The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1664: Trash can't let go

Chapter 1664 the trash can't be let go

Luo Yao's hot pot is really delicious, although there is a big difference in craftsmanship compared to Sai Xi Shi, but it also has a special flavor.

Moreover, Fang Chuan and Luo Yao cooking together, can feel a kind of warmth even more.

He enjoys this atmosphere!

After eating at noon, Luo Yao was in good spirits, and without taking a break, he bought a ticket for Wolf Warrior 3. Because there was still some time, Fang Chuan went shopping with Luo Yao.

Luo Yao was originally a policeman and didn't have that much salary to buy high-end designer clothing.

However, now that she has completely accepted Fang Chuan, Fang Chuan spends some money on her, and she doesn't care.

Therefore, they spent hundreds of thousands in a large shopping mall nearby in less than an hour.

Although Luo Yao still felt a little pain, she was a woman after all, and she was very happy after buying so many clothes and bags.

"These two people went to several famous brand stores in one hour, and they looked like they were very rich."

"I just didn't see what bags they had!"

"You are stupid, the rich nowadays, after buying a famous brand, let the clerk pack it and deliver it directly to your door!"

Behind Fang Chuan and the others, there were two men who looked rather wretched and dressed very ostentatiously.

These two people have been with them for a long time.

"Xiaochuan, the two guys in the back are afraid they are thieves, they are already eyeing us!" Luo Yao is a criminal police background, and she will know it when she is being followed.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "There is still an hour left in the movie, and Zhengzhou has no fun. Let's go to a remote place and see what they are going to do."

"Okay!" Luo Yao nodded, "I didn't expect that I could catch a few thieves on vacation today!"


Fang Chuan followed Luo Yao and walked to the side of the road. He went further and further, but he made the two people behind him extremely happy.

"These two people, don't they want to find a remote place to fight passionately?"

"It's also possible. This girl is so watery, if I could enjoy it, that would be great!"

"It depends on the situation, if there is a chance, we will go!"

These two people didn't know Luo Yao's identity at all, and thought that Fang Chuan and the others were just ordinary lovers, big sheep in their eyes.

After a while, Fang Chuan and the others came to an alley.

This alley is between the courtyard wall and courtyard wall of the old residential area. About three people can cross the road side by side. The road is not good, with potholes, and few people pass here.

Fang Chuan and the others stopped, and when they looked back, they happened to ran into these two wretched thieves.

He smiled: "You guys are tired too?"

"Ah, did you find us?"

The two thieves couldn't help but glance at each other, their hearts stunned, then rubbed their hands, and smiled, "You guys brought us here on purpose?"

One of them took two steps forward: "You are playing with fire, you know?"


Fang Chuan couldn't help smiling, then pointed to Luo Yao: "Do you know who she is?"

"Who is she? It matters to me!" the long-haired thief cursed.

Luo Yao sneered: "I'm a policeman!"

"I'm still your ancestor!" The short-haired thief didn't believe it at all. "Are you a policeman, can you afford clothes that cost tens of thousands of thousands?"

Another long-haired thief said: "Just your charming appearance, if you are a policeman, I will be your husband!"


The long-haired thief hadn't finished speaking yet, Luo Yao just kicked and kicked the long-haired thief in the face, with a bang, kicked the thief to the ground.

"Damn, what a policeman!" The short-haired thief was startled and turned and ran.

Luo Yao frowned. She was wearing a pair of high heels today. The kick just now was already at the limit.

To chase the thief, you have to take off your shoes.

"I go."

Fang Chuan said, shaking his figure, he caught up with the short-haired thief, and put his hand on the thief's shoulder.

"court death!"

The thief was fierce and roared. It turned out that he had already held a dagger in his hand, just waiting for someone to catch up.

With a sneer, he stabbed him with a dagger fiercely, completely killing humans, extremely fierce.


Fang Chuan's hand flicked the thief's wrist, and the dagger in the thief's hand fell to the ground with a snap.


The short-haired thief couldn't help but let out a painful cry, and he staggered and fell to the ground, looking at his wrist, but it was already purple!

He looked at Fang Chuan in shock, regretting it.

I knew these two people were so difficult to provoke, so I won't provoke them.

He quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed his head and said: "Big Brother, Big Brother, we were wrong. If you don't know Taishan, let us go!"

"It's okay if you haven't encountered **** like you, if you do, then you can't let you go."

As he said, his eyes drenched, a little more spaced. With a snorted sound, the true energy burst out and directly blasted on this person's chest.


The short-haired thief suddenly let out a scream, the whole person was beaten up into the air, drawn a parabola in the air, and then fell to the ground.


This hairy thief was not dead, but his hand muscles and hamstrings were directly broken by Fang Chuan's true energy, and the pain went into his bones.

He is now better than death!

He kept moaning, desperate for life.

His life is over! Fang Chuan didn't kill him, but he didn't have any friends or relatives, let alone any old women or children.

Without these hands and feet, he might starve to death!

"no no--"

The long-haired thief stood up, and saw the scene in front of him, and saw Fang Chuan walking towards him, his scalp numb with fright.

With a flutter, he fell to the ground at the same time as he hurried back.

He quickly said: "Big brother, big brother, sorry, I was wrong..."

"Is that just one sentence?"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at each other: "If the two of us are ordinary people and are blocked by you, what are the consequences, thinking I don't know?"

He sternly said: "You beasts should die!"

He actually hates such people. At the beginning, he was brave enough to be righteous, stabbed by such a person, and almost stabbed to death.

Last time, he would go to Chishui County, if it weren't for the cause and effect with the other party, he would kill those people directly.


With a flick of his finger, the infuriating energy pierced through, and it also broke the man's hand muscles and hamstrings.

The man fell to the ground in pain.

Fang Chuan clapped his hands, returned to Luo Yao's side, and smiled: "Sister Luo Yao, this time I will solve them by myself, so I won't hand it over to the police."

"Their **** is a waste of resources to the police station." Luo Yao's mentality has also changed. If she had been before, she would definitely feel that it was a bit inappropriate to do so.

However, now he feels that Fang Chuan's doing this is the best!

"Let's go." Fang Chuan smiled, planning to take Luo Yao to the movie.


At this time, a rusty iron gate on the courtyard wall was opened, and an ordinary dressed old man with a vulture complexion walked over with a person.

He looked at Fang Chuan, "I hurt someone on my site, do you want to leave?"

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