The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1687: Give you 20% off

Chapter 1687 Give You 20% Off

At this moment, Han Li was cautiously receiving Luo Yao.

Luo Yao feels deeply!

In the past, Han Li was aloof, it was impossible to have any contact with her, even if she met, she was very humble.

But now, with Fang Chuan's momentum, she completely surpassed Han Li.

Han Li is also full of emotion!

The fate of a person is so strange, he could not have imagined that this little girl can have such a big influence now.

He shook his head secretly and smiled: "Luo Yao, you are a great man now! Reading that we are both from the Hong Sect, we must help us Hong Sect."

"If you can, I will." Luo Yao nodded.

She acted indifferently, but in fact she was still a little awkward. She likes to act vigorously and resolutely, but she doesn't like this vain.

Moreover, the change in status gave her a strange feeling.

She said again: "However, my parents still need your help, Elder Han."

Han Li quickly said: "Luo Yao, don't worry, since I told you last time, I have been sending people to investigate, and now I have a look."

"Really?" Luo Yao raised her brows, a little excited.

"Yes." Han Li nodded, "but we still have to wait for Mr. Fang to come, because it is impossible for you to find clues to your parents."

"Okay." Luo Yao nodded, she also understood that Han Li was trying to win Fang Chuan's favor.

However, this is normal, she can understand.

"Ha ha."

At this moment, Fang Chuan smiled and strode over, changing his clothes when he was already flying in the sky.

Decontamination is just the basis of a water spell, a spell that any cultivator in the refining period can possess.

Therefore, when he came in, he was refreshed and there was no dirt on his body.

He smiled, sat next to Luo Yao and looked at Han Li: "Let’s talk about Luo Yao’s parents first. If the information is valuable, I can consider giving you a discount."

"Yes, yes!" Han Li was excited.

What a lucky thing to be able to discount. You know, Fang Chuan's items are all very expensive.

Luo Yao held her breath and looked at Han Li with a look of expectation.

She unconsciously took Fang Chuan's hand.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Elder Han, tell me."

"it is good."

Han Li nodded quickly, organized the language, and then said: "Luo Yao's parents were sent out to perform the task, and then there was news of their deaths, and even their scorched remains."

"Their parents were the more important younger generation in Hongmen at that time, so we also attached great importance to them and tested their remains."

"We discovered the genes they left in our Hongmen database among the remains."

"So, at that time, we decided that Luo Yao and his parents were dead."

As he said, he paused: "However, recently, some of us were in a small town in Europe and found them."

He said again: "Then we immediately found the local police station through our relationship and launched an investigation on them."

"Then, we are 90% sure that this is Luo Yao's parents." He couldn't help but stop when he said this.

Luo Yao's tears have already shed.

She tried to keep herself calm and not so ashamed.

However, this is still too important for her to hide.

Fang Chuan squeezed her hand tightly, passing on her strength.

Luo Yao nodded, then looked at Han Li: "Elder Han, please keep talking."

Han Li nodded: "Later, we continued to investigate and got an address and a person's name."

"Mandela in the south of England, and a man named Harry Ford."

He paused: "Please note that this Harry Ford is not an ordinary person. It is very likely that he is a special human from the British dark department."

"Werewolf, or vampire?" Fang Chuan raised his brows.

"This is not clear." Han Li shook his head: "They are not simple, it is difficult for us to collect their information."

He sighed again: "Moreover, our power is not enough to cover Europe completely."

"Mandela Town, and Harry Ford." Fang Chuan repeated the name and nodded, "Okay, I see."

He said to Luo Yao again: "After the matter here is resolved, I will accompany you on a trip to Europe."

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded, trying to conceal her inner doubts, excitement and a trace of annoyance.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and looked at Han Li: "I should have verified your news before giving you a discount."

The corner of his mouth ticked: "However, I am not worried that you lied to me. The consequence of you lied to me is that the next time I will increase the price, and the increase will be huge.

"Of course."

Han Li waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "Of course I will not make fun of our Hongmen's interests. Such a stupid thing is not my style."

"Yeah!" Fang Chuan said, "I believe you too, let's talk, what do you want?"

"Xiao Qin, give me the list." Han Li took out his cell phone and dialed a number to the young man before.

After a while, Qin Lie walked in from outside, put the list in front of Han Li, respectfully, then turned and left.

Han Li picked up the order and placed it in front of Fang Chuan: "This is our purchase order, Mr. Fang, please have a look."

Fang Chuan picked up the list and looked at it, but it didn't surprise him too much. They were all things Hong Clan needed now.

An earth-level elementary skill, an earth-level elementary martial skill, and five profound-level martial arts, and five profound-level martial arts.

At the same time, they want 1,000 Qi Gathering Pills and 500 Qi Healing Pills.


The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth was ticked: "The two pre-level, two middle-grade spiritual stones. This must be a middle-grade spiritual stone, not a lower-grade spiritual stone."

"Ten sect Xuan-level gems, but you can collect 100 lower-grade spirit stones."

"One thousand Qi Gathering Pills and Five Hundred Qi Healing Pills are equivalent to 20 lower-grade spirit stones."

"Together, two middle-grade spirit stones and one hundred and two lower-grade spirit stones will give you a 20% discount, so let's save 60 lower-grade spirit stones."

The corner of his mouth hooked: "How about two middle-grade spirit stones and 60 lower-grade spirit stones?"

"Good, good!"

Han Li nodded quickly, overjoyed. He never expected that he would be able to lose 60 lower-grade spirit stones, which is great!

They all knew the value of sixty low-grade spirit stones.

A low-grade spirit stone is a priceless treasure!

This time, it took a lot of effort for them to change to so many spirit stones.

However, what surprised him was that Fang Chuan must have two middle-grade spirit stones, which made him a little reluctant.

He hurriedly asked: "Two middle-grade spirit stones can be replaced by two hundred and ten spirit stones, okay?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I have to ask for a middle-grade spirit stone, don't say more, please work hard. I still have a lot of things you need here."

He paused: "By the way, which secret technique do you want for the extraction of spirit stones?"

Han Li couldn't help but blush.

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