The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1685: Can you seize the opportunity

Chapter 1685: Can You Seize The Opportunity

Fang Chuan did leave the otaku's room directly, but he didn't really intend to let He Lin his people go.

The reason why he temporarily let go of He Lin is because he has always wanted to see the true face of Blood Demon Cult.

After all, the Blood Demon Cult in the realm of comprehension is a terrifying existence.

And does this Blood Demon Cult have anything to do with the Blood Demon Cult in the cultivation world?

Will they have any way to contact the cultivation world?

If so, he can learn about the realm of comprehension this hundred million years later through the Blood Demon Cult, and at the same time, obtain the materials of the realm of comprehension through the Blood Demon Cult.

He currently lacks spirit stones and spirit medicines the most. If these items are sufficient, he will quickly break through his cultivation base.

He created a burst formation temporarily for He Lin, which has a unique aura and can also be used as a tracking technique.

At the same time, he can also use He Lin as a weapon and detonate He Lin's time bomb directly at that time, which can have a miraculous effect.

After a while, he had already arrived in a building where Fan Xinghe was hiding.

This building is a secular property of the Guwu Fan family.

Fan Xinghe happened to know this industry, so he entered the building at the fastest speed and reached the top floor.

The people in the office on the top floor are from the Gu Wufan family.

Therefore, after he revealed his identity, the Gu Wu Fan family immediately notified Fan Zhong and others.

It was also the first time that Fan Zhong and others received news from Fan Xinghe. Although they didn't want Fan Xinghe to come out and make trouble, they still came by helicopter.

When the delay in the Shangchuan River was added, Fan Zhong only had a few minutes to reach the top of the building.

Fan Xinghe suffered a serious internal injury, plus the injury left by Fang Chuan before, he was almost dying.

He drove everyone away and sat cross-legged on his desk alone, adjusting his breath and practicing.

Fan Xinghe's heart can't always be calm, and he always feels frightened.


Fang Chuan descended from the sky and into the corridor on the top floor of the building. Fan Xinghe had already been locked with his spiritual sense.

Fan Xinghe at this moment is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"not good!"

Fan Xinghe raised his brow and sensed this terrifying aura, and was approaching him at a very fast speed.

"who are you?"

"Private, no idlers enter!"

Some of Fan's guards found Fang Chuan and rushed up quickly thinking that Fang Chuan was a thief or a commercial spy.

"Step aside."

Fang Chuan's tone was light, and he continued to move forward.

"court death!"


These Fan family members snorted and rushed up directly. They were holding plastic batons in their hands, and when they came up, they called Fang Chuan.

Bang bang bang--

Fang Chuan just waved his hand, and a gust of wind surged out.

The guards of the Fan family were beaten out and fell to the ground like garbage bags.


"This person is amazing!"

"No, be on the alert!"

The guards were also frightened, Fang Chuan's ability had exceeded their cognition, and he quickly yelled.

However, they did not dare to come to Fang Chuan at all.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, he glanced at them, walked straight to the door of Fan Xinghe's office, and waved his hand.

With a bang, the office door was blasted to pieces.

He stepped into the office door.

He looked at Fan Xinghe and smiled faintly: "I have let you off once, why don't you cherish the opportunity?"

"You ruined my Fan family, how could I let you go?" Fan Xinghe looked grim.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "It's better to say that I spurred it instead of destroying it. Maybe, only under my spur, it will go in a good direction."

He looked at Fan Xinghe: "The Fan family will only perish under your leadership."

"Fart!" Fan Xinghe said angrily, "I am guarding the Fan family. Without me, there would be no Fan family now."

He said again: "I will never allow my results to be ruined in this way!"

"Then what can you do?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You are like an ant in front of me, right?"


Fan Xinghe's aura just now was suddenly shattered by Fang Chuan's words. He had to admit that Fang Chuan was like an insurmountable mountain to him.

He gritted his teeth, "Then you kill me!"

Fan Xinghe said loudly: "At least, I am also dying in the Fan family's property now, rather than dying in the wilderness!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Have you notified Fan Zhong and them?"

"So what?" Fan Xinghe said angrily, "Don't you even want to kill them? Haven't you let them go?"


Fang Chuan shook his head: "You also know that I let them go, but you don't know to cherish them. Isn't it good for you to keep your life and protect your Fan family?"


Fan Xinghe heard this, but suddenly felt a little moved. Indeed, things have already happened to this point. If he accepted the status quo, he might have reduced his losses.

However, he has complicated things now.

He just doesn't admit defeat!

Now, not only is he in a desperate situation, but if he dies, many of the fan's faculties will disappear with him.

He gave a wry smile, already a little regretful: "Unconsciously, he has reached this point!"

He suddenly red eyes, raised his head, and looked at Fang Chuan: "So what can you do? If you tell me this, can you let me go?"

"Why not?" Fang Chuan showed a mysterious smile: "I think you are a very lucky person."

He looked at Fan Xinghe: "If I could give you a chance, would you seize it?"


Fan Xinghe shuddered. He looked at Fang Chuan: "What opportunity? What price do I have to pay to get such an opportunity?"

"The first is whether you want it or not, and the second is to understand what an opportunity is." Fang Chuan smiled, seeing Fan Xinghe both heart and doubt.


At this moment, Fan Zhong hurried in with people, and he had already heard Fang Chuan's conversation with Fan Xinghe at the door.

He hurriedly said: "Promise Mr. Fang! Everything in the past has passed like this! Isn't our goal to make the Fan family better?"


Fan Zhong knelt on the ground: "I'm gone, the Fan family can't live without you! If you die too, how difficult things are, whether the Fan family can get up is still unknown!"

"Boss, please!"

"Great Elder!"

Everyone also knelt down.

Fan Xinghe raised his brows, and he also understood the truth. Before, he was shrouded in hatred, which made him lose his sense.

Now, when he saw Fan Zhong and the others, he suddenly had an urge to surrender to Fang Chuan and write off.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You tell me, what do I have to give to save my life?"

He is not afraid of death, but the current situation is that he cannot die!

Although in theory, the Fan family may become stronger again, and it may be better than before.

However, no one can say the future.

If he is not strong enough and everything is controlled by others, they have a high probability of losing.

"Have you considered it?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

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