Chapter 1676

Chen Yan's car was full of pungent alcohol.

He is very unwilling!

Why should he go from a big star with an annual income of nearly 100 million yuan to a worthless person?

He has been in fire for two years. He is usually big-handed and his sports cars are worth ten to twenty million. He doesn't have much money at all.

Fang Chuan ruined his future. He drank a bit of boring wine, so he was born out of the gall and wanted to fight Fang Chuan directly.


When the ear-splitting roar passed, the people around the parking lot suddenly noticed the red Ferrari blasting over like lightning.

"Oh my God!"

"Be careful!"

Everyone was shocked, they only had time to yell and backed away quickly.

"Not good!" Liu Menglu and Luo Yao saw the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but yell, and their hearts were picked up.

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan, as the party concerned, was the most calm one.

The moment Chen Yan started the sports car, he already felt the murderous aura from the other party, and he had already prepared for it.


The moment Chen Yan's Ferrari rushed over, he pressed his hand in the air, and blasted out with a strong force, forming a golden light to protect in front of his car.

With a loud noise, Chen Yan's car slammed into the golden light, and then it was bombed out and rolled twice in the air before it fell.

Cang Dang, Dang Dang——

"Call the ambulance!"

"There are fire alarms and traffic police!"

"That car seems to belong to Chen Yan, is he crazy?"

"I heard that he was blocked by a big man, he may not accept it in his heart, and did extreme things!"


There were many people who knew Chen Yan's car. Some female celebrities with smaller wrists wanted to get in Chen Yan's car before.

In their view, Chen Yan is a promising star, and has a good relationship with President Tan, and he will definitely become a bigwig in the entertainment industry in the future.


He offended people, and now he does such a stupid thing.


"Go down and take a look!"

Liu Menglu and Luo Yao were shocked. They stopped the car abruptly and jumped out of the car. She ran over to take a look, only to see Fang Chuan sitting in the car, unscathed, facing them. Wave your hand.


Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "What are you doing when you get off?"

"Ogawa, you're all right!"

"Who is the other party?"

Both Liu Menglu and Luo Yao breathed a sigh of relief. They realized at that moment that Fang Chuan's status in their hearts was so high and so important.

Fang Chuan smiled: "It should be Chen Yan."

"He?" Liu Menglu frowned, still a little regretful, but when she thought that Chen Yan wanted to drive Fang Chuan to death, she said angrily: "He deserves it too!"

"Let's go over and take a look first." Luo Yao's face was sinking and calm at the moment, but she entered a working state.

As she said, people had already ran over.

Fang Chuan had to get out of the car and came to the back of the crowd with Liu Menglu. He heard Luo Yao squeezing away from the crowd while revealing his identity as a policeman.

The two of them happened to follow Luo Yao and came to the vicinity of Chen Yan's car overturned.

They were ten meters away from Chen Yan's car.

"Be careful, his car may explode at any time." Luo Yao said while learning that someone had called the police.

She hurriedly dissuaded these crowd-watchers to avoid vehicle explosions, causing unnecessary casualties.

Everyone stepped back, but they were also watching the excitement.

When someone recognized Fang Chuan, they couldn't help but talk.

Fang Chuan looked at Chen Yan. At this moment, Chen Yan was still dying, and was about to open the door with all his strength.

"People are still alive, I'm going to save people, you guys be careful." Luo Yao said, desperately, ran to Chen Yan's Ferrari.


Fang Chuan grabbed Luo Yao's hand and dragged her back directly, frowning: "Are you crazy? Does his life matter to your hair? What should you do if you hurt?"


Luo Yao looked at Fang Chuan with a serious face: "I know this is dangerous, but since the first day as a policeman, I have been prepared to sacrifice."

She added: "Chen Yan is a very annoying person, but he is a citizen. And my duty is to protect citizens."

She softened her expression and looked at Fang Chuan: "If you choose me, you should respect my career and my ideas."

"I know."

Fang Chuan was very moved. He knew that Luo Yao was not a white lotus, nor a Virgin. She just loves her profession very much.

She is just doing what she should do.

This is also something a respectable policeman must do himself.

Pop pop

Everyone was immediately moved by Luo Yao's words, and they quickly thundered in applause. Immediately some people started looking for fire extinguishers in the hotel, and some continued to organize people to retreat.

Luo Yao's spirit touched everyone.

Fang Chuan nodded and stroked Luo Yao's forehead: "Fool. Of course I respect your profession. I mean, when I'm here, you have to learn to rely on your man, otherwise, this is right. My disrespect."

The corner of his mouth twitched and he held Luo Yao's mouth as he was about to speak: "Remember, husband is also a profession. You protect the citizens of the country, and I protect you."


He shook his body like lightning, and in the blink of an eye he came to Chen Yan's Ferrari.

The door is deformed and cannot be opened directly at all. Moreover, the oil in the engine has begun to leak out, and the car will explode at any time.

Fang Chuan shook his head. If Luo Yao is allowed to come over, not only will not be able to save people, but she may also be seriously injured.

With a bang, he violently pulled the door of the car, and suddenly, the door was torn off abruptly by him.

After that, he grabbed Chen Yan who was like a dead dog with one hand, and shook his figure before rushing towards Luo Yao.


At the moment they moved, Ferrari suddenly exploded, and extremely hot air waves impacted, and the broken parts, under the action of strong kinetic energy, shot around like bullets.

Fortunately, Luo Yao organized personnel to retreat before, and this made no one at the scene harmed.


"not good!"

At the moment when the Ferrari exploded, Luo Yao and Liu Menglu burst into tears, desperately rushing forward.

"You have to have faith in me!"

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye. He threw Chen Yan out, put his arms around the two women, and got out of the explosion range.

His speed is too fast!

Boom, boom——

Ferrari followed up with a few more explosions, which later turned into a pile of flames.

Everyone applauded again!

They all admire Fang Chuan and Luo Yao very much.

"You scared me to death just now!" Luo Yao was already in tears. Although she knew that Fang Chuan was very powerful, she was subconsciously worried in that situation.

After all, she is still an ordinary person, in her world view, such an explosion will almost kill people.

She hugged Fang Chuan strongly at once.

Liu Menglu also breathed a sigh of relief, but a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

She and Fang Chuan are still a little unclear now!

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