The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1677: Luo Yao, I want to take a bath!

Chapter 1677 Luo Yao, I want to take a bath!

"you you--"

Chen Yan was thrown so badly, and his injuries were added. However, his mentality was reluctantly clear. Seeing Fang Chuan and Luo Yao hugged together, he was unharmed and almost vomited blood.

At this moment, Fang Chuan pulled Luo Yao and came to Chen Yan, with a tick at the corner of his mouth: "Isn't it surprising that I didn't have anything to do?"

"It's not fair!"

"Why can you decide my life in one sentence, and it is so difficult for me to die with you!"

"I hate it!"

Chen Yan roared, hoarse, and exuded a strong resentment.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Where is absolute fairness in this world? In this world, it depends on strength or luck."

He shook his head: "However, the most important thing is fate. No matter how you fight against the sky, a person's fate can't escape the arrangement of fate."

"However, what we can do is to be an upright person, avoid unnecessary cause and effect, and do our best in our own role and within our own scope."

"If you want to decide others, you must reach a certain height."

"And now I have reached a height that can determine you. Just like you, I can determine many people before."

"Destiny is unfair and fair."

"Time will tell you everything!"

Suddenly he was thoughtful. In his previous life, he thought he was fighting against fate and conquering fate.

And now, he was reborn 100 million years ago, merging memories with a small security guard of the earth.

Then, he discovered that the fragments of the merit era he found in the remains of an ancient era 100 million years ago seemed to be traceable on this earth.

Is all this an arrangement of fate?

Behind him, there seemed to be a hand controlling him.

He was very upset with this arrangement, but he knew that now he was not the time to break free from his destiny, but to follow his orders.

Perhaps one day, he can write his own fate.

His words sounded loudly. The people around were also aware of it.

"You--" Chen Yan was speechless when he said something.

At this time, a group of ambulances, police cars, and fire alarms all rushed over. The ambulance rescued people, the police recorded a statement, and the fire extinguished the fire.

And because Luo Yao is a senior police officer in the Crime Department, they don't need to go to the police station, they just sign the letter and it's done.

As for Chen Yan, he was taken directly to the hospital, and he will be prosecuted for intentional injury.

Chen Yan was not only blocked, but he might also face jail.

His life, it can be said, is basically over.

Soon people dispersed, Fang Chuan and the others drove back to Luo Yao's house.

Close the door.

"Xiaochuan, where is the delicious food you said?" Liu Menglu quickly walked out of Chen Yan's affairs.

She entered the house with curiosity and expectation.

Fang Chuan shrugged and chuckled. It was actually a kind of peas. I don't know if you like it or not.

With that, he took out a jade bottle with Qi Gathering Pill in it.

A Qi Gathering Pill contains very powerful energy. If ordinary people eat it, they may explode and die because they cannot absorb the energy.

However, the presence of Fang Chuan is another matter.

He smiled and said, "This is a kind of pill. Taking it will not only be good for your body, but it will also make you very refreshing."

"I go--"

Liu Menglu's eyes widened, "Xiaochuan, you don't want me to take drugs!"

Fang Chuan gave her a white glance: "How can there be any drugs in this world that can match the value of my Qi Gathering Pill?"

"Really?" Liu Menglu was taken aback. She had heard of many celebrities. Because of the money and pressure, she took drugs for stimulation.

She looked at Fang Chuan: "Xiaochuan, you are not taking drugs, are you?"

"I'm a genius doctor, okay?" Fang Chuan said angrily. "You don't want to eat it. Anyway, this tastes very good. It's delicious as a snack."

As he spoke, he ate a Qi Gathering Pill, and looked very enjoyable.

Liu Menglu saw it and swallowed her saliva, already a little moved.

She walked up to Fang Chuan and said with a smile: "Or, let me try? It looks like it's delicious!"

With that said, without waiting for Fang Chuan's answer, she reached out and grabbed the jade bottle, poured two of them, and swallowed them directly into her stomach.


Fang Chuan patted his forehead: "Sister Liu, you can only eat one, and two at a time. If you are miserable, you will burst into death."


Liu Menglu was shocked. Suddenly, she felt a swelling near her belly, but it was overpowering. Her body was numb and numb, followed by a hot air current.

However, this airflow is constantly growing.

"Ogawa, I really feel like it's going to explode!" Her scalp was numb, feeling very dangerous.

Fang Chuan pressed one hand on her chest and the other hand on her back, immediately guiding her body, forming a loop.

He whispered: "Remember this feeling, and remember this route!"

Boom boom boom -

Liu Menglu could even hear the sound of a torrent of torrents from her body, like the rush of the Yangtze River.

She felt that some parts of her body were bulging and hot.

However, with Fang Chuan's help, she could feel that the qi that was still scattered before had formed an orderly qi.

Then, she felt that her whole body was extremely relaxed, and she felt as if she was soaring.

She hurriedly said: "Xiaochuan, this is really comfortable. This is not really a pill, is it an illusion after I took the drug?"

"Focus on!" Fang Chuan said grimly.

Liu Menglu hurriedly got serious, smiled, and continued to follow the path Fang Chuan gave her, and began to guide her.

She felt that her body was really comfortable, especially the place where Fang Chuan's hand was pressing, hot, and a lot of violent anger rushed towards Fang Chuan's hand as if she had found a catharsis.

There was a special feeling in her throat instead.

"Is this cultivation practice?"

Luo Yao widened her eyes, looked at everything in front of her, and looked at Liu Menglu's head with a faint mist, just like those kung fu masters on TV.

She suddenly looked forward to what Fang Chuan would teach her next.

About half an hour later, Fang Chuan reluctantly let go of Liu Menglu's body.

Liu Menglu also sighed deeply, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and quickly said: "It's really comfortable, I'm relaxed."


Fang Chuan already jumped away.

He waved his hand: "Senior Sister Liu, go take a shower, you are so dirty."

"Ah!" Liu Menglu discovered at this time that there were a lot of dark things on her body that had sticked to her body.

Moreover, it also exudes a special smell, which is a bit smelly.

"Luo Yao, I want to take a bath!"


Luo Yao quickly pointed to Liu Menglu and took two steps back, because it seemed really weird.

Liu Menglu cared too much and rushed into the bathroom.


The water heater was turned on, hot water was sprayed on her body from the nozzle, and she hurriedly took off her expensive clothes from one side.

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