Chapter 1675: Too Casual

Before long, Liu Menglu and Luo Yao returned to the table. Luo Yao had already recovered her calm at the moment, because, with so many stars present, she almost got autographs and group photos.

When she returns to work, she can show these signatures to her colleagues and give some to these people.

You know, many of her colleagues are also young people.

Although they are from the Serious Crimes Department, they also have their favorite stars, and their private lives are the same as ordinary young men and women.

"Hey, Xiaochuan, I just watched Chen Yan emerge from the toilet embarrassedly and walked straight away. What's the matter, did you beat him?" Liu Menglu asked quickly after sitting down.

"Why am I beating him?"

Fang Chuan shook his head and pointed to Tan Linjie at the table behind: "This fat guy beat him up."

"How could President Tan beat Chen Yan?" Liu Menglu was taken aback. "I heard that President Tan has a good relationship with Chen Yan."

Fang Chuan smiled and said briefly what had just happened.

Liu Menglu couldn't help but shook her head when she heard it, "Hey, Chen Yan, it turns out that he is such a person. I misunderstood him."

She said again: "In this way, wouldn't you just block him with a word?"

"Fine." Fang Chuan smiled, "I don't like him the first time I saw him, so I'll block it."


Luo Yao widened her eyes and looked at Fang Chuan with a look of admiration: "Chen Yan is such a big star, you can block it if you say it is blocked. Xiaochuan, you are too powerful!"


Fang Chuan couldn't help but smiled and looked at Luo Yao: "Sister Luo Yao, pay attention to your identity. You are also a senior police officer in the Serious Crimes Department anyway, and you are still our Fang Chuan woman. This is not appropriate.

Liu Menglu smiled suddenly.

Afterwards, the banquet was also slowly going on, and then people began to leave the venue. At around ten o'clock, the banquet officially ended.

Wu Jing took the lead in inviting Fang Chuan, Luo Yao, and Liu Menglu to a lounge together and let people make tea.

He looked at Fang Chuan, feeling very surprised.

Of course, what happened to Chen Yan just now could not escape his eyes. Afterwards, he also went to Tan Linjie to take a look.

He probably knows that Fang Chuan has a deep background.

"Director Wu, you will misunderstand me if you look at it like this."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "I still have very important things to do tonight, so I will make a long story short."

"it is good!"

Wu Jing nodded quickly and looked at Fang Chuan: "Mr. Fang, you can talk about it first."

"I also read the script of your "Hard Knife" and it feels pretty good. However, it is not easy to shoot this kind of martial arts subject."

He smiled faintly: "However, I believe in your professionalism and professionalism from Director Wu."

"Thank you." Wu Jing smiled.

Fang Chuan added: "According to what I know, investment is a very important part of making a good movie now. With more money, more big names are invited, and more actors are invited."

The corner of his mouth ticked: "So, if you have no objection, I will invest 5 billion yuan as a guaranteed minimum without a ceiling in the name of Yunchuan Entertainment."


Wu Jing almost didn't jump up. What is the concept of 5 billion? His last movie Wolf Warriors 2 did not cost hundreds of millions in total.

Moreover, his total box office is less than six billion, and he has not half of it allocated to him.

Now when Fang Chuan spoke, he guaranteed a minimum of 5 billion, which is also scary.

This is too rich, right?

"I also told Senior Sister Liu just now. My only requirement is that the female lead must be my senior sister, and the male lead should be changed if I don't like it."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, "Of course, the male lead actor I didn't like just now has already withdrawn from the entertainment circle. Then let you choose by yourself."

"I understand."

Wu Jing has recovered from the shock, and Fang Chuan has a little more respect: "I can fully understand what you mean, Mr. Fang."

He said again: "I assure you that every actor I choose will have a strict requirement. Ms. Liu will never be dissatisfied, and Mr. Fang, you will be dissatisfied."

"Hehe, talking to smart people is easy."

Fang Chuan patted the armrest of the chair and smiled faintly: "Let's go ahead and draw up a contract. After we sign it, I will transfer 5 billion to you first."


Wu Jing was even more surprised, feeling drunk and misheard.

He quickly said: "Sign the contract now and transfer the money?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "It's only 5 billion, nothing to think about. Moreover, no one can take my money away. Unless, he can leave this earth."

A powerful aura radiated from his body, and Wu Jing swallowed his saliva immediately.

As an actor and director who was born as a martial arts champion, he often has a sense of not being afraid of things and not being flattered.

But in front of Fang Chuan, he always felt suppressed.

Soon, Wu Jing got up, called his team, asked them to sober up immediately, and then take action.

This team is also pretty good, and in a short time, they drafted a contract that Fang Chuan was very satisfied with.

Later, Fang Chuan directly signed the contract and transferred 5 billion to Wu Jing.

Then, he pulled Luo Yao smartly and took Liu Menglu away.

"Uh-Brother Jing, is this person a little too casual, five billion!"

"If you want to transfer, you don't need to withdraw."

"I accidentally checked his mobile phone balance just now, and I didn't see how many digits there were."

Wu Jing's team could not help but talk a lot.

Wu Jing waved his hand: "Okay! Although we have only fought a difficult battle. However, you have also seen it, our real opportunity is here."

He smiled and said, "Everyone has a good rest for a month. After a month, we will start to work. As for the box office of Wolf 3, we don't care about it, it is already over."

"it is good!"

"Damn, I have to do a big vote this time!"

Everyone immediately became excited and started a classic military series. When they were worried about no new breakthroughs, Fang Chuan was here to send charcoal in the snow.

How can they not be excited!

At this time, Fang Chuan, together with Luo Yao and Liu Menglu, left the hotel and walked to the parking lot.

"What are we going to do next?" Luo Yao asked as he walked: "Xiaochuan, you said before, you want to teach me that kind of powerful exercise!"

"What technique?" Liu Menglu raised her brows, very curious.

Fang Chuan smiled: "Of course this is fine."

He looked at Liu Menglu again: "Senior Sister Liu, I'll take you to eat something delicious, the kind that is delicious enough to make you go to heaven!"

"Really?" Liu Menglu, a foodie, immediately widened her eyes when she heard something delicious, looking longing.

However, he didn't know that Fang Chuan was talking about another delicious thing.

After a while, they came to the parking lot.

Because of the three people, Liu Menglu invited Luo Yao to ride in her car, while Fang Chuan drove the 918 and walked in front, out of the parking lot, and came to the three-way intersection outside the five-star hotel.

"go to hell!"

They had just come out, Chen Yan, who was so drunk, saw Fang Chuan's car, and when he hit the accelerator, he drove his sports car and slammed into it.

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