Chapter 1661

Luo Yao couldn't help but feel terrified when she saw everything in front of her. She didn't expect that the person she was going to help would be such an errant person.

"Do you want to be reasonable?" Luo Yao said angrily. "I was helping you. He fought back and was subdued by my companion. Why should we pay you?"

"You won't pay?"

The old lady sneered, squatted on the ground, and slapped the floor: "Oh, come here, hit someone, take me to the hospital."

As she spoke, she glanced at Fang Chuan again, and she was already covered with tears.

Her acting skills also shocked the audience.

This turned out to be an old driver of Porcelain!

"You--" Luo Yao, as a policeman, even dealt with criminal cases, but he didn't expect to encounter news on the news today.

She was going to show her ID, but she suddenly remembered that she forgot to bring it when she went out.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and looked at the old lady: "You are going to the hospital, right? Okay! Yunchuan Hospital was run by me, so you go in, check your whole body, stay in the hospital for observation for ten days, then I Let them give you another knife and take the tumor in your stomach!"

He said again: "Well. At that time, we will let the justice define. I should pay as much as I should, and you should pay as much as you can!"

As he said, he took out the phone and was about to call Qiu Wenyou who manages the hospital.

When the old lady heard this, she was taken aback for a moment: "Your family runs a hospital! You are so rich, you just lose some money!"

"That's right!" The bully nodded, "We happen to be short of money. It is also good for you to help the poor. Isn't the chairman saying that you want to help the poor?"

"Is it poverty alleviation?"

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Okay, I'll help you the poor!"

"Really?" The **** listened and couldn't help being overjoyed.


At this moment, suddenly, with a wave of his hand, not far away, a shelf full of goods, about two to three hundred jin, flew up and came to the head of the bully.

Everyone took a breath.

"What are you going to do?" The **** was too scared. Although he could do a little work, he couldn't bear such a blow!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I want to help your poor, you will naturally break your hands and feet!"

"I will not interrupt your hands and feet myself, but this shelf fell from the sky, it is my shit, breaking your hands and feet, is it an accident?"

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Since it is an accident, then I will help your poor and give you four to five million!"

"do not!"


The grandparents screamed at the same time, with no expression on their faces.

The **** also regretted a little and came to provoke Fang Chuan! If you really use your own hands and feet to exchange these four to five million yuan, it would be a big loss.

Besides, this person is too scary, right?

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and with a bang, the shelf directly smashed into the bully.

"Don't--" Luo Yao was also shocked, even if this gangster is very annoying, but if it goes on, it is either dead or disabled.


However, at this moment, a figure like lightning rushed to the side of the bastard, smashing the shelf out with a punch.


The shelves flew past everyone at a very fast speed, but they smashed into a supermarket staff.

The staff, with no expression on his face, was out of fright and at a loss.

"Not good!" The person who saved the gangster frowned when he saw the scene before him.


At the moment when the staff member was about to be crushed to death, Fang Chuan stretched out his hand, and an invisible force acted on the shelf.

The shelf buzzed, torn by two forces, and stopped in the air.

As if there was an invisible hand, grasping this shelf, gently placed it on the ground.


The staff member softened his feet in fright and slumped directly on the ground.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and looked at this person.

This is a young man in his twenties, wearing a handsome windbreaker, a headband, and a handsome wristband on his hand. He has an earring.

He is tall and not very strong, but he reveals a palpitating breath.

This is a master!

He smiled faintly: "In order to save a gangster, you can ignore the life and death of other people. I am very disappointed with you."

"Stop talking!"

Fei Yulong snorted coldly. He made a mistake just now, otherwise, it would not be possible to endanger the safety of others.

He waved his hand: "It's obviously your problem."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "This place is not suitable for talking. Let's change the place."

"Change it!" Fei Yulong still looked very proud and waved, "I'm not afraid you will run away."

While he was talking, he glanced at Luo Yao, took the opportunity to wink his eyebrows, as if to give Luo Yao some hint, but Luo Yao looked blank.

Fang Chuan smiled, took Luo Yao's hand, and said to Fei Yulong: "Wait until I settle the bill."

As he said, he took another look at the bastard.

At this time, the **** was completely disheartened by him. Although he had learned a little bit of kung fu, he was insignificant in front of this person.

He had never thought that there should be such a powerful character in this world.

At this time, where would he dare to seek compensation from Fang Chuan?

"Checkout?" Fei Yulong was furious, "My time..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Fang Chuan raised his brows, "It's your business to wait, and it's mine to leave. Don't force me to embarrass you here."

"You--" Fei Yulong hated the arrogant boy in front of him. If it weren't for the ‘hostage’ in his hands, he would have beaten this guy severely.

He took a deep breath and stepped aside very aggrieved.

"That's just obedient."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, pushed the cart to the cashier, took out all the goods, and then smiled at the cashier who had been dumbfounded: "Check out."


Only then did the cashier react and nodded quickly, so skillfully he checked Fang Chuan and the others.

After all this was done, Fang Chuan took Luo Yao and walked outside the supermarket. After Fei Yulong, his tone was calm: "Follow me."

"Oh." Fei Yulong nodded subconsciously, and when he felt something was wrong, he saw that Fang Chuan had already gone out.

"Damn!" He cursed, and quickly followed.

"Who is he?" Luo Yao asked in a low voice, "I feel that this person is ill, and it makes it the same as I know him."


Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile, and then said: "I guess he may belong to the special operations team. I have seen the documents on his body."

"Special Operations Group?" Luo Yao was taken aback, "Why did they come to you? What illegal things did you do?"

"Am I doing less?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

Luo Yao hurriedly waved his hand: "No! I mean, they have to be alarmed by something illegal."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Maybe it has something to do with your colleague who is lacking in brains. I am a member of the military. Under normal circumstances, they will not come to me."

While talking, they had already come outside the supermarket, crossed a street, and came to a remote street.

He turned around, looked at Fei Yulong who was not angry, and waved his hand: "Call your companion out, you can't be alone."

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