The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1663: Healing Medicine

Chapter 1663

Although Fei Yulong was a bit funny, his combat effectiveness was very powerful.

Although he hasn't reached the second level of foundation construction, his combat effectiveness is not weaker than those outside.

Boom boom boom -

He has a very high comprehension in body technique, and he has a profound level of peculiar body technique, super electric light flashing, has become his stunt, extremely fast.

And his boxing technique is not weak, it is a mysterious high-grade, Thunder Dragon Electric Fist!

His body is extremely fast, his fists are also extremely fast, a violent bombardment, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will be hit directly.

However, Fang Chuan smiled faintly, put away the knife, and shot out with one hand at random, resisting Fei Yulong's attack.

His fist, the power contained in it, far exceeds Fei Yulong.

But for a moment, Fei Yulong beat himself, but almost vomited blood.

Bang bang bang...

But at this time, Song Denghui did it.

His body style is also a mysterious grade super electric light flash, but he is just getting started, far inferior to Fei Yulong.

However, his real stunt is the profound skill of the spirit system, the Xuanwu Will Art!

His spiritual will is no small matter, and it merges with the special bullets in the super-tech weapons specially made in their hands to accelerate the power of the bullets.

Every one of his bullets is no weaker than the attack power of the two people who built the base.

In addition, his physical strength is not trivial. In fact, his lethality is almost the same as Li Chaohui.

"Hehe, this is a bit interesting."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, facing Song Denghui's bullet, he didn't dare to take it lightly. He might be injured if he was hit.

However, he casually bounced, one after another spiral Zhen Qi pill shot out, and he was able to withstand Song Denghui's bullet.


For a while, the bullets and Zhenqi pill blasted, making a terrifying explosion.


With dozens of Zhen Qi pills blasted out in a row, Fang Chuan's figure flashed, sealing Song Denghui's position, and slapped Song Denghui on the chest.


Song Denghui let out a scream, his whole body flew upside down, crossed a parabola, fell to the ground and suffered serious injuries.


Fei Yulong's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he and Song Denghui would not be able to defeat this guy if he did it together.

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and looked at Fang Chuan: "You, you..."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at them: "You are not weak, but it's a pity that compared to me, it's still a lot worse."

"Don't be proud!"

Fei Yulong said angrily: "There are three more teams in our eighth group, our captain is much stronger than you!"

"Okay!" Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I think you should also understand now that I am not your enemy at all, I am mistaken!"

It turned out that he had heard the news from the control center through a miniature headset on Fei Yulong's ears.

"Ha ha!"

Li Chaohui smiled, stood up, looked at Fang Chuan, and nodded: "Mr. Fang, you are really amazing!"

Whoosh whoosh——

Fang Chuan flicked his fingers, a total of three Qi Healing Pills fell into the hands of the three of them, and smiled faintly: "I hurt you, sorry, this pill can heal you."

"So amazing?"

"Try it!"

"Goo...just like beans, not tasty!"

The first two are naturally Li Chaohui and Song Denghui, who said they were not delicious, but Fei Yulong?

However, after they ate it, they were also surprised!

The effect of this Qi Healing Pill is too remarkable, right?

They only felt that the injuries in their bodies were getting better at an extremely fast speed, and their bodies were much easier.

Even if they are a national organization, they have never used such a good healing medicine!

Li Chaohui quickly asked, "Mr. Fang, do you still have this medicine? Can you sell it?"


The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth tickled: "One low-grade spirit stone, one hundred such medicines. By the way, there is also Qi Gathering Pill, which is also a price."


As he said, from the mustard space, he took out a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill and threw it over: "You take this medicine back and help me promote it. You come to buy my medicine and give you a 20% discount."

"A low-grade spirit stone..."

Li Chaohui was still thinking whether he should buy some of this medicine himself, and he would be prepared for it in the future.

However, the price immediately frightened him.

He is a special civil servant of the country who is still holding Chinese currency as a unit, naturally he is not qualified to buy this healing medicine.

However, think about it, such a good effect is of course worth the price.

He nodded quickly: "I will definitely promote to Mr. Fang!"


Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You can go now. By the way, the guy named Wang Feihu is a fool. Go and warn him. If you come to harass my girlfriend again, I will punch him out, and no one will speak. give face."

"do not worry!"

At this time, Fei Yulong, Fangchuan's attitude was better, and he quickly said, "You don't need to beat him, I will beat him too. This idiot, who is a phony public servant, is still a question of whether he can stay in the police!"

"Yeah!" Fang Chuan nodded.

Afterwards, the three of Li Chaohui hurriedly left, obviously intending to take Fang Chuan's holy medicine for healing back to the captain for a look.

If they have this medicine, they will have a lot easier time going out.

"Xiaochuan, you are too good!" Luo Yao looked at Fang Chuan with a look of worship, "You are more than ten times more powerful than one or two months ago."

Fang Chuan mouth a hook: "When Los tiles can casually kill me, now, I can beat him with one hand as a pig."

He shook his head: "No, even a single breath can blow him a lot."

"Haha!" Luo Yao couldn't help but smile.

Fang Chuan looked at Luo Yao: "Is it so funny?"

"Do not!"

Luo Yao waved her hand: "I remembered that when I met you before, I thought you were a poor child and wanted to help you. Unexpectedly, you were such a genius."

Fang Chuan hugged Luo Yao in his arms: "Sister Luo Yao, when I saw you, I thought about turning such a fairy-looking policewoman into my wife. That would be the best. "

"You--" Luo Yao felt his breath, and suddenly, her breathing was a little short, Fang Chuan seemed to have a special breath that attracted her.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "Sister Luo Yao shouldn't have any opinion on me now, thinking that I am the kind of person who goes to that kind of inconsistent place? I am an honest gentleman for the country and the people. Husband, more than enough, right?"

"Reluctantly!" Luo Yao giggled.

In her heart, she totally agrees with Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan not only possesses very powerful abilities, but also his character is not comparable to ordinary people.

To complete the mission for the country, rescued those trapped by the military, as well as professors and scholars, and also established public hospitals, which are loved by others.

Such a person, to be his husband, it is simply a blessing for him to cultivate for several lifetimes!

"Go, Luo Yao sister, let's go home, I want to taste your craft!" Fang Chuan said, holding Luo Yao with one hand and the cart with the other, and went straight to Luo Yao's community.

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