The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1662: Dragon group? Easily!

Chapter 1662 Dragon Group? Easily!

"You can't do it!"

Fei Yulong could not restrain his impulse for a long time. He snorted and walked towards Fang Chuan, and said angrily: "I will explain to you, I am Fei Yulong, a member of the eighth group of the China Special Operations Group!"

He said again: "You can understand that, we are the members of the legendary dragon group, understand?"

When he said this, he felt a strong sense of pride and honor, a feeling as if he could be directly covered by his light.

"Oh." Fang Chuan just said faintly.

"You--" Fei Yulong was hit hard. He is a member of the Dragon Team. With such a cool name, this guy is just one word?

He took a deep breath and decided not to talk to this guy who didn't know how to appreciate.

He pointed to Fang Chuan: "Our dragon team's rules are to be courteous and then pawn. I will negotiate with you first and formally warn you—"

He paused: "This is my Huaxia country, an inviolable territory, and it is also the homeland for my Chinese people to live and work in peace and contentment!"

"We Huaxia people, do not welcome you, foreigners, special personnel who do not follow the rules to operate in China."

"Our warning is only once. Please stop your behavior immediately, and accept our expulsion, and you will not be able to set foot in China for life."

"Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

He is righteous, with a strong sense of national honor and pride, and his righteous words give people a strong impact.

This is a required course for every member of the Dragon Group.

Every time they say such words, their hearts will be nurtured, and they will love and be more loyal to this country.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile, and waved his hand: "Joy!"

"What are you talking about?" Fei Yulong almost exploded with anger, so sacred and solemn, can this guy laugh?

Too arrogant!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

He pointed to Fang Chuan who was about to speak, but Fang Chuan interrupted him: "This was originally very sacred and solemn, but unfortunately, I feel funny when you say it from your mouth."

"You--" Fei Yulong felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a rotten egg.

Fang Chuan said again: "Let me tell you, when you protect this land of the motherland, Lao Tzu is doing the same thing."

His eyes stunned: "I have fought pirates, killed vampires and werewolves, and there must be some American super mercenaries who are coveting our country's treasure!"

He shook his head: "You just said this to me, was it funny?"

"You--" Fei Yulong was blocked by Fang Chuan's words, "Really...really?"

"Little dragon, enough!"

At this moment, the other two men, wearing long trench coats with dragon characters on their chests, strode out, one carrying a gun and the other carrying a knife.

The momentum of these two men is even stronger.

One of them, Li Chaohui, with short hair and short hair, is the captain of their team. His strength is in the foundation of the two, and he is cultivating the Chinese Heart Technique.

This is a set of ground-level masterpiece mental techniques, a very powerful technique of the dragon group, and the foundation of the dragon group.

His sword is also a top-grade magic weapon, with great power.

Such a master who has been trained by a national master since he was a child is completely different from those Guwu families outside.

He looked at Fang Chuan with a torch, "Young man, Xiaolong has only been promoted to the fourth team of the eighth group of our dragon group. There is something wrong with the words, please forgive me."

"Haha." Fang Chuan just smiled.

However, Li Chaohui swung his sword across his body with a sharp sense of war. He looked at Fang Chuan: "There is only one word for someone like you, war!"

"Funbi, learn something."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and glanced at Fei Yulong: "If you want to fight, just go ahead and do it, don't talk to me."


A knife appeared in his hand, a magic knife glowing with black air.

He smiled slightly at Luo Yao: "Sister Luo Yao, please step back a bit, lest you hurt you."


Luo Yao quickly stood up and stood in front of Fang Chuan: "You are mistaken, I am from the Yizhou City Crime Bureau. He is Fang Chuan, my boyfriend, as long as you check it, he It's definitely not a bad person!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan put his hands on Luo Yao's shoulders and smiled slightly: "Sister Luo Yao, they have made it clear that they are here to fight. The task is not a task, it's just an excuse."

"Huh?" Luo Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then she was gently pushed behind her by Fang Chuan.


The knife in Fang Chuan's hand glowed with a hint of sword air, and looked at Li Chaohui: "I am very happy to be able to fight against you, the legendary dragon group member."


Li Chaohui let out an excited laugh and waved his hand: "You stand back a little, I'll come first!"

"Boss, **** him!" Fei Yulong shouted quickly.

"Boss, be lighter, things haven't been clarified yet." Another member Song Denghui said quickly.

"Don't worry." Li Chaohui chuckled, "I won't beat him up for good or bad!"


As he spoke, he waved the middle-grade magic weapon sword in his hand, and came to Fang Chuan's body.

Xuan-level exquisite sword technique-Xuanwu sword art!

For a time, the sky full of sword energy tore and agitated in front of Fang Chuan.

This basalt sword technique has a total of nine realms, which is extremely terrifying.

And Li Chaohui is also very talented, only in his thirties, he has already practiced this basalt sword technique to the third level.

His every cut contained terrible lethality.

It is impossible for a general double master of foundation construction to take him a single shot.


However, Fang Chuan waved his hand again and again, and the magic sword slashed out like a chaotic cloak, each breaking Li Chaohui's sword skills.

With every cut, Li Chaohui's five internal organs were shaken with severe pain, and his blood was churning!

His realm is higher than Li Chaohui, his knife skills are higher than Li Chaohui, his response is also higher than Li Chaohui, and his combat experience surpasses the opponent.

Therefore, Li Chaohui could not be his opponent at all.

With twenty swords in a row, Li Chaohui's basalt swordsmanship was broken at a glance, the sword technique was completely suppressed, and the power became weaker and weaker.

Teng Teng Teng——

Li Chaohui stepped back and felt Fang Chuan's horror.

"This guy is amazing!"

Li Chaohui roared, and at the same time, a glorious light burst out from his body, and then the golden light gathered on the sword.

Xuan-level superb knife skills-Xuanwu knife skills, the killing of Xuanwu!

Brush and brush——

It was just that at that moment, the sky was full of his swordsman, almost intertwining Fang Chuan.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, his wrist shook, and the magic knife cut out again and again, each of which was powerful, and the sword vigorously rang out.

It was so easy to break Li Chaohui's Xuanwu killing.


With the last cut, Fang Chuan slashed Li Chaohui's knife. The huge power directly slashed Li Chaohui's whole person out.

"Impossible!" Li Chaohui fell to the ground, qi and blood churning, his body was already very strong, surpassing the average foundation builder.

However, he endured it for a while, still vomiting blood.


Fei Yulong was furious, his figure flashed like lightning. Xuan-level peerless body technique, super electric light flashing, and a scream, right in front of Li Chaohui.

"Looking for death!" He roared, and his fists hit Fang Chuan like rain.

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