seemed to close their doors.

"The Cai Mansion is in the other direction of the town. The road there is narrow and you can only walk through it. However, with the back of the mountain, it is easy to get rid of the grass."

Fan Xinghe said as he walked.

Fang Chuan nodded: "The atmosphere in the town here is a bit weird."

"It may have something to do with He Lin and their brothers." Fan Xinghe said quickly.

"Which family is this from?"

"Is it a foreigner?"

"It's so late, they dare to come to town, but it's too fateful!"

In a relatively large tea shop, a family member was clearing the table and was about to close the door to go home. They couldn't help but say a few words when they saw Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan heard it, his mouth twitched, but he walked over and waved his hand: "Is it closed so early? No one drinks tea to play cards at night?"

"No no!"

The elderly middle-aged man waved his hand quickly: "The people in our town all rest earlier."

Fang Chuan pointed to the sign on the side and smiled: "Didn't you say that the machine is all night long?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said impatiently, "That was before, now everyone in our town goes to bed early!"

He waved his hand again: "I advise you to leave earlier, it is not peaceful here."

"Lao Li!" His woman gave him a quick glance and pulled him: "Don't kill me!"

"Yes, yes!" The middle-aged man nodded and ignored Fang Chuan. He quickly cleared the table, ran in, slammed the door, and shut the door.

After a while, all the people on the street disappeared. Even in their own homes, they were light-footed and afraid to speak loudly.

Fan Xinghe quickly looked at Fang Chuan: "Master, it seems that they are doing great harm here!"


Fang Chuan nodded, looked into the distance, and then said: "Since we are here, they have nothing to stir up trouble."

"Yeah." Fan Xinghe nodded, then pointed to the front with a smile: "It's over there, Master, there seems to be a lot of people over there."

"I'll talk about it in the past."

As Fang Chuan said, he walked through the street with Fan Xinghe, and then passed a very narrow road to a very impressive mansion.

This mansion is full of the style of the Republic of China, but for some reason, there is a creepy atmosphere in the sky.

In the air, a faint smell of blood floated.

Fang Chuan smiled, waved his hand, and said to Fan Xinghe: "It seems that this is hidden in Yizhou City, the home of the Blood Demon Sect."

"Blood Demon Cult?"

Fan Xinghe was taken aback, looked at Fang Chuan, and quickly asked: "What kind of cult is this, why have I never heard of it?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "They call themselves the Blood Demon Sect, but they are actually an influent cult. The world is so big, it is normal that you have not heard of it.

"Hmm!" Fan Xinghe nodded, then said: "What shall we do next?"

"Of course I got in."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "There are so many people in them, you have to be careful, they have a lot of secret techniques."

"Understand." Fan Xinghe quickly agreed.

Then they walked to the gate of the mansion.

In the mansion, He Lin was talking to his brothers. In front of him, there was a corpse upside down, and it didn't seem to be long.

His arm, which had already burst, grew back.

"That Fang Chuan will die sooner or later, but we can use him to provoke the righteous war." He Lin's eyes flashed cruelly.

A man beside him nodded: "Junior Brother, what are your plans?"

"I will lead him back first, and then tell the Patriarch of the Xun Family about his killing of Xun Huo. The Patriarch of the Xun Family must fight him desperately."

He Lin said coldly: "However, I don't think he will be the opponent of the Xun family. I will go ask the elder of Qingxu Dongtian in Zhoushan to rescue Fang Chuan."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "At the beginning, I happened to have a relationship with the elder of Qingxu Dongtian, and this elder had a good impression of me."

"I think, with Fang Chuan's ability, I should be able to grasp this opportunity of Qingxu Dongtian, and then I secretly kill a few people from Qingxu Dongtian."


"The contradiction between these two caves is being provoked."

"Given the relationship between their two great caves, many people will inevitably be invited. The more people participate, the more chaotic the right way will be."

He Lin smiled triumphantly.

"Junior Brother, this method is feasible, but if there is a slight difference, I am afraid it will not be able to achieve this effect!" The person frowned and said with all concern.

"Brother Chen Zun, don't worry, the plan is just a plan, and I will continue to revise it."

He Lin waved his hand: "I have been lurking in the right way for so long, and I have few contacts. I will definitely provoke them to fight."

Chen Zun nodded and patted He Lin on the shoulder: "If you have any needs, tell me directly, I will definitely cooperate with you."

"Then please grab some people first, and heal my hand." He Lin said quickly.

"no problem."

Chen Zun nodded: "Our people are looking for the right person. Alas, your injury is also serious. It would be great if you could meet that kind of monk. Their blood contains very strong power."

"Oh no!"

At this moment, a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect ran in and quickly said: "Two people have come in from outside. They are very strong and seem to be righteous people!"

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