The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1686: I kneel, I sign

Chapter 1686 I Kneel, I Sign

"I'm thinking about it." Fan Xinghe nodded quickly, "If it's not too much, I will definitely promise you."

"Become my servant."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You should be thankful for your luck. Not only can you find the elixir, but you can not die in that situation, and you can get ancient inheritance under severe injuries."

He smiled and said: "I have fancy your luck. If you stay and become my slave, your luck will become my luck."

"Just because of this?" Fan Xinghe frowned.

According to Qiyun, his level is illusory and difficult to define.

Even, they don't believe in luck.

"Right." Fang Chuan nodded.

"As long as you become your slave, you will spare me and the Fan family?" Fan Xinghe asked quickly.

"Of course." Fang Chuan smiled, "When you become my slave, I will not only let you go, but I can also provide medicinal pills to restore your cultivation ability to the core members of the Fan family."

He said again: "The Gu Wuliang family is already under my control. If you become my slaves, you can cooperate with them."

He smiled and said, "When the time comes, you will not have no chance to surpass before."

"You can't just say a word from me, right?" Fan Xinghe understood very well that a word would not work in this world.

Fang Chuan nodded: "With your character and the contradiction between us, it is impossible for me to believe a word."

His eyes flashed: "I want you to kneel in front of me, open up, let me make a master-slave contract with you!"

"Master-slave contract?" Fan Xinghe was taken aback, "What is that?"

"Can you agree to what I want you to do?" Fang Chuan didn't explain to him much.

"Boss!" Fan Zhong also understood that this was a very difficult thing for Fan Xinghe.

In normal times, Fan Xinghe would rather die than yield.

But now, he may want to compromise.

"After I signed the master-slave contract, do I still have self-awareness?" Fan Xinghe asked quickly.

"Of course." Fang Chuan nodded: "What I want is a slave, not a zombie."

"it is good!"

Fan Xinghe gritted his teeth, "I kneel, I sign!"

As he said, he jumped up and came to Fang Chuan, as if he had made a big decision. He thumped his knees and knelt in front of Fang Chuan.

His body was shaking.

He raised his head and looked at the condescending Fang Chuan: "Master, I am willing to surrender!"

"Boss!" Fan Zhong burst into tears, but he knew that this was the last way to keep Fan's family.

"Great Elder!"


Everyone in the Fan family looked very bad. They knew that Fan Xinghe's kneeling was equivalent to completely taking refuge in Fang Chuan.

Originally, Fang Chuan was their enemy.

And now, Fang Chuan has become their master.

However, this is also a blessing in misfortune.

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan nodded. He stretched out his hand and placed it on the top of Fan Xinghe's head. He said coldly, "In my name, summon a contract..."

A deep and powerful spell sounded from his mouth, and immediately, his divine consciousness and qi burst into the void, as if connected with a certain powerful force in the dark.

The next moment, a terrible breath was pressed down like a mountain.

The air pressure in the whole room suddenly increased!

Everyone's feet softened and knelt directly on the ground, knocking their heads in the direction where Fang Chuan was.

In fact, with Fang Chuan's current strength, the contract that can be concluded is not very strong.

But for ordinary people, it is already irresistible.

If Fan Xinghe had to resist, he would not be enslaved. However, he is now willing and not resisting.


That general trend blasted into Fan Xinghe's mind, and then, the power in his mind concluded a contract in his mind.

This is the same as the contract concluded between Fang Chuan and Kazuo Yagyu.

However, today is different. The contract he concluded with the foundation building period is a hundred times stronger than the previous contract.

Subsequently, a unilateral contract was formed.

In Fan Xinghe's mind, it was like hanging a sword that could kill him at any time, and it was affecting his consciousness.

a long time.

He opened his eyes, convinced: "Master."

Fang Chuan nodded and was very satisfied. It was also a very good choice to accept this three-tiered brother.

After all, this person is not only lucky, but also different from Liang Xingwu.

Liang Xingwu is old, and this person has great potential. Even, as long as his cultivation base can keep up, Fang Chuan can still take him to the realm of cultivation.

Liang Xingwu can only stay on the earth.

He smiled and said, "Well, from now on, your Fan family will be sheltered by me, and you must be united in your mind and respect me."

"Understand." Fan Xinghe looked loyal.

Fang Chuan turned his gaze to Fan Zhong and others: "What about you?"

"Fan Zhongbai, see the master!"

"Meet the master!"

"Long live the master!"

Although everyone is very reluctant to admit it, this is already a fact. Fang Chuan has become their master, and all their previous grudges with Fang Chuan have been wiped out.


Fang Chuan waved his hand and threw ten jade bottles to Fan Xinghe, five sets of Qi Gathering Pills and five sets of Qi Healing Pills.

He smiled faintly: "These Qi Healing Pills and Qi Gathering Pills, you take them and distribute them. Those who have been abolished will take one Qi Healing Pill alone, and then practice more. When the time is right, I will personally restore your Dantian. Features."

"Thank you, Master!" Fan Xinghe's attitude has completely changed, and Fang Chuan is full of gratitude. "I will definitely lead the Fan family, and I will do my best to die for the master."

Fang Chuan nodded: "Okay!"

He said to Fan Zhong: "You go to make arrangements first, develop freely, and wait for my order."

"Understand!" Fan Zhong quickly agreed.

He looked at Fan Xinghe: "Go and follow He Lin for me. I want to find the forces behind him." He said, he told Fan Xinghe where He Lin was now.


Fan Xinghe nodded quickly.

"Okay, all of you go down!" He waved casually, with a feeling of momentum.

Fan Xinghe quickly bowed to Fang Chuan, then turned around, took Fan Zhong and the others, and left the office.

Fang Chuan watched Fan Xinghe leave and smiled faintly. From now on, apart from the national government, there is no other force in Yizhou City that can compare with him.

The two ancient martial arts families are controlled by him, and he has everything he needs in terms of resources and contacts.

He clapped his hands and smiled faintly: "He Lin still needs a little time, while now, I should go and harvest a wave."

As he said, he came out directly from the window of this office, walked in the wind, and soon he came to the tea house agreed with Han Li.

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